Margaret Rose Harrington

Maggy Harrington

💥Happy-Go-Lucky 💥 Acacia 💥
OOC First Name
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
6/2034 (18)
Full Name:
- Margaret Rose Harrington

Date of Birth:
- June 17th, 2034

Current Age:
- 10

Basic Appearance:
- Sort of olive skin, blonde but also slightly reddish hair. Light brown eyes.

- Maggy is a bright child full of love. She loves bright colors and dancing around being silly. She is still in that stage of life where she loves spending time with her parents and her younger sister.

- Edward Harrington: Father, A Mixedblood Wizard. 46
- Sarah Harrington: Mother, A Muggleborn Witch. 44
- Everly Harringotn: Sister, A Mixedblood Witch. 8
- November Albertson: Cousin, Muggleborn Witch. 14

- She has a cat.

Area of Residence:
- The Harrington's live in a hidden area near Lake Wanaka, New Zealand on the South Island. This is about an hour and half drive from a small wizardry community across from Queenstown. The closest a muggle driving on the road might come to their house is by stopping at the Lake Wanaka lookout, a small pull-over section on a bend in the road to see the lake and mountains. Their house is south of this location nested between two mountain ridges, a small ravine runs under their house and in Spring it goes from a trickle to a roar of water coming off the top of the mountain as the snow melts. The house itself is protected by magical charms from muggle view. The house itself is a mix between modern build and cabin feel.

Blood Status:
- Mixblood.

- Her mother's side of the family is American with more ancient ties to a variety of European countries, with much closer ties to Ireland and Scotland. Her father's side is a New Zealand family with native blood as well as ties to Spain.

Special Abilities:

Interests or Hobbies:
- Maggy loved playing her ukulele and making up silly songs. She actually fairly good at playing and singing.

Additional Skills:

- Bold, Original, Practical, Observant, Excellent People Skills

- Conflict-Averse, Easily Bored, Poor Long-Term Planner, Unfocused

Describe your character in three words:
- Bright, Daring, Outstanding

Favourite place to be:
- Currently: Home

- Her sister
A few friends of some of the other magical families from New Zealand

Hogwarts House:
- tbd

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
- tbd

Best school subjects:
- tbd

Worst school subjects:
- tbd

Extracurricular Activities:
- Music

- 2052

Current Job:
- Student

Plans for your future:
- Go to Hogwarts and do well learning and make a lot of friends!

Your Patronus:
- tbd

Your Patronus memory:
- tbd

Your Boggart:
- tbd

Your Animagus:
- tbs

Mirror of Erised:
- tbd

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