Malachi Sadowsky

Malachi Sadowsky

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Straight 9 Inch Flexible Ebony Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core

Malachi Heinrich Sadowsky

Date of Birth
December 30th

Current Age

Basic Appearance
Malachi prides himself on the way he looks. He is quite thin, but he also is a tall boy coming from two rather tall parents and most of the time towers over most people his own age. The way he styles his hair is a mess, the sides and back shaved down to only a thin layer of the dark brown hair so it all grows up on top in a brown mop which Kai likes to mess up and run his fingers through. His eyes are dark and a rather murky green color which are not his best feature by any means, but not that is matters because few people stare into his eyes anyway.

This first thing anyone would notice is that Malachi is not very nice to people. He sees the world as it is and will not hesitate to state his own opinion above others no matter how hurtful his words might end up being. Kai makes friends lightly, only keeping those he knows he can trust close and frankly, ignoring everyone else unless they annoy him. All his life he was taught not to concern himself with matters that have nothing to do with him and so he lives by that code, not getting involved with the problems of other students unless they concern him at all. To put it plainly he's a bit of a loner and a cold soul, not someone to go to if you need a friend.


Aldrich Alfonsus Sadowsky - Father

Elsabeth Gisela Sadowsky - Mother

His extended family is quite a large one and they always have different events they need to attend to and so Malachi is always in contact with his family and he sees this as the way it always going to be.

Area of Residence
Napier, New Zealand

Malachi was born in Brandenburg an der Havel, otherwise called Brandenburg City, in Germany and his whole family were born in the country and it is where most of his heritage is from. Why they suddenly left behind their heritage and moved is beyond Malachi, but Germany will always be his home and a home New Zealand can never replace.

Interests or Hobbies
Malachi has limited interest in things, though he will always say that Quidditch and studying the darker arts are his main hobbies. Most of his time was spent on a broom flying around out of sight from Muggles and the other half was spent in the library studying all the books he could find about the dark arts with a great interest.

Hogwarts House


Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions
The main hope and ambition for Malachi is to learn and master every spell he possibly can before he graduates. Of course he has other small hopes like getting on the house Quidditch team, being made a prefect and maybe even head boy, but the main thing he is hoping for is to master his spells before he graduates and get the best possible marks in the more important lessons.

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