Making Amends

Odette Madison

👑Macaws Beater | Healing | Adopted | 2049 Grad 🦢
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 15 1/2 Inch Flexible Rosewood Wand with Veela Hair Core
2/2031 (31)
As Odette went up to where she suspected the Ravenclaw house to be, she was disappointed to see that all her flyers around the North Tower really had been removed. Not even any traces were left, that wasn't fair. She had worked so hard.

Well, in this part of the castle it had actually been Margo's hard work that had been removed. Which is part of the reason why Odette was now here. She was looking for the other girl, because she knew that she had something to make up for. Margo surely had heard by now that Odette had mentioned her name when she had been caught, and Odette couldn't imagine that she appreciated it. So... time for damage control. She had more candy with her because Margo had liked that the last time, and now she was wandering around trying to find any Ravenclaws. Maybe she could ask one to go to the Common Room and get Margo for her. Assuming that the Common Room actually was somewhat near here. She sighed, looking around for her friend. She hoped that she could still call her a friend after this. Margo didn't seem to have the backbone to end a friendship, especially with someone like Odette. But it wouldn't be completely out of the question. Odette had gotten her into trouble, after all. After she lost Rory's support, she really needed someone that continued to have her back.
Margo just couldn't believe it. She couldn't believe Odette had used her to spread false rumours about Harley. The only reason she'd ever agreed to post those flyers was because Odette had claimed Harley had bullied her, and now they were the bullies! The Ravenclaw was furious - and even more so when she stepped out of her common room to head to the library and saw Odette wandering around in the tower. She had a lot of audacity, coming up here, presumably to find Margo, after everything she'd done. Scowling, the frizzy blonde clutched her textbooks to her chest and shouldered past her friend - or rather, ex-friend. She had no intention of speaking to her ever again.
It seemed like hours until Odette finally spotted Margo's telltale frizzy hair. Finally! She started to move in her direction but then noticed to her slight surprise that Margo actually had noticed her already and was avoiding her. She was avoiding Odette. Of all things to come of this disaster of a plan, Margo growing a backbone hadn't been something she had anticipated, and it wasn't welcome either. She needed Margo more than ever now that Rory had so publicly dropped her. It was time to turn up the charm.

As Margo shouldered past her, she reached out for her. "Margo, wait!" She said, following her. "Just a moment, please? I want to talk to you." She pleaded, hoping the other girl would be smart and listen.
After a moment's consideration, Margo turned, her scowl unfaltering. What could Odette possibly want to talk to her about? If she was going to say sorry, she was wasting her breath. Margo wasn't ever forgiving her, even if it meant having no friends for the rest of her education. Being a loner was better than hanging around with a liar and a bully. "What?" she asked, trying to sound curt, but not quite hitting the mark: it wasn't in her nature to be short with anyone, even when they'd utterly betrayed her.
Odette suppressed a grimace. This wasn't going to be as easy as she had imagined. "Margo." She said, her voice calm and sad. "I... I know you must be terribly mad at me for telling the professor your name, but you had no idea how scary he was. He was mean he threatened me. I think he already knew..." She faltered, looking down uncertainly. "Harley did really bully me, Margo. Maybe my flyers exaggerated it a little bit but I just didn't want to give her the chance to get close to anyone else. It's already happened, I had a girl from Gryffindor turn on me and in that situation my hair got pulled and I got jinxed. Doesn't that sound bad to you? Like something that should be stopped?" She wasn't going to mention that both those things had been done by someone else, and hadn't really had anything to do with the situation. She may as well spin that humiliating incident for her own gain. Nothing she had said now was a lie.
Margo's frown deepened. Professor Pendleton had threatened Odette? That didn't sound very much like him. The Ravenclaw didn't think much of her Potions professor anyway - his cheer intimidated her - but she couldn't quite imagine him being mean. But Odette looked so sad, so hurt that Margo began to second guess herself. Yes - she'd been silly to think that Odette had made the whole thing up. There had to have been some truth to her claims, or else the entire endeavour would have been completely pointless, and Odette wouldn't do something like that. Margo flushed guiltily, reproached for having doubted her friend so readily. "Well... yes," she admitted. The hair pulling bit really did sound terrible. Whoever did it deserved to be told off. "But we were still wrong. We should have just told a professor." Margo knew that now. "Are... are you okay?"
This was the Margo she knew and counted on. Easy to sway, easy to use. She felt relieved as she looked at the other girl, though she tried not to show it too much. "I'm sorry, Margo." She said softly. "I asked your help with something bad and I didn't explain it well to you. I just worried... that you wouldn't want to help me otherwise. I thought it was a good idea, but I was wrong." This was true, she had expected quite a different outcome. Harley's reputation wouldn't even suffer much, not if Odette had to do her apology. The thought alone made her stomach clench and she averted her eyes. "I'm not really okay. Are you?" She asked, hoping it would help soften Margo a bit if she asked about her own well being. "Did you get punished? I... I got a horrible punishment, I don't know how I'll bear it."

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