Malfoy, Lucius

Lucius Malfoy

Well-Known Member
Name: Lucius Malfoy

Birthdate: March 27, 1955

Age Now: 64

Blood Status: Pure

Hair: Was platinum blonde, now turning pure white

Eyes: Blue


A devout follower of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, Lucius has had many falling outs with the Ministry and recently, was broken out of a Ministry trial and is now wanted. Born to a wealthy family, Lucius has always believed in Pure blood supremacy, and remains a retired Death Eater even after his master's passing.

His wife, Narcissa, left him a few years back, and was left in Malfoy Manor with only an old and shrewd house elf, Felox. Content to carry his cane everywhere he goes, although no one knows exactly why he needs it, he is considered high on the scale of Death Eaters but not a definite leader, and is well respected by many around him.

He is one of those concerned with the prophecy made a decade ago, his granddaughter Elizabeth a possibility to be pertaining to said prophecy.


Narcissa Malfoy(wife)
Draco Malfoy(son)
Elizabeth Malfoy(granddaughter)
Scorpius Malfoy(grandson)

Job: Used to work for the ministry in the International Magical office of Law, but is now retired.

School Attended: Hogwarts Scotland

If a Hogwarts Student, house: Slytherin

Country of Origin: Britain

Where You are living now: TBA

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