Maria Mollinary von Lohenstein

Maria Lohenstein

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Mina (Main)
Linden, 11", Dragon Heartstring, family heirloom
Maria Mollinary von Lohenstein
<FONT font="Georgia"><COLOR color="mediumblue">
Full Name:Maria Hermina Luise Graefin von Lohenstein und Neckarwald[sup][1][2][/sup]
Appearance: Short, neck-length black-brown hair; pale complexion; green eyes; of normal weight and height for an elven year old. There is really little in Maria's appearance that would separate her from the crowd, make her stand out.
Birthdate: 13[sup]th[/sup] of May, 2016, Friday.
Clothing style: Unlike her mother, who's ok with just about anything that'll fit. Maria wears only black or her uniform. It's usually just black cotton shirt and black dress pants. Maria would never even consider wearing things that she thinks is modern and overly fashionable, she's usually the first one to recoil when confronted with clothing remotely emo-like.
Wand: Linden, 11 inches exactly, dragon heartstring. A family heirloom last owned by her late aunt Hermina, who lost it with her death at the Battle of Hogwarts. A good Defence Against the Dark Arts wand, if not slightly overpowered and unruly. Flexible.
Personality: Maria is surfacially as friendly as her mother is and as her late aunt was. When she was younger and maybe a bit more juvenile, she was indeed genuinely friendly to absolutely everyone. But when she learned what really happened to her aunt and grandfather during the war, she changed. Now, she's still mostly friendly but will go very angry when she hears malplaced and racist comments, or when she encounters any Slytherin stereotypes.
However, Maria isn't one that lets her anger get the better of her. Even when dealing with complete bigots, her life-long training in civilized behaviour prevents Maria from being violent in most cases, thus she will focus more on making these people as uncomfortable around her as possible than pulling out wands.
Given her family's dark legacy from the war, hatepermeates Maria whenever she should encounter the Slytherin stereotype, and subsequently she often fails to show the respect to said House as her mother so desperately mandates.
Putting her dark feelings aside, which incidentally is named "the Monstrosity" by her mum, Maria is as stated still friendly and kind, making friends for her is way easy and she loves it. She appreciates a good natured joke, even if she's on the receiving end of, and she will do absolutely anything within her reach if such action is required by her friends. Polite and civilized due to her upbringing, it will thus take extreme breaches of her trust. and unacceptable comments to make her lose her calm. Despising show-offs and fashionholics. Maria is more at home with the libraries of the world, a nice cup of tea by her side and amongst her friends.

[1]: Regarding the titles in the personal names: The nobility was abolished in Germany in 1919 by the republican constitution (Weimar Constitution) and again in 1949 by the Bonn constitution (Grundgesetz); the titles are now legally considered to be simply part of the family name (with the former title following the first name, e.g. Georg Freiherr von Platz), and they may or may not be used, source.
[2]: Formal version as stated on her birth certificate.

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