Marianne Mayfair

Marianne Mayfair

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Holly/Ebony Wand 12 1/2" Essence of Griffin Feather
Marianne Mayfair

Full name:
Her full name is Marianne Mayfair. Her name could be considered as a Mayfair heirloom because generations of Mayfair ladies passed on the name of Marianne.

Date of Birth:
Marianne was born on November 2. November 2 is mostly alluded to ghosts, spirits or bad luck because it is All souls' day. No spirit lingers within the Mayfair household, but an atmosphere of animosity is somewhat felt whenever you see Marianne with her siblings.

Current Age:
Eleven. I will attend Hogwarts New Zealand this upcoming school year.


Blood status:

Marianne is about 5'7'' in height, almost as tall as his triplet brother. She has bright green eyes, making her pupils look darker than usual. She has an unusual straight posture because she always aspires to be tall in stature to show her elegance. Marianne has straight auburn hair that goes until her shoulder but sometimes she makes it wavy.

Marianne could be described as the most conservative girl, in a sense that she shows a sort of Victorian period in her actions. She is very elegant in other words. She puts her chin high, very straight posture, and wears very long dresses at all times. She refrains to wear corset though, she thinks that being skinny doesn't show beauty and elegance. Another trait of her is that she always go straight to the point in every conversation. She doesn't know how to refer to the emotions and situations of other people, so people deem her to be insensitive. Marianne doesn't have pets, she thinks that pets are a waste of time and resources. She also contemplates about a lot of stuff. She spends a considerable amount of time thinking about the meaning of life and how to fix the rotten human race.

Marianne is very blessed with a very wealthy family. Her father, a muggle, works as a businessman. Most of the family's riches came from her father. Her mother, a witch, is pianist who loves to play everyday. Marianne has two siblings, more specifically they're triplets.
Armand Mayfair

Armand loves the attention of people. He isn't a narcissist but the continuous "cravings" for parties irritates Marianne. But the two of them had a lot of memorable experiences and they bond pretty well.

Cosette Mayfair
Cosette is the silent type. She doesn't react and sometimes refers to people's emotions too much. Making her an easy target for bullies. Marianne always criticizes her but she always protects and loves her sister

Marianne is witty, she could think of comebacks to arguments pretty easily. She is never afraid to present herself to everyone. She has some degree of academic prowess but she never stresses this out.

Marianne is scared of flaws and errors. She gets anxious easily whenever she sees a flaw in herself. She rarely have a lot of friends because of her straightforwardness. She also has a great fear of snakes.

Favorite place:
Even though Marianne stresses her elegance and beauty, she likes being alone. She likes sitting outside alone in a windy, sunny day.

Hogwarts House:
Marianne wants to be in Ravenclaw because she sees elegance in that House. The other houses for her is too rowdy. And the occasional philosophizing of normal actions might put her on Ravenclaw. But she has hidden courage within her. She would never back down in a fight and would always protect her siblings. That's why she might also want Gryffindor

An eagle would be Marianne's patronus.

Her boggart would be an old version of herself. The old Marianne would also be hunched backed, battered and kneeling.

Either an eagle or a cat.

Mirror of Erised:
Marianne sees herself as a queen, but not the medieval queens. She would be sitting in her chair recreating the whole world in her preferences. She sees also that she would get rid of the rotten behaviors of humans, muggles,wizards and witches alike.

A page from Marianne's diary
Marianne Mayfair said:
Dear Diary,

Life is a very hectic job. We need to please everyone, work hard and strive to live. But after we diem what shall happen to us?Are we just going to be forgotten with the millions who die everyday? I say one of man's goal is to be immortal, to be known by everyone. Either through honor or infamy. What should be my mark? What will I do to this disgusting world? I don't know but one thing is for sure, I will not die like the millions who are forgotten everyday.

Armand is flirting with this random girl by the tree. He annoys me a bit, destroying my image of elegance. Couldn't he just stop and look at himself in the mirror?! And here Cosette is either sulking or drawing, I could never tell. It's another fine day, but the days of our vacation is almost over. I'm excited to go to school next year, well that's all. See you tomorrow!

Hi Marianne,

here are some questions

-Where do you live? If you live in France, why aren't you going to Beauxbatons? Would you rather go to Beauxbatons or HNZ?

-Are you close to your parents?

-Do you feel that being one of a set of triplets defines who you are?

-What do you think are the best and worst qualities (1 each) of your brother and sister?

-Are you spontaneous or do you prefer to plan things?

-What do you do for fun? (Do you have fun, or would that destroy your image?)

-What makes you upset?

-Do you get upset in public often?

-In all your contemplating so far, what do you think is the best way to fix the problems of the rotten human race?

-Do you think you would have the same personality you do now if you were poor?

-Have you ever had a crush on anyone?

-Describe your perfect day.
Where do you live? If you live in France, why aren't you going to Beauxbatons? Would you rather go to Beauxbatons or HNZ?

-Marianne currently lives in Wellington, New Zealand. The family moved from Paris when the triplets were 4 years old. But If Marianne still lived in France, she would rather go to Beauxbatons because her personality fits very well there.

