Mandalyn Grace Love

Mandalyn Love

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation

nameMandalyn Grace
nicknames Andi (preferred), Mandi (hates it), Lyn (Her Father's nickname for her)
gender Girl
playby Dove Cameron
age 17, July 14th, 2021
year None, wants to transfer to HNZ, but doesn't see it likely.
wand Straight 11 Inch Flexible Elm Wand with Veela Hair Core


hair Andi has blonde hair that falls in tresses down to her shoulder blades. When she lived at home She took a lot of pride in using relatively pricey shampoos and conditioners, and had even dyed her hair and highlighted it a few times. Now that she is actually homeless, she hasn't been able to take care of it as well. She has showered at some muggle gyms, and knows a few spells for her hair, but nothing that treats it the same as the fancy shampoos she is used to. She wears her hair up most days, as it keeps cleaner that way.
eyes Mandalyn has very large eyes, that are firstly noticed as green. When someone looks deep into them, they will notice a deep, ocean blue ring around the iris, as well as a chesnut brown color around the pupil. They are prominent, and a bit farther apart than she would like them to be. Her eyes are framed by thin, brown lashes, and she would prefer to have makeup on them, but can't afford to right now.
stature Andi has great posture, making her appear taller than her real height, which is 5'6". She weighs about 119 pounds, and has lost weight since running away from home.
tattoos and piercings She has no tattoos or piercings.
distinguishing features Slightly narrow eyes, exceptionally attractive.
flaws She has no noticeable scars, other than a small one from having her appendix out when she was six.
appearance In general, right now, Andi is trying to wear comfortable clothing. She isn't too concentrate on stylish, as she didn't take many items from her house. She has the appearance of a bit of a tomboy, but when she has the chance she loves to dress girly, in pinks and pastels. Andi absolutely loves dresses as well, and can't wait to own more.]
[size=3][font=arialblack][color=#2e9494]I DON'T WANNA THINK LIKE YOU.[/color][/font][/size]
[size=3][color=#8b8b8b][font=arialblack]& I DON'T WANNA STINK LIKE YOU.[/font][/color][/size]
[font=verdana][size=1][color=#8b8b8b] [color=#2e9494][u]likes[/u][/color] Andi enjoys the outdoors, practicing charms, sleeping, dancing, and horseback riding (or riding any other ride-able creature, in fact she wants to ride a dragon some day).
[color=#2e9494][u]dislikes[/u][/color] Being talked down to, people who aren't generous, uncomfortable couches, the word "panties".
[color=#2e9494][u]boggart[/u][/color] Finding her mother and hating her.
[color=#2e9494][u]patronus[/u][/color] When her father took er to Disney world for her seventh birthday, it was before the string of women started walking into his life.
[color=#2e9494][u]mirror of erised[/u][/color] Her mothher, as she's always dreamed. Successful, and beautiful. Back together with her father, and her enrolled in HNZ.
[color=#2e9494][u]veritaserum[/u][/color] She is truly depressed and manipulative. She will do anything to get her way, and sometimes hurts people for it. Whic in turn makes her feel like a bad person.
[color=#2e9494][u]amortentia[/u][/color] Clean linen, fresh bread, and oddly enough, sea water.
[color=#2e9494][u]personality[/u][/color] Mandalyn is a bundle of fun to most, and loves to laugh, have fun, and just laze about. She has always enjoyed magic, and when she was young she and her father would practice when in their magical community. Andi has always been a bit of a tomboy, but that didn't mean she didn't like the finer things. However, all she ever wanted from her father was his time. When her father began dating, he always wanted to buy her things, and though she didn't understand it, for a long time she went along with it. However, when her father decided to remarry, Andi knew they'd have no more days together, and it changed her a bit. She didn't want to be around the two of them if she couldn't have her dad around at least a little bit. Her looks and manipulative personality got her as far as New Zealand, and she hopes that her manipulation wont be saw through, long enough for her to get on her feet. She has tried hard to be honest about who she was, and batting her eyes has gotten her pretty far. She's truly scared, but she would never openly admit it, and strives to be her best. She eventually wants to be a student at HNZ, to learn whatever she can. Her thirst for knowledge is dangerous coupled with her want to be the best, no matter what it takes. Only time will tell where she can get her self off manipulation and good looks.[/color][/size][/font]

