Maddiie LeMour

Maddiie Holland

Al. Hufflepuff | Werewolf
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Lignum Vitae Wand - The Merlin 16" Essence of Dragon's Whisker


Maddiie Hollawarth Now Maddiie Stewart
November 7, 2005
Birth Place::.
London, England
3rd Year
Lignum Vitae Wand - The Merlin 16" Essence of Dragon's Whisker

Maddiie consider herself to be normal looking like most woman her age, however she also convince she looks more and more like Christina each day. With constant compliments how she inherited her mothers figure and appeal, she doesn't take it personally. She embrace her lengthy figure, her mother once grace the world with the same curving lengths has her mother honey eyes (sometimes they are blue cause of contacts) her hair more curly than Christina, that she inherited on her own.

When it comes to clothes, she no fashion diva like her sister Kasey Blake. Maddiie prefers the sneakers more than the heel, that doesn't mean she doesn't wear them. She constantly wears them all the time now. With tight jeans or blacks slacks whenever she on the clock, a little flashy blouse, though her clothes casually are from latest brands that are "in", though she mix it constantly with her own style and flare.
Hair::. Tawny Tresses w/natural highlights
Eyes::. Honey Optics
Hight::. 5'8
Spain, British, Puerto Rican (Taino Indian)
Maddiie comes off as a kind and very loving person. I will not lie, she is nice too nice but yet again that is why she is in Hufflepuff. She loves her friends and family but at times question if she is good enough for them. Maddiie is very passionate with her school works, she tries her hardest to pleased everyone around her. Though she may seem a little bubbly, she is serious at times. She stands up in what she believes in, and will not stand down, though she does very often when it comes not trying to getting in trouble.

She calm down over the years, changing from the once bubbly Hufflepuff to now a person who's either relaxed at times or always in a rush. She still nice but to those who return the same ounce of respect. After so much has happen to her, Maddiie has mold herself naturally into the person she is now. She still fights with life, maybe to much. She still doesn't give up regardless how difficult it could be sometimes.
-Music, playing her old guitar or just plain enjoying the music
-Taking pictures, rarely on her free times, she takes basically of anything she finds inspiring.
-Having fun, movies, hanging out, enjoying her company. She loves fun
-Writing, she always had a great big deal in writing

-Those who don't care about anyone but themselves
-Those who victimize people, anyone who thinks its okay to hurt anyone in anyway
-Forgetting where she came from, sometimes reality hits you when you don't want too..
-Now the moon, she can never enjoy the beauty of the moon anymore. She forever enslaved by it
Worst Fear::.
Greatest fear always been losing her family in any worst way possible, now she fears the moon. Making her into the most dangerous predator in the world. The moon, she fears it now.
Greatest Memories::.
-Memories with her mom when she was smaller, how she always help just to hear her mom speak and taught her many importance in life...
-Her father's happiness once more with his love Lila Holland//Hollawarth
-Her daughter Delilah being born, regardless if she been premature..
-Enjoying the sunlight, and times with her family

Maddiie's mother was born and raised in Yabocoua, Puerto Rico. She was a muggle born and found out at a younger age that she possessed power. At first Tina did not tell her parents, but she did eventually after she got a letter of acceptance. Tina went on to Hogwarts and was sorted into Ravenclaw. That where she meet Roswald. A son to a well known ministry official, Roswald had gotten a letter of acceptance as well. He was sorted into Gryffindor. During Tina 3rd year, Roswald meet her as she was passing by at a corridor. From than on they were inseparables. It was said that they had fought in Hogwarts war. Tina never really told her daughter everything, they rather not tell what had happen, but they do know everything ended on good terms. Tina had her first son at age 21, than had Maddiie at 24, along wither her two brother following after her. Maddiie was always with her mother growing up, she did everything with her, always staying by her side. Her older brother on the other hand had fallen with the wrong crowd. Right before Maddiie started her first year her brother was murder, she was said he was missing but at the end she had figured it all out. Her father Roswald return again, from traveling looking for his son and had decided to look for a job, but where?

