Maria Selwyn [WIP]

Maria Selwyn

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Holly/Ebony Wand 12 1/2" Essence of Griffin Feather

The Great House of Selwyn

The Basics

Maria Selwyn
Maria - "Star of the sea", Selwyn - "Manor Friend"
Birth date:
25th May 2015
Starsign and Zodiac:
Gemini and Year of Goat
Blood Status:


Hair: Dark brown and glossy, her hair hangs to her shoulders in loose curls. Easily tangled, she has to regularly brush it to keep it smooth and under control. She has a short fringe which just brushes her eyes.
Eyes: Her eyes are a dark blue.
Height: 4ft 2, Maria is short for her age.
Style: She tends to dress fairly conservatively and neatly. Her mother tends to buy Maria blouses and ruffled, knee length skirts to wear along with tights. Even her casual clothes vaguely resemble a uniform.
Other Distinguishing Features: She has a thin body and a small face. Her mouth dimples on the left side.

A Little Deeper


Start of Hogwarts:
At first glance, Maria appears rude and arrogant, obsessed with appearing 'pureblood'. She has a strong complex about her blood, formed from the influence of her pureblood, childhood friend Lucinda and the vicious slander of her father's family. Maria often assumes that if she appears to be pureblood, people will automatically like her and she has yet to realise that perhaps not everyone considers blood status the same as her. She tends to be quite outspoken and arrogant in her conversations, with a know-it-all style of talking that can't help but get on people's nerves. Maria genuinely believes that muggles are inferior and that even being related to one is an embarrassment, especially for someone from a long line of purebloods like her family. While she does love her mother, around others she pretends that she is a witch and rarely talks about her. Maria has the impression that being pureblood is the most important thing to be.

As a child, Maria was bullied by the other muggle children, because they thought she was weird and quiet. In fact, as a child, Maria was very shy and had difficulty talking to other children because she had to constantly hide her wizarding heritage. After meeting Lucinda, she developed a superior, haughty attitude around muggles she didn't know, forcing herself to act confident and strong. Because she didn't know how to talk to them, she also developed a mindset that muggles were stupid and not worth talking to. Maria is very much looking forward to her first year at Hogwarts, certain of the belief that others share the same opinion as her about muggles and fairly confident she'll be better able to talk to others. Lucinda has influenced her fairly well.

End of first year:

Hogwarts House:
Sorting hat:
"No matter what, you'll be in a house. You're magical, aren't you? Or do you lie about that, too? That's right. I know. Now, which house.... how about SLYTHERIN!"
Maria's thoughts:
Relief. She got into the best house. Maria was afraid that she would end up in Gryffindor or worse, Hufflepuff. Ravenclaw wouldn't have been a terrible result. As for the hat's words...well, she won't want to have it on her head again in a hurry.

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
Obviously, she wants to achieve high grades in all her subjects. She is most interested in transfiguration and dreams of becoming an animagus and taking to the sky. It has yet to occur to her that her animagus might not be a being that can fly.

Best school subjects:
Her favourite subjects will likely initially be Herbology and Potions. She'll enjoy the task of meticulously taking care of a plant as well as preparing a potion. She is also likely to enjoy care of magic creatures.

Worst school subjects:
Once she realises that her dreams of transforming animals from objects are a little farfetched at the moment, the difficulty of transfiguration will likely leave her frustrated and undermotivated.

Extracurricular Activities:
She'll want to attempt to join the Quidditch team. She's more likely to enjoy helping out in the owlery.

Plans for your future:
She plans to make friends, using her status as a 'Pure-blood' to swoon her fellow Slytherin companions. Maria also wants to succeed at school and get a post in the ministry like her father.

Your Boggart: Her biggest fear is that people at Hogwarts will discover she isn't a pureblood and will hate her, so her boggart would be the image of her muggle mother. It's not that she dislikes her mother, it's more that she'd rather no one knew she was a muggle.

Mirror of Erised: Surrounded by a group of students, with her father watching on in pride.


Maria was born in 2015 to Gloria Wood, a muggle veterinarian, and Edmund Selwyn, a pureblood ministry of magic employee. She grew up in a household where magic was openly used, surprising when her mother was a muggle, but got picked on when she started school for 'making up stories' about her life. Maria was warned fairly early on not to mention wizards and magic around muggles, but was never quite able to shake the label of weirdo from her first years at school.

Very shy as a girl, young Maria found it even harder to make friends when she was expected to hide half her life from them. She grew used to spending time by herself, reading or helping in her mother's veterinary surgery, and had no friends during her time at primary school. Maria was already beginning to develop a view that the muggles at school were stupid and not worth talking to, as an excuse for her inability to communicate with them. She did once almost make some friends, but they fell out when Maria refused to let them sleep over- she could not, after all, let them go home to see her father using magic around the house.

Her father, Edmund Selwyn, grew worried around this time and encouraged a fellow employee and old school friend to bring his own daughter to play with Maria. Her name was Lucinda Greywood and she was a pureblood. Lucinda had very strong views about purebloods and muggles being inferior and like animals and influenced Maria heavily, telling her that muggles were not worth speaking to, that they were stupid and their blood wasn't clean. Maria wasn't inclined to believe her at first. Then she attended her uncle's funeral.

When she was eight, Maria attended a funeral with her father. It was for her father's brother, whom had been an auror, and his death was something her father had found out about by chance. The entirety of her father's family, the Selwyns, were attending and both Maria and her father were entirely ignored by them. Maria overheard more than a few derogatory things spoken about her father and about herself. They called him a blood traitor, filth, disgusting, not worth talking to. And Maria was filth, trash, worthless. Tainted.
Maria developed a complex about her blood. She began to believe that it was better to be a pureblood and, with no one but Lucinda to correct her, has maintained that view to this day. Muggles are inferior and not worth talking to. End of story.


Edmund Selwyn
Works in animagi registration.
Blood Status:
From an early age, Edmund had the old pureblood views pounded into his head. Purity of blood, superiority. But he never believed it. As a child, he used to sneak out of his house to play football with the boys across the road, pretending he was visiting pureblood friends. He had a fascination with muggle technology, marveling at cars and trains even as his parents and grandparents despised the monstrous, ugly methods of transport created by 'handicapped' muggles. After being sorted into Gryffindor, his parents became worried and removed him from Hogwarts, instead sending him to Durmstrang. But it did no good.
When he was 22, he met Maria's mother Gloria. His kneazle Grim, a companion since school, had been hit by a car and Gloria, a then training veterinarian, managed to save his life. Grateful, Edmund invited her out to dinner. And he kept inviting her out to dinner. Until one day, they decided to marry.

Gloria Wood
Veterinarian Surgeon
Blood Status:
Gloria grew up in a fairly normal family. At least she thought so, until her little brother was whisked off to a wizarding school. As you can imagine, Gloria was shocked to discover her brother was learning magic and spells and became determined to match him in occupation. She followed her childhood dream and trained to be a vet. It was her car that hit Edmund's Kneazle. She was afraid that the poor cat would die and put the best of her training to use. She didn't realise she would marry the poor wizard who begged her to save his previous cat. Obviously, his magical ability came as a surprise, but it wasn't as if she hadn't come across magic before. And when he revealed a charm that would do the dishes for her, it quickly became a bonus.​

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