Making Friends in a Foreign Land

Elle Silvertongue

Active Member
OOC First Name
There was a loud CRACK! and a middle-aged witch and a young girl apparated in the middle of the crowded street of Obsidian Harbour.They exchanged the parting embrace and then the older witch disapparated with another loud CRACK! The girl stood there for a moment taking in her surroundings and then set off towards the nearby ice-cream parlour.

She opened the door a crack and checked if there was an empty table inside but the place was completely packed.thinking that she might as well sit outside and enjoy the summer as long as she could,she stepped out again and sat on a table under one of the big and brightly colored umbrella.

She ordered a chocolate sundae and then waited for her order as she looked at the people on the street.There were many young people like her, probably on Christmas holiday from the local wizarding school Hogwarts New Zealand.She wished longingly that she could study in Hogwarts but she didn't want to be away from her guardian,Lavender.Going to study in Durmstrang made her feel closer to home.

But she still longed to stay in this sunny place called New Zealand.She had come here with Lavender for merely a few hours as there had been a special conference of Healers from all over the world which Lavender wanted to attend.She had been hoping that she would find some company in this foreign country with all these young people there to mingle with but she was just to shy to approach anyone and start a small conversation.

So she just sat there cursing herself for being so unsociable.Even after five years of being introduced to the wizarding world where she belonged and given full liberty to mingle with any sort,wizard or muggle,she,Elle Silvertongue,had not managed to make a single friend of her own age group.But just then her ice-cream arrived and she lost track of her thoughts and became befuddled by it's deliciousness.

Half way through her ice-cream she realized how warm it was and that she had dressed up,and put on a cardigan for the cold of Bulgaria without thinking that in New Zealand it would be hot.She shrugged it off and kept it on her lap in a small bundle.Now she would have to carry it around with her where ever she went,she thought with a sigh.She could always make it disappear but she loved this particular cardigan very much.Plus she was only fifteen so she was underage and could not use magic outside school.
There wasn't all that much exciting happening in New Zealand really. Yes, young adult, Mr Chase Finnigan had been a busy boy, meeting his new...but biological family, helping his sister with her love-life, and Chase had also turned gay. But all the hassle of that was over now, and Chase hadn't really had much to do. So, finally having a day all to himself, Chase wandered the busy streets of Obsidian Harbour seeing if he could find himself something to do. Just a new friend would amuse him for the day.

As he headed into a nearby ice-cream parlour, Chase looked around, most people were already sat in their families and friendship groups. And Chase was worried that he wouldn't get a seat as he headed towards the counter to wait in the long que for his ice-cream. Chase ordered a Banana Split, then headed outside to see if any tables had cleared. Chase could be a greedy guts sometimes, he could quite happily eat this whole banana split to himself, but it would be more fun if he could find a friend to share it with.

Chase glanced around the parlour's garden, which had around 10 Tables placed into it, and brightly coloured umbrellas hung on top of them to protect the customers from the rain and the sun. Eventually, Chase spotted a girl sat all alone sticking out like a sore thumb from the crowded atmosphere that the ice-cream parlour had attracted. He approached the table then smiled at the girl sweetly. "Hey do you mind if I sit here? There's no seats left?" He asked with a small laugh. "I'm Chase by the way..." He said, holding his hand out for the girl to shake as he introduced himself. "And you are?" He asked happily as he took a seat, then licked at his ice-cream.
Elle was almost finished with her sundae in about five minutes.While most people took about ten to fifteen minutes to finish such a big portion of ice-cream,Elle could finish more in half their time.Even if she was shy and timid,when it came to ice-cream or anything else which was in the sweets & desserts category,Elle had never learned to hesitate in finishing it as fast as she could.She didn't have a sweet tooth but rather sweet teeth.

Elle was thinking about getting another one,maybe a different flavor this time,when a boy who looked a few years older than her and also friendly,came to her table asking if her could sit there.All the more reason to get another ice-cream she thought as she returned his smile and said,"Oh no,not at all,I could really use some company."

She shook his hand as he introduced himself and replied,"It's nice to meet you Chase,I'm Elle."As he took a seat she noticed that he was eating a banana split and fought the urge to make a face.She had never liked banana splits.Elle looked at her own empty ice-cream bowl and then said,"I was just about to order another one," looking arround for a waiter.
Chase smiled as the girl introduced herself. "It's nice to meet you Elle..." He told her happily. He was always glad to meet new friends. And being gay, Chase always found himself making friends with girls more than boys, but that was no problem for Chase, he enjoyed it. And he enjoyed the attention to. Chase was a good-looking guy, and as camp as he was, some girls still liked to try and get close to him. But that didn't bother Chase, he had nothing to hide, he knew he was gay, and the minute any girl got too close, he would put them straight right away.

"You go girl..." He joked as she mentioned ordering another ice-cream. "Although don't let me near it...I might have to eat it for you..." He said, continuing to joke around with the girl. It broken the awkward, 'I've just met you feeling' that everyone got when they first met. And Chase was jokey guy, he enjoyed the thrill of making people laugh.

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