Maria Leingod

Maria Leingod

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Black Walnut/ Maple Wand 12 3/4 Essence of Silver Thistle

Full Name:
Maria Leingod

Date of Birth:
- August 10

Current Age:
- 11

Basic Appearance:
- She's petite, albeit short for her age, dark brown eyes and strawberry blonde hair

Maria is an enigmatic girl. She is also has a twin named Sophia though the two are polar opposites. Maria is the voice of reason in most situations and tends to be rather blunt. She is also best friends with her twin, despite their completely different demeanors. Maria is described as "just as reckless as Sophia". She is secretive and intelligent. Despite her occasionally antagonistic traits, she can be really friendly is she dares to.

Although Maria has a cold and uncaring exterior, she demonstrates her concern for others in some instances. She is quiet and somewhat intimidating, but she is very protective to Sophia. She faithfully protects Sophia and is always by her side, attending to her wishes and watching out for her; her protective personality extends to those whom she cares for. She demands respect from others, and would respect someone faithfully is that someone respects her back.

Maria is incredibly irritable and slow to wake-up in the morning, which is attributed to her having a low blood pressure. Secretly, Maria is very fond of sweets and her room is full of stuffed animals, though she wouldn't let anyone aside from her sister to know that. She also has a stuffed bunny that she calls chii. Maria is actually fond of cute things despite the fact that she always tries to hide it.

- Sophia Leingod (Twin Sister)
Sophia is a first year Hufflepuff student and is a fairly odd and intelligent girl. She enjoys cooking, cleaning, and basically all things that are traditionally considered "feminine".

- Claire Leingod (Mother)
Claire is Maria and Sophia's mother. She's very protective and strict, specially on Sohpia as she trusted that Maria is the more mature of her twins.

- Albel Leingod (Father)
Albel is Maria and Sophia's father. He's a very doting parent and will always try to give his children everything that they need, and yet, Maria is not really that close to him, seeing that he's always working and is always late to return home.


Area of Residence:

Blood Status:
- Half-Blood


Special Abilities:

Interests or Hobbies:
- Maria loves solving riddles and reading books.

Additional Skills:
- Maria is a great violinist, she's also good at singing, though she will never ever sing in front of anyone.

- Maria is very reasonable and smart.

- She's very quick to irritation, and she often have this antagonistic traits in her.

Describe your character in three words:
- Smart, Enigmatic, Loyal

Favourite place to be:
- Anywhere that is quiet


Hogwarts House:
- Slytherin

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
- To learn great things and to at least make a name for herself

Best school subjects:
- Potions

Worst school subjects:
- flying

Extracurricular Activities:


Current Job:
- Student

Plans for your future:
- None yet, but she's planning to be a writer or a photographer.

Your Patronus:
- Fox

Your Patronus memory:
- Her family being happy together, way back when they were still young when his father was not that workaholic yet.

Your Boggart:
- Her twin sister dying

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