Margo Liddell

Margo Liddell

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Holly/Ebony Wand 12 1/2 Essence of Griffin Feather

At A Glance
A man who won't die for something is not fit to live. -Martin Luther King

Name: Margo Elizabeth Liddell

Nicknames: Little Imp, Margar

Birthday: December 2, 2021

Hometown: Somewhere in the woods, New Zealand

Blood: Muggle Born

Hogwarts House Gryffindor

A little bit Deeper
If you don't get lost there's a chance you may never be found.

What's in a Name
M is for melody, the song of life.
A is for abundant, your cheer knows no bounds.
R is for reasonable, your understanding way.
G is for goal, your eye on the future.
O is for openness, it's refreshing

Margo is of French/ English origins and means 'pearl'
Elizabeth means 'my God is an oath'
Liddell- most likely derived from the last name "little"

Astrological Sign

Positive Traits

Optimistic and freedom-loving
Jovial and good-humored
Honest and straightforward
Intellectual and philosophical

Negative Traits

Blindly optimistic and careless
Irresponsible and superficial
Tactless and restless
Sagittarius Likes: unlimited freedom, alternative or unusual ideas, being on the move all the time, plentiful food and drink, perfumes and beauty aids of any kind, gambling, raffles and lotteries, and recreational flirting with those aforementioned people.

Sagittarius Dislikes:disapproval of others, inclined to keep in the end, being too safe, secure, or confined, administrative details, and above all having their basic honesty doubted by others for any unmerited reason.

Lucky Number - 1
Lucky Color - Royal Blue
Lucky Flower - Carnation, wallflower, clove-pink
Lucky Gemstone - Turquoise, Yellow Sapphire
Lucky Day - Wednesday

General features

A typical Sagittarius has a bright, sunny disposition and an almost incurable sense of optimism regarding the future. They are good natured, irrepressible sense of fun and an inspiring spiritual side. The Sagittarius carries the sense of being in a state of divine grace, at one with the universe. In unfavorable situations, they are impatient, have the fear of responsibility, self-indulgent, fanaticism and refuse to grow up. Those born under this sign are characterized by optimism, aspiration, inspiration, enthusiasm and expansiveness.

A Sagittarius has a positive outlook on life, are full of enterprise, energy, versatility, adventurousness and eagerness to extend the experience as much as possible. They enjoy traveling and exploration. They are honorable, honest, trustworthy, truthful, generous and sincere with a passion of justice. Sagittarius not a diplomatic sign like Libra and Scorpio, Sagittarius likes to tell people more than they may want to know, or are ready to hear. Like the other fire signs, Sagittarius enjoys the outdoors.

Cute is when your personality shines through your looks. Like, when you see someone's personality in the way they walk and you just feel like hugging them every time you see them. -Natalie Portman

Hair: A reddish brown color, mostly straight, but with some waves. Margo prefers to keep her hair long, and usually can't be bothered to do much of anything with it.

Eyes: Very large and expressive, they vary in color from blue to green depending on the day

Body: Margo has not yet started to get a womanly figure. She is very slight, and quite short, even for and 11 year old.

Height: 4'3"

Style: mostly laid back. Jeans and T-shirts from her favorite bands. Anything comfortable and easy to move in to accommodate her active lifestyle. She does however enjoy dressing "girly" from time to time

Other: Margo has a star shaped scar on her elbow from falling out of a tree, and one very slight barely noticeable scar running through her left eyebrow

We continue to shape our personality all our life. If we knew ourselves perfectly, we should die.- Albert Camus

Margo is an adventurous and mischievous young girl. Her favorite pastime is exploring and making up adventures to go on. She can often be found wandering the woods around her house when not at school. Though quite tender hearted at her core, Margo has a terrible temper that can flare up quite suddenly, and often says very hurtful things she doesn't mean when angry. She also tends to hold on to grudges. Despite that, Margo is generally very likable, always one to crack a joke or lend a helping hand. She loves to laugh, and will become fast friends with anyone who can make her do so often.

Once your friend, Margo is your friend til the end, willing to go to great lengths for those she cares about. She is fiercely loyal, sometimes to a fault. She has her own idea of values and rules, and will always do what her heart tells her is right. In arguments of heart versus mind, heart always wins with Margo. She is usually quite willing to bend the rules, and sometimes, to walk all over them. She is, however, a dedicated student who loves learning about almost anything magical.

Among Margo's favorite hobbies are reading, writing, adventuring and pranking. She also loves music and singing, though she can't play any instruments and is extremely hesitant to sing in front of anyone.

Best Quality: Margo's best quality is her courage. She is not afraid to be who she is and is ulways apologetically herself. Margo embodies the quote "Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement that something else is more important than fear." Margo will overcome any fear in order to help someone she cares about or attain her own goals.

Worst Quality: her temper is by far Margo's worst quality. She often lets it get the best of her and says things she doesn't mean. She's clever and observant, and sometimes her anger causes her to use those abilities to say the one thing that will hurt someone the most.

Likes: Animals, fantasy, novels, magic, humor, being with friends, most people, music, pranking,
Reading: Margo is an avid reader and will read nearly anything fictional she can get her hands on. An only child, Margo's childhood companions were often the characters in the books she read.

Writing: Margo's love of writing was born from her love of reading. Margo loves to write short stories, poems and songs though she rarely lets anyone read them. One of her dreams is to someday write a fantasy novel.

