Marietta Macmillan

Marietta Macmillan

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
11 in., Alder wood, Phoenix feather core, surprisingly swishy

The Basics

Character's Name:
Marietta Aiyanna Macmillan

Character's Birthdate:
September 9, 2025

Burtonport, Arranmore Island, Ireland

Blood Status:

11 in., Alder wood, Phoenix feather core, surprisingly swishy

Hogwarts House:



Short Brown hair

Green/Brown eyes

4'11" (currently)

Marietta's style differs from cute dresses to hobo clothes. It usually depends on her mood. At Hogwarts she's just going to wear her uniform. She thinks it's really cute anyway.

Other Distinguishing Features:
-Her eyebrows are thick, but tamed
-Thin lips
-Defined eyes

Play-By: Maisie Williams


A Little Deeper

Marietta is very chipper and silly most of the time. She gets this trait from both her parents. They gave her a happy life up until the divorce. That didn't change her attitude though. She still loves both her parents no matter what, divorced, muggle, witch, whatever. She also has the main Hufflepuff traits, loyalty and Honesty. Her mother always taught her honesty is the best policy. Her loyalty will remain unhindered to friend and House. She can end up having a bit of a rebel quality as well. When there's a chance to break the rules she will go for it. Not all the time, though.

Good personality traits: Marietta is very friendly and optimistic. She tries very hard to put a smile on everyone's face.

Bad personality traits: She can also be very self-conscious. Not only on her appearance, but she's afraid of coming off as annoying to people she meets.

Most common mood: Chipper

Sense of humour: Marietta will laugh at anything absolutely ridiculous or cute and, sometimes, ironic humour

Marietta's greatest joy in life: Smiles and laughter

Marietta's greatest fear: The Dark

Why?: Once, when she was eight. She was being put to bed during a thunder storm. Marietta usually had her night light on, but when the power went out, everything turned completely dark. Marietta didn't want to get out of bed or wake up her mom, so she just lied there. Eyes open, but unable to see. She would here noises, footsteps in her room. Growling. She was completely terrified, but she couldn't scream. All night she lied still in her bed. When the Sun came up and light flooded her room, there was nothing there, but the open window. She shot up out of bed and bolted for the kitchen for breakfast.
To this day, she still doesn't know what was in her room and she never told anyone. Every night she slept with some sort of light on. Just enough to see what might come out of the dark.

Marietta is most at ease when: She's in bed

Most ill at ease when: In darkness

Enraged when: Someone's being unfair or cruel

Life philosophy: Even the smallest amount of kindness can help.

If granted one wish, it would be: She's not very sure on wishes. She doesn't want to be selfish, and there far too many problems in the world that she would need to fix.

Marietta's soft spot: She always has a soft spot for rude people with their own soft spots.

Marietta's darkest secret: The thing that was in her room

Does anyone else know?: Nope

Marietta was born September 9, 2025 in Bartonport on the Irish island of Arranmore. As a baby she was always giggly and hardly ever cried. Her grandfather had to ask if he had to pinch her to have her even shed a tear. It wasn't until she was two that her little sister, Niamh, was born. They were closer than any two sisters could ever be, with the occasional fights of course. Her family life was pretty good, but it wasn't soon after her and Niamh would be put to bed, her parents would start shouting at each other. Her mother filed for a divorce when she learned that her dad was cheating on her. She was given custody of their children, and left the country.

They found a home in New Zealand and Jolana even started dating again. A guy she was friends with back at Hogwarts. She also decided to open up the wizarding world to her two daughters as well. Gradually introducing the wonders of magic and creatures they've only read about in fairytales. Their father did not allow magic talk when they lived with him. The reason was that his sister was a witch, and adored by their parents. Leaving him to believe he was their least favourite. So he despised magic. Jolana had to respect the rule and leave their children ignorant of their heritage.

Still trying to figure things out as a ten-year-old, Marietta soon came upon a letter in the mail addressed to her. It seemed like nothing at first, but when she opened it she ran instantly to her mother screaming. Reading it aloud had the whole family jumping up and down.



Mother: Jolana Macmillan
age: 38
Occupation: A Home Realtor (Non-magical job)
Blood Status: Pure-Blood

Marietta's mother, Jolana, was born in Scotland before she moved to Ireland. She attended the Hogwarts there, not in New Zealand. She was sorted into the Hufflepuff House and graduated with above average grades. It wasn't long after graduating, she met Seamus McCormick. His attitude toward magic wasn't exactly positive, so she restrained her magical abilities whenever he was around. A few months after both of them moved to Ireland, Jolana realized she was pregnant. After the birth of their daughter Marietta, Seamus and Jolana got married. Then Jolana had a second child, Niamh. When Marietta was about 6 years old, Seamus confessed to cheating on Jolana. After their divorce, Jolana and her daughters moved to New Zealand for Marietta to attend Hogwarts there. Currently, she is seeing another guy. A buddy she had when she was still attending Hogwarts in Scotland. They met just after moving to the country, when Marietta was 8. It was nothing serious, only dating for a while.


Father: Seamus McCormick
age: 40
Occupation: Cook
Blood Status: Muggle

Seamus, like Jolana, was born in Scotland. He grew up in a family with a secret. His sister was a witch. It was because of her magical talents, that he grew jealous of those with magical ability. Even with his jealousy, he still grew up to become an expert in cooking and the culinary arts. Then he met Jolana. He didn't really mind it when she told him she was a witch. He just asked her to keep the magic at a low. After moving to Ireland, Jolana told him she was pregnant and he had already made plans to propose after the baby's arrival. Two years after the marriage Jolana had a second baby girl, He named her Niamh since Jolana named their first daughter Marietta. A few years into their marriage and they had already fought more times than he could count. One night at a pub he cheated on Jolana with another girl at the bar. He had to confess it to her. He hated the fighting and arguing, so they got divorced. Jolana got custody of the girls and left Ireland for New Zealand. Leaving Seamus in Ireland. He still kept in contact with the girls, though.


Sister: Niamh Macmillan
Age: 10
Blood Status: Half-Blood

Niamh was born two years apart from Marietta. She now attends Hogwarts along with Marietta as a Hufflpuff student.

Horoscope and Chinese Zodiac

Starsign: Virgo

Element: Earth

Ruling Planet/s: Mercury

Symbol: The Virgin

Life Pursuit: To do the right thing

Vibration: Compassionate and caring

Virgo's Secret Desire: To love and be loved in return

About Starsign Virgo: Creative and sensitive, Virgos are delicate people who, like rare and special orchids, require individual treatment to fully blossom into their true unique beauty. Shy, they are happy to allow others to take centre-stage and often generate their time and energy into making those they love happy or successful. Many Virgos can be found working in the "service to others" industries. There is ingenuity around this sign, a kind-heartedness, which unfortunately is sometimes played upon by others for their advantage. Virgos are givers and when the chips are down and you need a friend, the one available during those testing times when you need advice or companionship the most, is likely to be a Virgo. Virgos understand human frailties better than most, because they are so deep and reflective themselves.

Chinese Zodiac: The Snake

About The Zodiac Snake: Snake carries the meanings of malevolence, cattiness and mystery, as well as acumen, divination and the ability to distinguish herbs. In some places, people believe that a snake found in their court can bring delight. They often have a good temper and a skill at communicating but say little. They possess gracious morality and great wisdom. They are usually financially secure and do not have to worry about money. They have tremendous sympathy for others and would like to take actions to help their fellow human beings. They are determined to accomplished their goals hate to fail. Although they look calm on the surface, they are intense and passionate. They have a rich source of inspiration and understand themselves well. They are people of great perception. Women under the sign of the snake do well in housework but are irritable. They are likely to be jealous and suspicious. They should be cautious about what they discuss with others, as it might cause them to lose friendship and opportunities. They tend to overdo things. They prefer to rely on themselves and have doubts about other people's judgment. They are courteous with polite manners, but they can be headstrong. They are fickle and usually have problems in relationships or marriage problems.

Element: Fire​
Macmillan/McCormick Family

Father's Side

Stephan McCormick and Beverly McCormick (nee. Brown)
Grandfather and Grandmother


Rebekkah Blackwood (nee. McCormick) and Scott Blackwood
Aunt and Uncle

Christian Blackwood

Kirkland Blackwood

Mother's Side

Joseph and Sheila (nee. Muldoon)
Grandfather and Grandmother

Peter Macmillan and (nee. )
Uncle and Aunt

Fionn Macmillan

Ciara Macmillan

Jerry Macmillan and (nee. )
Uncle and Aunt



Cole Macmillan and (nee. )
Uncle and Aunt

Declan Macmillan and Sarita Macmillan(nee. )
Uncle and Aunt

Asha Macmillan

Amara Macmillan

Anne (nee. Macmillan) and
Aunt and Uncle


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