Manami Sona

Manami Sona

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Yew 14", Essence of Fairy Dust
As you can see this app isn't completely filled out, but I really need some feedback for Manami so if you have any questions please let me know! :)

Full Name: Manami Sakura Sona

Date of Birth: April 13, 2024

Current Age: 11

Basic Appearance: Nami is small for her age and as she gets older she will look consistently look three to five years younger than anyone else her age. She wears her ebony-black hair cropped short to her chin and has a streak of gold in it on the left side of her face that was caused by her drinking too much of a benign potion when her mother wasn't looking. She has delicate hands with long, slender fingers that hold quills, paintbrushes, and pencils with a steady grace.

When not in robes, Nami has a habit of dressing more "girly" in skirts and freshly pressed short-sleeved blouses in the warm months, and in the the colder season she wears denim jeans and turtleneck sweaters. Whenever she's painting she pulls out a pair of jean overalls that have been splattered in a multitude of colors. She is actually most comfortable in them and if she's disturbed while wearing them she becomes quickly irritated. They're her way of telling the world to leave her alone.

Personality: Manami is a very quiet person who has developed the habit of speaking softly due to being the adopted daughter of a museum curator. When she is in her home town of Paris she will spend hours wandering to hushed halls of the Louvre, quietly taking in the art. This has given her the ability to quickly assess loud and chaotic situations and quietly calm everyone down. It has also given her a great love of art and she has become quite the little Picasso herself. She cannot be found without her sketch book and a pencil and has sewn pockets on the inside of all her robes' sleeves so she has a place to put her drawing materials. She will keep her painting materials in her dormitory and has a portable easel so she can paint her favorite scenes.

The only problem with her quiet demeanor and diminutive size is that she is often not taken seriously and she ends up having to force people to leave her alone with magic. As of yet it's only partially successful as she only knows a few spells and doesn't know quite how to execute them successfully. She is used to being alone and doesn't know how to really talk to other people, but she likes being in large, talkative groups just taking everything in. She hasn't had any real close friends growing up, but she is loyal to anyone who gets past what could be seen as her stand offishness that is actually just her penchant for silence.

Her ability to listen to other people has taught her how to pick up on the subtle undertones in their voice that reveal their true feelings. When she's with her friends she immediately and bluntly asks them about it, but with strangers she is much more withdrawn and won't ask them directly what's wrong. Instead she is more likely to try and cheer them up as best she can if their sad or leave them alone when they're furious.

She is generally pretty laid back until someone disturbs her while she's painting or drawing. She will become quickly irritated and it is one of the few times that she will raise her voice.

Rowan Sona (adoptive mom | mixed blood | Durmstrang Graduate| 35)- Rowan is a tall woman who stands six inches higher than her muggle husband and possesses bright blue eyes that seem to always be wandering into a dream or some wild new idea. She has light brown hair that is just shy of being stick straight that she normally wears braided in a thick rope over her shoulder. A potions master, she is one of the few wizards in the world who have complete mastery over all things potions and can make something from nothing. She is always working on new potions to cure illnesses and have fun (she was the one who invented the tasteless brew that would cause the unsuspecting drinker to roar like a lion for hours). Manami looks up to her mother very much and wants to become a potions master just like her.

Mungo Sona (adoptive father | muggle | 39)- A kind man, Mungo is the perfect father in Nami's eyes. Born and raised in Scotland, Mungo has a rich, occasionally indecipherable, brogue that somehow doesn't impede his ability to communicate his love of art to anyone and everyone he meets. This passion for beauty and ability to laugh easily is what brought him and Rowan together. Only an aspiring potions master then, she had been having a rough month and was getting nowhere with the potions she was working on when she decided to visit the Louvre hoping that she could find something to rekindle her passion for her job... and that's where she found Mungo. His bright, happy smile and roguish wink put a spell on her despite him having no magic at all and she knew that one day he would be the first muggle to know that she was a witch and she would show him her world.

Pets: Manami has only ever had a blue betta fish named Bubbles who died the year before she came to HNZ

Area of Residence: Outskirts of Paris, France

Blood Status: Mixed Blood (her biological father is a pureblood)

Heritage: Although much isn't known about the specifics of her ethnicity, she is very quite clearly of Asian descent

Special Abilities: Manami has no special abilities currently, but is planning on becoming an animagus.

Interests or Hobbies: Nami is quite the little artist, and in the muggle world might be considered a prodigy. Her favorite mediums are pencil drawings and oil paintings and she will draw anything that will stand still long enough for her to sketch. She is very interested in potions as she wants to be like her mom. While she will be able to memorize ingredients and properties, she will soon find out that she has no skill in the application of brewing once she attempts to make any potion at all.

Additional Skills: she speaks fluent French and English thanks to the efforts of both her parents and can read a little bit of Italian that her father taught her.

[li]Agile and quick

[li]History of Magic
[li]Being social
[li]Goes after things that she thinks will make her happy, but really aren't what she needs.
[li]Afraid of being seen as inconsequential
[li]Afraid of the dark
<LI>[li]Doesn't take criticism very well, thinks that every mistake she makes is a personal failure and blames herself for everything.

Describe your character in three words: Quiet, artistic, sensitive

Favourite place to be: Her mother's potions garden. She loves being around all the different magical plants and has seen several benign magical creatures there.

Friends: She is trying to become friends with Jane Anderson, Saffron Ironsong and Rhys Graves

Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw!!

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:

Best school subjects: Charms, Transfiguration & Herbology

Worst school subjects: Potions & History of Magic

Extracurricular Activities: Intends to try put for quidditch next year. (Y21)


Current Job: Student

Plans for your future: Potion Master

Your Patronus:

Your Patronus memory:

Your Boggart: Manami's boggart is that her adoptive parents have replaced her because she wasn't good enough or talented enough. She has a deep seated fear of this because she always feels like she isn't worthy of the parents she has and since she is adopted she figures that it would be easy for the to find a new daughter or son.

Your Animagus: Lucifer Hummingbird
Being small herself, Manami fits perfectly physically with a petite hummingbird. Speed and agility in the air will be mimicked by her Animagus which allows for her to be comfortable in another form. When you consider personality Nami and hummingbirds are practically twins. While they are small and rather quiet birds, they are fierce as well and will fight to defend themselves.

Mirror of Erised:

A page from your diary:

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