Marcus Adolf Karlson

Marcus Karlson

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Ash Wand 14 1/4 Essence of Hair from the Tail of a Male Unicorn

Full Name:
Marcus Adolf Karlson
Name Meaning:
Marcus: Given name derived from the Roman god Mars.
Adolf: From Germanic name Adalwolf, meaning "noble wolf"
August 20, 2013
Bergen, Norway
Blood Status:
Half Blood
Durmstrang Student

The world says that every human being has something unique, something that catches everyone attention the second they put their eyes on you. Well, that's false. Honestly, Marcus has no special attributes or nothing special that would make him more unique or different physically then the person to his left or his right. He has brown hair, the same colour as plenty of people in life. His hair is not overly long yet they aren't overly short either. They stand at a good length, ending right at the beginning of his neck, once more he's not the only one with that length of hair. Just like plenty of teenagers around the world, especially those who live in Western Oriented culture, Marcus hair are flatten by wearing hats all the time. To accompany his brown hair, Marcus has brown eyes. Not an overly amazing colour, his eyes are dark brown and have never been complimented for having amazing eyes. For some people, when you look in their eyes, they seem to open wide to their soul or something mysterious, sadly that's not the case for Marcus. They are brown and the type of brown that when you look at them, you just seem to be looking at soil. Nothing of importance occurs in his eyes, to the opposite of popular saying, his eyes are not the door to his soul. Don't try and find his soul in his eyes. His eyes also don't light up when he's happy, yes he'll cry when he's extremely upset or if he's hurt but that's like everyone. You won't be able to read his actual emotions through his eyes. So that pretty much describes his face, the rest of his body is typically not unique either. He stands at five feet nine and he's not the biggest guy around. Actually, he's closer to being one of the skinniest guys around; physical strength is not actually present in this young fellow. He has an amazing cardiovascular strength and can run for quite a while but when it comes to lifting weights or anything else, better not pick him to do those jobs.

Marcus was always influenced by the Western culture. On most occasions, Marcus wears a grey hat on his head, with a simple t-shirt or jacket and a pair of jeans with running shoes. He was influenced by the style but not by the mentality. Marcus is not the type to go out and buy all the new brand of clothes or the new series of clothes that have arrived for the particular season. So, his wardrobe has some recent clothes but most have been around for a year or so and the colour of his jeans shows that they have been washed and used multiple times. Since he's still a growing teenager, buying new clothes is a must as he grows out of his old clothes.

Where to start? Marcus is such a complex young man, one of ideals, one of loyalty, one of foolishness, one of an endless battle. You see, Marcus may not be unique physically but morally and mentally, we wish you luck finding someone such as him. He's the type of boy who you would have seen fighting through the French Revolution of 1789, or one of the Americans fighting for his independence, or even better one of his Ancestors who helped make the independence of Norway possible. You see, Marcus was born in a conservative family, one where tradition, honour, loyalty are values that a man must have to succeed. Money has the value that man decides, yet honour, loyalty and tradition is of higher value then money, for these qualities value are determined by God himself. Marcus isn't the best or most religious person around, yet he does pray before bed, he prays before eating and he prays to God whenever life takes a hard turn. He doesn't pray for help, his father always taught him that help never came. Do not expect the person to your side to protect and help you when life becomes hard, for that person who might have a heart of gold will be struggling with his own problems. Do not wait on anyone to save you, pray to God to keep your soul intact, keep your soul strong, stay loyal to your values and you'll forever be strong and forever you shall bear the how with the why. This is Marcus. At the age of fifteen years old, he's already further in finding happiness and appeasement to death than most kids his age.

Marcus fights for freedom, liberty and for the values that had so many blood spilled for in the history of mankind. He fights to survive without taking more then what he needs. Loyal to his traditions and values, Marcus is ready to defend them with great moral strength. Insulting his values and traditions are the best way to get him on your back. One misspoken word, one sentence without thinking and you can end up losing your best friend and finding an enemy. Marcus searches only for internal peace. His soul must be free from the worst sins possible and as such, Marcus is the last boy you'll find breaking rules or at least rules that follow his values. If a rule established goes against his values then don't be surprised to see him breaking that rule and being against it loudly. Far from being one who keeps his ideals to himself, if Marcus is displeases with a situation, you'll know. His eyes might not be the door to his soul but his words are. Main problem sadly is that Marcus doesn't know when to shut up about his ideals and values. So many problems could have been skipped if he had known how to keep shut and just step aside for the time being. He also has problem seeing that life is merely not white and black, that in the middle there is grey. That life is not good and bad, that at some moments, you must compromise and accept that you won't be able to succeed doing it completely your way. His father was able to teach him an important lesson for his son, seeing how his son was growing up and being glued to his values. Marcus was taught that no matter how bad, how frustrated or how depressed you became with someone who didn't see on the same level as you, never turn to insults, for debates are not won with insults. Respect and wisdom wins debates. Marcus tries to have both of those through his day but at the age of fifteen, his emotions will sometimes get a hold on him and insults will fly.

