Manami Sona

Manami Sona

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Yew 14", Essence of Fairy Dust
The Basics
Character's Name: Manami Sakura Sona
Character's Birthdate: April 13, 2024
Hometown: Paris, France
Blood Status: Unknown (she was born to a teenage witch mother and adopted by a witch and her muggle spouse)
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw

Hair: Ebony black, she wears it cropped chin-length. She has a streak of gold hair on the left side of her face that was cause by drinking too much of a potion.
Eyes: Dark, liquid brown
Height: 3' 8"
Style: When she's painting she is super casual and has a pair of paint streaked overalls that she wears, but otherwise she's very well dressed and likes to wear skirts and dresses when it's warm and jeans and turtle necks when it's colder.
Other Distinguishing Features: Nami has very slender fingers that hold quills, wands, paintbrushes and pencils with a steady grace.

A Little Deeper
Manami is a very quiet person who has developed the habit of speaking softly due to being the adopted daughter of a museum curator. When she is in her home town of Paris she will spend hours wandering to hushed halls of the Louvre, quietly taking in the art. This has given her the ability to quickly assess loud and chaotic situations and quietly calm everyone down. It has also given her a great love of art and she has become quite the little Picasso herself. She cannot be found without her sketch book and a pencil and has sewn pockets on the inside of all her robes' sleeves so she has a place to put her drawing materials. She will keep her painting materials in her dormitory and has a portable easel so she can paint her favorite scenes.

The only problem with her quiet demeanor and diminutive size is that she is often not taken seriously and she ends up having to force people to leave her alone with magic. As of yet it's only partially successful as she only knows a few spells and doesn't know quite how to execute them successfully. She is used to being alone and doesn't know how to really talk to other people, but she likes being in large, talkative groups just taking everything in. She hasn't had any real close friends growing up, but she is loyal to anyone who gets past what could be seen as her stand offishness that is actually just her penchant for silence.


Family:(Include any relatives your character has [parents, siblings etc.] and some on them [A mini bio, if you will {Age, occupation, blood status, a little history}])

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