Selene Le Fey

Twin, Seer, Teacher
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Bloodwood 15 1/4" Essence of Phoenix Ash
23 (31/12/2035)
Whilst Madeline's name was the first on the list it was not the first rose that Selene delivered. as whilst she didn't know the girl well and hadn't ever spoken to her she knew that she was a first year Gryffindor and they would be having history of magic with the Gryffindors this afternoon. Selene made to arrive at the first floor early and checked the classroom to make sure she wasn't in there before waiting in the corridor for her to arrive. She saw some Gryffindors approach. "is Madeline around? she asked. hoping that she would be with them or coming soon. she didn't want to be late for class.
Seeing a cluster of her Gryffindor friends ahead of her in the corridor, Maddy hurried towards the classroom, her much-depleted basket of roses swinging from her arm. She really didn't want to bother with classes today; she was far too excited and rose deliveries were far too much fun to have to sit still. But she still had to go - and it was just as well she did, because there at the classroom door was one of her classmates with a basket of roses, asking after her. "Here I am!" Maddy yelled excitedly, pushing between the other Gryffindors to get through. "It's Maddy, though," she corrected amiably. "And you're . . . Selene, right?" Maddy didn't know the Ravenclaws very well, but she hoped she was correct about the girl's name.
Selene was glad that madeline was around. she didn't want to be late for class. and with all the rose deliveries she hoped that Madeline wasnt going to miss class as the girl appeared she remembered that she too had been on the delivery list. "oh, Sorry, Maddy." she corrected herself. She smiled as the girl knew her name. "yes that is me." she said "how are your deliveries going? you are my second one" she said as she rummaged through the basket to find the right rose. it was still the morning and she would make a crack on them during lunch. "here is a yellow rose for you" she said passing the rose and the accompanying note to the girl.

Kia Ora!

Gryffindor wouldn’t be the same without you!

“No worries,” Maddy said cheerfully, pleased to hear that she’d got Selene’s name right. “I’ve done five of mine already, got four left to go. It’s so much fun!” Maddy was loving the challenge of finding people around the castle, and the feeling of making them happy by spreading nice messages. “Yay, thank you!” Maddy bounced happily as she read the note, pleased to get a nice message, and proud to see Cyzarine using the Māori greeting she had taught her.
Selene's jaw dropped when maddy siad that she had already delivered five of hers. " that is organisation." she said. "I don't know who some of my people are" she said. she would have to find a way to track them down. she didn't even know what house people were in. she girl seemed happy to get a message she smiled. "I hope you have a good day and can find everyone" she said "I had better go. i dont want to be late for professor sword" she said looking at the classroom door beside them.
Maddy grinned at the compliment, though she didn't feel she had been very organised. "I just wandered around a lot at breakfast, and some of them were people I already know. I managed to find out what houses they were in too, that helped." Maddy didn't really care about efficiency, but houses had certainly helped, even with her policy of avoiding choosing the most obvious route on the basis that it would be more fun that way. "Hey, I'm coming! I don't wanna be late for class either."

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