Marietta Macmillan

Marietta Macmillan

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
11 in., Alder wood, Phoenix feather core, surprisingly swishy


Full Name: Marietta Aiyanna Macmillan
Nickname: Mac or Marie
Reason or meaning of name: Marietta is of French origin meaning "star of the sea." Aiyanna is of Native American origin meaning "eternal bloom." Macmillan is of Scottish origin meaning "son of tonsure."
Age: 11 (Currently)
Gender: Female
Wand Appearance: 11 in., Alder wood, Phoenix feather core, surprisingly swishy
Birthplace: Burtonport, Arranmore Island, Ireland
Birthdate: September 9, 2025


Height: 4'11" (currently)
Hair: short brown
Eyes: green/brown
Blood Status: Half Blood
Thoughts on Blood Status: Marietta doesn't give a flying flip nugget


Loyal: Loyal to her friends, family, and house. She will never abandon anyone or anything in need.
Chipper: Ever since she was a baby she would always giggle and laugh at nothing. She will always have you smiling even if you're in the worst of moods.
Inspired: She is inspired by those around her. Once Marietta knows you, she will be inspired by the many traits people have, and add that trait to her own personality. Learning what it means to be human.


Aesalon; Northern Saw-Whet owl: A cute patoot little owl she got for her 9th birthday. He is the best owl she could've asked for. He has a sort of sarcastic attitude, but that only makes him cuter.



Favourite Colour: Crimson Red
Least favourite colour: Neon orange
Literature: Marietta loves adventure and fiction.
Form of entertainment: Dancing or Drawing
Most prized possession: A bracelet her little sister made for her

Optimist or pessimist?: Optimist
Introvert or extrovert?: Extrovert
Daredevil or cautious?: Due to her comforting lifestyle, she's ended up kind of a daredevil. She really wants to break a bone for once.
Stubborn or flexible?: She's mostly flexible
Logical or emotional?: Marietta can get pretty emotional, but will also be logical most of the time.
Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat?: Disorderly and messy
Prefers working or relaxing?: Relaxing
Confident or unsure?: Depends on the situation.
Animal lover?: Definitely

Plays a musical instrument?: A little bit of ukulele
Plays a sport?: She likes to play football every once in a while
How would Marietta spend a rainy day: Snug under the covers with a book or outside stomping in puddles
Quirks: picks at her nails and will chew her lips off when she's nervous
Likes: Dancing, reading, dressing up, food, sleeping, snow
Dislikes: meanies, hypocrites, upset people, crying, hurt animals
Fears: being forgotten, the dark

House: Hufflepuff
Best Class: Charms
Worst Class: Defence Against The Dark Arts
Bogart: Darkness
Patronus: A Wolf- Wolf people tend to revere individualism, but retain a predominant sense of family. Wolf as a totem represents all sociability, and the need for variety (in internal and external affairs) to remain healthy. Wolf is a strong symbol for loyalty and patience. Wolf medicine is deeply rooted in the importance of learning through teaching, new ideas, freedom of mind and body, and responsibility for self and others.
Patronus Memory: The day her little sister was born. She still remembers the way baby Niamh held her finger and giggled.

Amortentia: The smell after it rains and freshly baked cookies
Favourite weather and season: Marie loves the snow of winter and the rains in fall
Favourite food and drink: tea and blackberry scones are always her favourite

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