parents Andi grew up with her father, Alexander. She was always told that her mother was a beautiful, but misguided witch, who ended up with her parents, and it was better she didn't know her. Her father works as a CEO of some telecommunications muggle company, which makes sense, Andi thinks. He is charming with good looks and is easy to listen to.
siblings None, though she may have half siblings somewhere.
pets When Andi was young she had a pet cat, but it died of old age. She would like to get another one again, but hasn't yet.
birthplace San Francisco, California.
hometown All over towns in California, as her dad had to travel a lot, and brought her with when he could.
ethnicity Irish-American with light Slavic routs on her mother's side. She speaks English and Spanish.
blood Pending, is going to apply as a Veela
history What Andi doesn't know about her history is buried with her mom. Soon after she was born her father took her and ran off, believing that her mother, Kyra, couldn't provide the best for their daughter. Alexander didn't love Kyra, and didn't want to have to split time. Since there hadn't been names on the birth certificate, he put her name and his, leaving the mother on the certificate as relinquishing the child. With that he left south for California, and started up their life in a tiny, two bedroom condo. it wasn't much, but they called it home. At first, Alex was studying business and working a bartender job, he was bumped up to manager, and then eventually became head of the business as a co-partner. With that under his belt, plus his charisma and dashing good looks, he was able to go up the corporate chain, his daughter in tow. When she was seven they went to Disney land to celebrate her birthday, and his promotion as vice president of the company he had begun working for. It was the best day of her life.

As her father began working more, their time together was precious. Andi was a daddy's girl in the highest, and did anything to impress him. She would practice flying, dress up, and even went to Daddy daughter dances. Then her father started dating again, and things went down hill. At first he was just out late. Then some nights he didn't come home at all. Sometimes he had the women with him. Andi saw less and less of her father, and by the time she met his fiancee, she felt as if her father was a changed man. She didn't approve, and voiced it. No matter how nice the woman was, Andi wasn't letting her take her dad. And if Andi's father wasn't going to spend time with her, why should she stick around? After all, it was all the family she had left.

And concocted her scheme and apologized for her behavior, gaining her father's monetary love. She saved up every penny until she had enough, and left silently in the night. She'd lied to a bus driver about her father begin in the hospital near the airport, so that she got a ride for free. Out back she gained her fake ID, using some of the money needed, which got her on a flight. With that said and done, se headed to New Zealand, where her father had said his grandfather was from.

Most of her money had gone into the trip, and once she'd arrived she'd only had enough to stay a few nights in an inn. From there on she's been on the streets, an occasionally getting into houses of older men, batting her eyes. She didn't realize the danger, and still doesn't. As she only wants to discover more about herself, and break away from her father who didn't seem to care. However she had never been more wrong. Upon discovering his daughter gone he filed a missing persons report and has been searching everywhere for her. Meanwhile she made friends with a young Italian man named Rosario, whom agreed to take her to New Zealand where she believed her mother was.

She began attending school at Hogwarts NEw Zealand, where she made friends with a young boy - a year younger than her - in her house. She enjoyed his company so much so that they have become a couple.


alias Cole
age 18
experience About 6 years of roleplaying
Dreams rarely came to Mandalyn when she slept on the cold hard ground, or on benches. She didn't feel safe enough to really sleep most nights. The young blonde tossed and turned, and tried to get comfortable for at least an hour, before drifting into a fitted sleep. She dreamed of the women her father had brought in, she knew that they would all say. "You never said that your daughter was so beautiful" "You'll have to beat the boys off with a stick." "Does she whiten her teeth?" It was always the same. Then they all went into her father's room to "watch tv". It was like her father thought she was dumb. She was 15, it wasn't like she hadn't learned about what adults do in the bedroom. Andi would always dream, then, that her father would come out of the bedroom minutes later and apologize, offering to take her to Disney World again. And make up for anything.

Andi woke up slowly, that thought in her mind. It was still in the dark of night, and she reached over to grab her wand. "Lumos." She muttered, looking around the alley once the light was on. She decided maybe here wasn't the best place to sleep. Placing er wand between her teeth, the light facing out, she began to tie her hair back. The blonde locks still looked perfect, and her face had hardly any dirt on it. What little clung to it was brushed away by her lithe hand moments later. She then hiked her book-bag on her back and began her walk. She passed by a bar, which looked perfect, except she couldn't enter. Many people in there might be weak enough to let her stay at their place for the night. As that thought crossed Andi's mind, she noticed someone stumbling out of the lit bar into the dark alley. Mandalyn approached him slowly, and smiled. He wasn't much older than er, maybe 18. "E-excuse me?" She asked, her voice meek, yet chime-like. The man turned around, and in the light of her lumos, she noticed his slight smile. He called her pretty, asked her if she was lost, and of course Andi offered up information that she was travelling around the country trying different restaurant and bars, and needed a place to stay. "So if you have a couch, or a floor, I would be forever grateful!" Andi finished, her smile shining in the light of her wand. The dim noise from the bar separated their sentences, as he seemed to be thinking. Maybe he was too sober to say yes.

"Well, I can't leave a pretty young thing like you in the dark. There are a lot of creeps out there. Come with me." Mandalyn smiled and nearly cheered. She had once again managed to get a place to stay. Maybe he was kindhearted, or maybe she was really beautiful, whatever the case be, she was thankful.
lyrics from breakdown by epik high
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