What exactly are his values? His first value is loyalty, a value his father always believed in and says that it’s the most important thing for a man. If a man is loyal to his thoughts, to his friends, to his emotions and to his beliefs then people will respect him. For a man who is not loyal, can't gather the confidence and trust of his peers and will never succeed. Second value is tradition, traditions exist for a reason. Traditions of a family are to be protected and saved from death with the ages. Without tradition, culture does not exist, without culture, the man is nothing. A man without culture is one without interest, a man with no culture is one who's not interesting for others and a dull man will never reach anything in life except boredom and solitude. Respect, for one who gains the interest and the trust of others will go nowhere if he can't show respect to them. Through respect, one gains the faith of others; one ensures that the others will be ready to go through thick and thin for him. Without respect, a general never could win a battle for his soldiers weren't ready to die for him. Respect your friends and enemies, insult no one and at the end of the day, people even if they do not all agree with your thoughts and actions will be far more willing to be by your side then by the side of one who shares the same thoughts but who doesn't respect his peers.

In the end, Marcus can be one of the best friends you'll ever have. He'll be loyal to you, fight for you, try and protect you as long as you don't turn around and start doing things that do not represent his values. He's a confident young boy, who's ambitious, somewhere in his mind; he wishes to leave a mark on this Earth. Yet Marcus can also be the one who ends up being so irritating, so annoying that you just wished he vanished. How you perceive this boy, is up to everyone to decide. One thing is for certain, no matter how hard anyone tries to make him side step away from his values, they always end up failing.

Marcus hometown is Bergen in Norway. Marcus was the second child that Flora Kaiser gave birth to. Flora was Norwegian by birth, and her family roots went back to Germany, her ancestors had settled in Norway during the occupation of Norway by German troops during World War II. Marcus was the first child though of Olaf Karlson, a pure Norwegian who’s family roots went back generations and generations. Marcus was the first child of the newlywed Olaf and Flora. From a young age, he felt the pressure of his older sister, Leona who was merely two years older than him but who kept contact with her biological father. Leona hated Olaf and accused him of being the reason why her mother and father broke up; she also accused Marcus of being the reason that now prevented her mother from leaving Olaf to go back to her father. Yet Leona didn’t understand the main reason behind the breakup of her parents had to do with magic. Flora was from a half blood family and Richard was a muggle, she fell for Olaf and when she discovered that Olaf was also a half blood, she thought it would be better for her and her kid if she ever turned out to have magic in her.

Life continued and Leona didn’t make things easier for Marcus as he grew older. Things took a different turn when Leona started showing signs of magic; Olaf began teaching her about the magic world. They never used magic in the house and Leona finally started understanding the reason behind the breakup, not that she accepted the fact completely, she made life easier on Marcus and Olaf. Family life became friendlier and when Leona turned eleven years old and received her letter, her parents decided to send her to Beauxbatons. During the school year, not having his half-sister around was new to Marcus. At the beginning, he liked being the only kid around but as time went on he started missing Leona. For the first time in his life, Marcus began writing letters to Leona and they started responding to one another. Life continued the same way for two years, he followed his daily routines of going to school, church, praying and living his life. Marcus had began to show signs of magic just like his sister and when he turned eleven years old, he received a letter. Expecting to go to Beauxbatons with his sister, Marcus was struck by surprise when his father told him that he was going to attend the same school he had attended, Durmstrang.

Marcus left for Durmstrang while his sister was off to Beauxbatons. Both continued to write letters to one another, Marcus found peace in his sister’s letters for weeks as he settled down in the new environment. With time, he made friends and became comfortable with the environment but through classes, homework and everything else, Marcus still found time to answer to Leona messages. Both waiting to see each other back home between the school years and the hatred that Leona had for Marcus early in her life vanished as time passed. They continued the same process for the years to come and Marcus is now in his fifth year in Durmstrang.


Olaf Karlson: Husband to Flora Kaiser, step-father to Leona Wolf and father to Marcus and Carina Karlson. Olaf works as a simple worker at the Bergen Port. Along with his wife, they decided to live life as simple muggles. He's thirty-nine years old and has blonde hair with brown eyes. Olaf married Flora when he was twenty-three and Marcus arrived in his life when he was twenty-four.
Flora 'Kaiser' Karlson: Wife to Olaf Karlson, mother of Leona Wolf, Marcus and Carina Karlson. She works in a local bakery in Bergen, along with her husband, they decided to live their life as simple muggles. Their children can only use magic at school, no use of magic is permitted at their house. She's forty-one years old and has brown hair with blue eyes. Flora dated Richard Wolf for a few years before encountering and marrying Olaf when she was twenty-five.
Richard Wolf: Ex-boyfriend of Flora Kaiser and father of Leona Wolf. Richard lives in Germany but will come in Norway during summer to see Leona. Barely talks with Olaf and doesn't pay much attention to Flora other kids when he's in Norway. Not that Marcus cares much, for him, he's just another man.
Leona Wolf-Karlson: Half-Sister to Marcus and Carina Karlson. Leona has only recently accepted to hold the name Karlson, though she still usually goes by Leona Wolf if asked. She doesn't hate Olaf but doesn't see her as her biological father. She's seventeen years old and has a good friendship with her step-brother Marcus.
Carina Karlson: Youngest child of Olaf and Flora. Carina is the young sister of Marcus and half-sister of Leona. She's two years old.

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