- Messages
- 662
- OOC First Name
- Madz
- Blood Status
- Pure Blood
- Relationship Status
- Seeing Somebody
- Sexual Orientation
- Kaleb
- Age
- 34/2013
Full Name
:- Makaylah Ayashe Makwa or aka Little One
Date of Birth
:- June 25
Current Age
:- 11
Basic Appearance
:-Short Brown Hair (Usually style in a Nancy Drew way), Slightly thick square glasses, brown freckles flocks beneath her nose and around her cheeks. She very short and scrawny. She has light welcoming brown eyes. Also her teeth are a bit white and they hang slightly out her mouth (not enough for braces)
She usually wearing old faded closing or something tasky out of the 70's (Thank Merlin for uniform) oh yeah her skin color is a light carmel complexion very light almost tan (because of her Hawaiian Heritage)
:- Makaylah very dorky and nerdy but fails to see it. Her kind of cool would be collecting buttons or searching for fossil in an unnoticed location. Her older brother Embry and Quil always tease Makaylah about being too "geeky" but Makaylah smart enough to ignore half the time. The rest of the time her mom always the only to handle them. Making friends probably is the worst but than again she don't think she needs that many. She doesn't get the popularity crowd so it wouldn't phase her, she has about a few friends back in Hawaii but that's about it. She keeps in touch with them once in a while, not really into that kind of stuff anyways.

Liseli Makwa
-Born in Hawaii
-Home Schooled
Seth Makwa
-17 Years Old
-Future Alpha Aniwaya Chaser
Embry&Quil Makwa
-Home Schooled
-Muggel School
-Two Pranksters
-Both are aiming to own a joke shop in Hawaii one day or something in that works
:- None she currently going to try and buy a Raven since she can't say she owns Dolphins in Hawaii
Area of Residence
:- Maui, Hawaii right now in NZ with the Hollawarth
Blood Status

:- Hawaiian Native American
| Born into Makah Nation in Hawaii
Special Abilities
:- She doesn't have none of that

Interests or Hobbies
:- Button and Antique collector!
-Paleontologist Wannabee
-Liqurious Candy!
Additional Skills
:-She can stick two straw up her nose

:-The fact she smart
-Doesnt let anyone get to her
-She able to tell a difference between one rock to another
-Her knowledge in -Paleontologist
-Her Asthma Attacks
-Someone squishing a bug in front of her
Describe your character in three words
:-Nerdy, Enthusiastic, Simple Me

Favourite place to be
:-The Amazon

-Down a dirt pitch
:-None yet at Hogwarts

A couple friends at home but that's about it
Hogwarts House
Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions
:-To emerge -Paleontologist with the use of Magic
Plans for your future

Your Patronus
:-Hmmm I think a Monk Seal
Your Patronus memory
:-Getting my first button from mom and I fell in love with it. Its a fossil picture and around the brim is gold, I put on my favorite peat coat

Your Boggart
:-Running, if its me Running than I'm afraid of passing out which leads me to black out and my anxiety creaking up
Your Animagus
:-Monk Seal or a Dolphin
Mirror of Erised
:-Finding the biggest Fossil in the wizaring world. That be a grand day

A page from your diary: