Mandy Willis

Mandy Willis

Active Member
OOC First Name
Ebony Wand 15" Essence of Phoenix Talon
Mandy Vilincia Willis


Date of Birth:
- 4th of April 2013

Current Age:
- 16 going on 17

Basic Appearance:
- Mandy is around average height for her age standing at 5'5". Her wavy, dirty blonde hair parts in the middle and falls around her face. Her eyes are round, on the large side, dark brown and she's pale and pink cheeked. She doesn't care for make-up and will always be seen fresh faced and natural. Mandy has a mixed/varied style, she wears whatever she feels comftorbale in mostly so will usually be seen in joggies, shorts, jeans and baggy jumpers.

- Mandy's a strong willed, determined, feisty young girl who tries to take everything in her stride but finds that her temper tends to get the better of her. She's friendly and kind but can come off as slightly hostile at times, although she hates to think of herself like that. She doesn't let people in very easily and it's hard to gain her trust, since the departure of her mother and diagnosis of fathers illness she's shut out a lot, determined to still be there and do as much as possible for her father and brother. She wants to enjoy herself, have fun, be the bubbly fun girl that she is and let loose a little, she knows worrying herself sick and going over and over things in her head is going to get her nowhere but she just can't help it. She feels lost, useless, mad at the world and is worried about going to Hogwarts and being away from her dad. His illness has hit her hard.

- Mother; Keely McDowell. A 34 year old muggle waitress. Keely and Mandy's father met during David's summer holidays between 6th and 7th year at Hogwarts Scotland. Mandy doesn't know much about their relationship or how it came about, just that there lifes were too different for them to keep their marriage together, they both wanted different things out of life and couldn't make it work. The biggest difference of course being that Keely was a muggle trying to get by in a wizards world, understanding nothing and struggling to stay happy. Keely and David's marriage ended when Keely admitted to having a 2 year affair with a muggle lawyer, she walked out on Mandy, her dad and brother to live with her lover and give birth to there child she'd been a month pregnant with when she'd left. Mandy and Grant haven't heard from her since and although Grant's too young to understand it all, Mandy understand's perfectly and wouldn't want to see her mum again anyway! When she left she exclaimed that she'd had it with magic, wizards and anything to do with them! Evidently, this included her children. This was when Mandy was 9.

Father; David Willis. 36 year old ex-hufflepuff, attended Hogwarts Scotland in his youth.
David was diagnosed with lung cancer in 2029, he's about to begin regular treatments, but the doctors don't seem at all positive about the outcome and he's been told he'll be lucky to see his daughter graduate. After his wife left David decided he would give up his his job to raise and home school Mandy and his son, but his recent diagnosis has put a stop to this and he doesn't want his children to watch his illness take its toll and his health deteriorate. Grant will be starting at Hogwarts New Zealand this year with Mandy hoping to transfer into 5th. She's totally against his decision, wanting to spend every minute she can with him and she believes he needs her around, but she knows it'll hurt him to object and go against his wishes and she doesn't want to cause him any hassle or stress on top of what he's already going through. With no family so to speak of, David has been making plans to move in with his best friend, who's been like an uncle to his children all there life, when the time comes and he can no longer properly look after himself.

Brother; Grant Willis
Mandy's 11 year old little brother, Hogwarts 2031 starter. (Character being developed). They've always been close, especially now, and after picking up several 'mum duties' when Keely walked out, she's always been there for him, trying to be everything he needs so he doesn't feel he's at a loss.

- The family did own a grey mongrel named Chibb, they'd had him since he was a puppy and he died in 2028. They miss his terribly, he was like a 2nd sibling to the kids and Mandys father's promised to buy her some form of pet to accompany her to school.

Area of Residence:
- Alice Springs, Northern Australia.

Blood Status:
- Half-blood, Mandy's fathers a muggle-born and mother a muggle.

Interests or Hobbies:
- Mandy loves reading and is a big fiction fan, she has a great imagination. She also plays guitar, has done for quite a few years, her dad taught her the basics and she's been teaching herself bits and bobs, she's nothing special but she enjoys it.

Describe your character in three words:
- Strong willed, kind, determined.

Favourite place to be:
- Anywhere with her family, they mean the world to her, her dad and brother are all she has.

Hogwarts House:
- N/A

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
- Mandy just wants to try her hardest, achieve as much as possible, get the best grades she can to set her up for her future, but most of all have a great time and make some memorable friends.

Best school subjects:
- From what her father's taught her, her favorite subjects DADA.

Worst school subjects:
- Herbology, mostly because she has no interest in plants.

Plans for your future:
- Mandy plans to take every day as it comes, let things unravel and just see what happens.

Your Patronus:
- A tiger.

Your Patronus memory:
- Last christmas eve, with her dad and brother watching The night before christmas on muggle tv, toasting marshmallows in there fireplace, all smiles.

Your Animagus:
- A Tiger or an eagle.

Mirror of Erised:
- Her life as it is at the moment, but with her father well and with the promise of living a good full life.
Wow! Great CD :D
I've got a few questions about Mandy:

Her middle name is very unique. Why did her parents pick it?
Who is taking care of the children since David is sick?
Has his being sick had any effect on Mandy's personality?
What type of music does she like most?
What is Mandy's favorite book?
What is Mandy's favorite food?
Is she allergic to anything?

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