Are you close to your parents?

-Sadly, Marianne and the other siblings aren't not close to their parents. The father is always busy managing his business on the other hand the mother tends to isolate herself and play just the piano.

Do you feel that being one of a set of triplets defines who you are?
-Being one of a set of triplets doesn't define Marianne. She would rather be defined with her actions, words, and thoughts.

-What do you think are the best and worst qualities (1 each) of your brother and sister?
Armand Mayfair- His attention seeking is one of his worst qualities. His realstic paintings really defines his artistic abilities making it one of his best qualities.
Cosette Mayfair- Her passiveness will be her downfall, making it her worst quality. Cosette can be really trustworthy and her amazing musical talent on the flute are some of her great qualites.

Are you spontaneous or do you prefer to plan things?
She prefers to plan things out. She can be a perfectionist sometimes and a control-freak but when unexpected events arise, she could quickly think on what to do.

What do you do for fun? (Do you have fun, or would that destroy your image?)
Marianne only rarely have fun. It's mostly when the three siblings go out and just go around the town. She prefers amusement parks, these are the days when Marianne loosens up a bit and just enjoys. But most of the time, being alone, relaxing and reflecting is what Marianne calls "fun." She values her image too much but for her siblings, she would do anything.

What makes you upset?
There a lot of things that make her upset. She hates the "norm." She hates people following trends, trying to be like everyone else. This anger came from being in a set of three. Marianne hates people with no or little manners. And also she hates judging people without proof or evidence

Do you get upset in public often?
This was a problem when they Marianne was much younger. People get under her skin too easily and she couldn't control it, she would shout and criticize people on the spot. But now she learned from her mistakes and just kept her misgivings to herself.

In all your contemplating so far, what do you think is the best way to fix the problems of the rotten human race?
Marianne thinks she needs to eliminate greed. Greed caused a lot of hatred and sorrow and also forged the line between classes. To be able to do that, she will try to infiltrate both the Ministry of Magic and the leaders of every country. She needs to control everyone, and by this she could bestow all her contemplating and fix the errors of everyone. Until she is sure everyone is "clean," she will stay in power, even if it forces her to become a ghost.

Do you think you would have the same personality you do now if you were poor?
If Marianne was poor, she would have a totally different personality. She will still have the same goals but she would be more eccentric. To gain power and respect, she would be more loose and friendly. She would try to understand everyone's thoughts and how to use this to her advantage. She would also be more spontaneous since she wants to appeal the majority.

Have you ever had a crush on anyone?
No, not yet. Marianne is very innocent in those areas.

Describe your perfect day.
A perfect day is when it's sunny and windy. When all Marianne's plans(if she had any) are going accordingly. A perfect day as well is when her siblings are just laying down, relaxing or maybe discussing. And also no one disturbing them.
Great! A couple more now:

-Would you consider going to Beauxbatons, even though it would mean being apart from your siblings?

-Your desire for power and control suggests you may be suited to Slytherin. What do you think of that?

-Do you think you have a mean streak?

-If you could choose to live anywhere, where would it be, with whom, and it what kind of house?

-What job do you want when you grow up?

-Do you feel connected to the spirit world, and ghosts?
Would you consider going to Beauxbatons, even though it would mean being apart from your siblings?
- Marianne wouldn't go to Beauxbatons if it meant leaving her other siblings. Despite her attitude towards them, she really loves the two siblings and wouldn't dare be separated with them.

Your desire for power and control suggests you may be suited to Slytherin. What do you think of that?
-Marianne thinks her desire for power isn't driven by selfishness and greed. She believes that her cause is righteous and it is for mankind. In her mindset, she sacrifices herself so she could correct the wrong doings humans have done. She sacrifices herself by depriving herself of life splendors, instead she prepares her spirit and plans her actions how she will succeed.

So anyways, she doesn't think that Slytherin is suited for her because she is doing it for the people. She also thinks that she is brave enough to embark on such a journey. But who knows she might be wrong.

Do you think you have a mean streak?
Marianne is rarely mean, and she doesn't recall having a mean streak. Even though her personality suggests that she can be mean and hurtful, she is just frank. And even if she have resentments to people, she doesn't just immediately react upon these.

If you could choose to live anywhere, where would it be, with whom, and it what kind of house?
Marianne is fine in living anywhere in the world. As long as she lives with her siblings and the house must be grand.

What job do you want when you grow up?
Marianne has no clue what she wants to be in the future. But in order to achieve her plans to be ruler, she hopes to either work on the Ministry or just try to influence them in other means. She never inherited any artistic ability from her parents, all of the artistic ability was divided up with the other siblings. So she can't be an artist like her mother. Marianne feels neutral about being a businesswoman like her father.

Do you feel connected to the spirit world, and ghosts?
No. Her "obsession" about the world and its inhabitants made her bonded deeply to the physical world. She only cares about what will happen to the world and how she will affect it. She wants to leave an imprint to this world so she must be connected to the world. Marianne thinks that she can worry about the spiritual world when she is done with her "mission." And she doesn't like ghosts anyways.

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