Maria Mills

Maria Mills

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OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Scratched 11 1/2 Inch Brittle Hazel Wand with Erumpet Hide Core

[Maria Elle Mills]

27 May 2017
Opua, New Zealand

[Will o' Wisp | Nervous Energy | Subconsciously Searching]

Spending her time exploring little towns, and leaving behind handmade artsy map guides in mailboxes.</FONT></COLOR>
Likes sitting outside on quiet still evenings, being near large bodies of water, and remembering stories she's been told.​
Dislikes being pressured by others expectations, spending Christmas with her family, and getting a warrant for her car.​
Strengths: She's prepared to make difficult decisions concerning her true wants and desires, and to remain committed to them.
Weaknesses: She constantly runs away from anything that begins to feel more serious and permanent than she can deal with.
Hopes: That one day she'll find someone who will allow her to grow at her own pace, mistakes and all.
Fears: Realising that she'll never be ready for the life she truly wishes to live; traveling by means of Apparition.
And she's blowing away, floating spinning drifting out of sight.
On the outside, Maria seems like a talkative, social and charming person - which she is. However, her tendency to seem completely open about how she's thinking and feeling completely masks the deeper parts of her psyche. This is half a conscious effort on Maria's part to cover up the undercurrent of her inner emotions from everyone, and half her natural way of reacting to the world. Preferring not to spend time dwelling on her more negative traits (of which she knows there are plenty), Maria instead tries to immerse herself in the little moments of life around her, and is always searching for something more than the routine.

Although she loves to socialise and talk with people, Maria tends to shy away from making lasting connections. She is terrible at keeping in touch, and feels guilty about always trying to keep her friends and those 'close' to her at arm's length. However, she truly feels that this is necessary due to both her believed tendency that she messes everything up, and as a self-protective measure after a bad experience she had with someone she deeply cared about in her early adulthood. As a result of this, Maria is happiest when meeting and chatting with new people, or catching up with old friends over lunch - small moments of socialisation that don't require a longer or deeper form of commitment.

Despite all this, Maria will go out of her way to support people in all sorts of small little ways. Whether it's distracting them with something fun for an hour, or spending time helping them with anything they require, Maria is happy to drop everything in her own life to make someone else's day more special. Mostly this is because she never seems to know what to do to make her own life more than the mess she believes she's made of it, and so instead chooses to focus on what she knows she is able to do. She finds her life is a constant balancing act between wanting to get close and pushing herself away; wanting to stay and wanting to run off into the world.​
ENFP | The Campaigner
spends a lot of time exploring social relationships, feelings and ideas · it can take years to navigate her depth and intensity · imaginative and open-minded; sees everything as part of the mysterious puzzle of life · her infectious enthusiasm helps create a multitude of social connections · experiences emotional outbursts; particularly under stress, criticism and conflict · tries to cement relationships by showing devotion · is always looking for a deeper meaning​
OBLIVIOUS · · [·] · · | · · · · · PERCEPTIVE
SHAMEFUL · · · · · | [·] · · · · SHAMELESS
DULL · · · · · | · · [·] · · CREATIVE
COLD · · · · · | · · [·] · · AFFECTIONATE
LAZY · · · [·] · | · · · · · DISCIPLINED
PASSIVE [·] · · · · | · · · · · AGGRESSIVE
ILLITERATE · · · · [·] | · · · · · INTELLECTUAL
INTROVERT · · · · · | · [·] · · · EXTROVERT
DROP-OUT · · · [·] · | · · · · · VALEDICTORIAN
CHASTE · · · · · | · · [·] · · FLIRT
WEAK-MINDED · · · · · | · · [·] · · STRONG-MINDED
CONSISTENT · · · · · | · · · [·] · ERRATIC
MODEST · · [·] · · | · · · · · ARROGANT
GROUNDED · · · · · | · · · · [·] DISPERSE
SINNER · · · · · | · [·] · · · SAINT
ISOLATED · · · · · [|] · · · · · FRIENDLY
STONE-FACED · · · · · | · [·] · · · JOKER
DISLOYAL · · · [·] · | · · · · · DEPENDABLE
UNLIKEABLE · · · · · | · · [·] · · LIKEABLE
UNKEMPT · · · [·] · | · · · · · METICULOUS

If only things could be like how they were when we were younger.

Maria grew up in a wizarding family, the middle child of Edison and Heather Mills, with an older brother Presley and younger sister Hazel. The family never quite found themselves on the wealthier side of things, but Maria's parents strived to always make sure the home was filled with love, and made many personal sacrifices in order to provide their children with the best they could afford. Fond of both parents, Maria had a special relationship with her mother in particular, and was devastated when Heather died of cancer shortly after Maria had begun her sixth year at school. That Christmas marked the first of the uncomfortable holiday seasons spent with her family since, as she has never seen eye-to-eye with her siblings on a number of matters.

The extended family is small in number, with only a handful of great-uncles and -aunts on either side. Maria always takes time out of her day to visit them if she is passing through their town, and often spends the day helping them with whatever may need doing. She particularly enjoys talking with Great-Aunt Louise, her mother's sister, as it's the only real connection she has left to the woman since her father began to experience the onset of Alzheimer's disease. Edison's fading memories of Heather are mostly the reason Maria has trouble visiting her father, and thus does so less and less often - an act that her brother and sister berate her for.​
Maybe it's not considered a career, but it's something I can do.

Maria never finished her schooling at Hogwarts New Zealand, instead choosing to drop out before starting her seventh year. Her family weren't too pleased, with the most opposition coming from her siblings, but Maria simply packed up her Volkswagen Beetle one night and set off to somewhere else - anywhere, nowhere, it didn't matter. She had never thought about what career she might follow after leaving school, and being loathe to settle in any one place soon found herself taking on casual waitressing, and other odd jobs, wherever she could find them. Never staying in one place longer than a few months, she intermittently uses the money she has saved up to travel about the country again for a few weeks.

Wand Quirks: Scratched 11 1/2 Inch Brittle Hazel Wand with Erumpet Hide Core
[ul][li]A Hazel wand "will <COLOR color="#eee8aa">reflect and respond to its owner's emotional state and so should always be handled with care..."</LI>[li]An Erumpet Hide core "tends to add quite a punch to spells, making them more powerful than they should be at the most inopportune moments."[/li][/ul]Magical Skills:
[ul][li]Maria has become quite good at Disillusionment Charms, as well as similar magic that makes her hard to find by undesirables. Her skill comes from constant use rather than any innate power or talent. She does, however, have a true knack for making particularly potent potions, although she has hardly ever done so since her school days.<LI>[li]As with most other things Maria has tried her hand at over the years, her magical ability has always been average at best. Although this does not greatly concern her, she does finds that it causes a few problems in her confidence - she would never trust herself to Apparate without splinching some part of her body, and doesn't much like side-long Apparition either.[/li][/ul]​
<FONT font="Georgia">Credits: Jung type and description from here. Trait sliders adapted from here. Wand quirks from here.

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