Adventure: Margo adores exploring and taking risks. A bit of an adrenaline junkie Margo will easily scale a wall or climb a tree with no fear of falling. She loves to discover new things. Perhaps because of all the books she's read Margo is always trying to make life into a grand adventure.

Dislikes: Peas, Wasps, being cold, hurting peoples feelings, waiting in line, hamsters (one bit her very badly when she was young), math, people who say things just to get a rise out of someone

Bullies: Margo can not stand a bully. She hates when people treat others badly for being a bit different.

Failure: A bit of a perfectionist, Margo really likes to be good at things. If she can't be good at something, she wants to at least not be awful at it. Margo will not settle for failure.

Hospitals: Margo despises hospitals and will very rarely enter one willingly. Hospitals remind Margo of the time when her mother was sick and suffering. They also remind Margo that her mother died in pain.

Animal: Wolf
Book: A song of Fire and Ice series (even though she shouldn't really be reading that at 12)
Band: Ludo
Food: Steak
Drink: Coffee
Movie: It's a Wonderful Life (even though it's really old)
Movie Genre: Comedy
Book Genre: Fantasy
Word: there are many, a few are, fuddy duddy, harum scarum, frou-frou, gobeldygook, and hootenanny
Color: tye-dye (or purple if you really make her choose
Quote: "It's a dangerous business, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to."

A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots.-Marcus Garvy

Margo Elizabeth Liddell was born to Harriet and Charles Liddell in the United States, near Chicago, Illinois. There, she would spend the first 8 years of her life in relative happiness. She was very close to her mother and father being an only child, but most especially her mother, whom she always considered her best friend. She did well in school, and really, lived a fairly ordinary, muggle life. Her greatest joy was getting a cup of coffee with her mother, and then exploring the woods together, which they did every Sunday without fail.

Shortly after Margo's 9th birthday, her mother began to fall ill. A month later, just six weeks after little Margo's birthday, Harriet was diagnosed with breast cancer. A long battle ensued, with Harriet becoming but a shadow of her former self. All her hair fell out, and she became emaciated and peaked; soon, very little of her former beauty remained. As her mother grew worse, her father grew more and more depressed, often spending time with her mother's best friend Mindy. Though the two were merely grieving together, Margo saw this as her father abandoning her mother.

Margo's anger towards her father only grew, when on June 2, just six months after she had fallen ill, her mother lost her battle. Harriet was laid to rest, and Margo felt for the first time alone in the world. She had no grandparents or close relations to turn to. Her father had long been estranged from his family, and her mother, an only child herself, had lost both parents in a car accident 4 years earlier. Terribly depressed and lonely, Margo's dismay only grew when just four months after her mothers death, her father married Mindy.

In her anger, Margo turned to the only revenge she could think of, pulling any prank she could think of on the unsuspecting Mindy. It was during this time that Margo discovered her clever little mind was quite given to pranking, and her love for it only grew. Finally, after a particularly nasty April fools day, Charles decided he could tolerate no more and made plans for Margo to live elsewhere. In desperation, he called his wife's only living relative, an Aunt who hadn't been seen in year.

Aunt Sofia agreed to take in Margo, and arrangements were made immediately for Margo to leave her home and fly to the other side of the globe to live in New Zealand. For a ten year old, Margo seemed oddly indifferent to this decision. Truthfully, Margo was glad to leave the place where the memory of her mother haunted her. It didn't hurt that she would no longer have to look into the face of "the home wrecker" Mindy every day either.

In New Zealand, Margo began to get some of her joy back. Aunt Sofia lived in a quaint cottage in the middle of the woods. It was modest, but comfortable, and offered plenty of opportunities for adventure in the forest around it. Aunt Sofia had also surprised Margo upon her arrival with the gift of a tiny gray kitten, whom Margo named Daghda. Daghda became Margo's partner in crime, having a very peculiar nature for a cat, and was rarely seen anywhere but at Margo's side. Because of the cat, Margo was once again able to open her heart; first to the kitten, and then to her eccentric aunt.

Not long after settling in and finally beginning to feel at home, Margo received a mysterious note, dropped by an owl, and addressed "Margo Liddell, Stump by the river, Middle of the woods, New Zealand." It was the most peculiar thing that had ever happened to Margo, and it would change her life forever.
<SIZE size="150"><SIZE size="150"><COLOR color="firebrick"><FONT font="Comic Sans MS">Family
I don't know half of you half as well as I should like; and I like half of you half as well as you deserve. - Bilbo Baggins

Harriet Flynn Liddell

Harriet was an ER nurse with a giant heart. She was always giving and always kind, a woman willing to do anything for her family. She loved history, reading and the outdoors, and passed onto her only daughter her love for adventure and mischief. She and Charles met in High school and were married right after she graduated from College. She lost both her parents to a tragic car accident. Harriet was only 35 when she died of breast cancer.

Charles Liddell

Charles is a lawyer by profession. He is an honest man who believes strongly in the law and following it to a T. He loves Margo, but has never understood her.

Sofia Flynn

The younger sister of Margo's maternal Grandfather, Aunt Sofia is a rather eccentric character. She practices wicca, and lives a bohemian lifestyle. Sofia is always dressing in unusual clothing, and quoting Edgar Allen Poe. She was absolutely thrilled when Margo told her about being a witch. Sofia became Margo's primary caregiver after her father decided he could no longer handle the girl.

Mindy Laurent Liddell

Mindy is fairly superficial, but can also be quite giving. Mindy was a close friend of Harriet's from childhood, and knew the family well before Harriet died. Margo always found her to be somewhat annoying, and now despises her.

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