First Year
Maddiie first got accepted to Hogwarts right before the summer was coming to in end. She was super excited, and was truly happy to finally go to Hogwarts but it was in New Zealand, as well her mother sent her on her way, happy that her daughter got accepted. Maddiie was sorted into Hufflepuff, she was happy and truly excited. She had spent her first year exploring her new home, along meeting her new friends Pun, River, and Fia. She had got in trouble actually that year, so sad I know. But she did, by dueling and Professor King was the one to bust her.(BTW she was dueling with Bellatrix). Maddiie first year had gone great, but her friend were no longer here. She was here alone, and was feeling ill from some sort of sickness. She had no clue what it was, but had forced herself to go on to school.

Second year and Second year again
Maddiie second year did not start out so great. At last year was good but with everything happening so fast, she felt she could not control what was going on around her. She started to have nightmares of her brother, and than started to feel ill. She had tried to stay positive, by starting up a Hogwarts Monthly club, but that did not help much. That just made her stress level high, and on top of that she could not keep up with the others. So she left and was sent home, she was home schooled a while. Her sickness would get worst at times, but her father had brewed up a potion to calm it down, giving it to Alicia, and that when Maddiie decided to go back to school. She was sent back to her second year even though everyone else moved on forward she did not mind at, it was s fresh start for her, and with that she made new friends.

Third Year to Sixth Year
From than on forward Maddiie basically went through a lot ups and down.Her memory is faint still she could not recall her years at hogwarts and the time she left.So here goes a few events and what she can remembered happen or what took place when she was gone.

She made quidditch captain at one point than was force to quit at another, she had her drama club going, but sadly she didn't make any improvement in the club.She still meet a lot of pupils during her years at Hogwarts, Ginny Porter being one of them, to Grande Fuego, Kasey Carla, Blaine Bailey, Crystal Featherlocks, basically her closes friends or people she really go to know better outside the clubs. Grande Fuego especially since he had been first boyfriend by her third year at Hogwarts, it had been unexpected between the pairs. Maddiie's father at first didn't approve of him. It took a while to get use the feeling of being in relationship at such a young age. One of her favorite moments with Grande had been their trip to Puerto Rico, it had been short but Maddiie had really appreciated Grande for taking her there as a gift, it had been his parents to buy their pair tickets to go see Maddiie's grandfather Armando Jose.
However romance don't last forever when your young, Grande had to leave Maddiie, and while she had needed him the most, the news of her mother dead had been months later. Maddiie's sickness had been acting up around the time, it was there at the yule ball when she left due to her sickness misbehaving. That's when she meet Patrick O'Brien or had been previously seeing on a regular basics to treat her sickness. Maddiie had missed that night for her options, so when she passed out, she had a dream about her brother bringing her bad news. It had been Damian, the oldest of the Holland (Hollawarth) who died years ago mysteriously, (but clues have been found leading tracks to the
When she had awaken that's when the news did came and Patrick had told Maddiie the horrible tragedy. Christina was murder by and if Raziel Black, her father's partner had caught in on time, Christina would've still been alive.
After past events Maddiie was force out of Hogwarts by her father choice. He took his family first to Alaska, were they live near the Danali mountains. Maddiie was to stay home occupying herself with home schooling, while her brothers attended Orion Academy. A school only occupying Alaskans boy as well tourist and foreign exchange students. For a while Ross told his family to keep to themselves, that didn't happen, the boys met Jared Wilson, who they shared a good whole year of becoming good friends, Maddiie befriending one local girl that lived near by name Rebecca.
Their occupancy didn't last long, Roswald moved his family across the U.S, harsh weather force them to move. They ended up in the busy streets of Boston, Ma were Salem School of Wizary called their names for another year and a half. Maddiie didn't mind Boston, she meet a lot more people there than Alaska. Befriending two girls from Bahamas, Shi and Ashanti. They were exchange students attending Salem, Maddiie enjoyed learing about their culture and tradition. She learn about their view on magic and how it works in their country, how they called on the elders to guide them. It had been a good experience.
But something was missing in her father's life. He wasn't happy nor did he solemnly spoke to anyone, Jon tried his best cheering him. But I knew why he was sad, Kasey's mom had a lot to do with his depression and course losing his wife. Maddiie talked to him one night, he explain how he felt about her and how she had been there when Christina passed away. Roswald was falling for her, so Maddiie suggested they move back. Before second semester of her sixth year started, they did. Maddiie went back to school expecting everyone to be the same, only it hadn't been. Everyone who attended Hogwarts had been through trouble times before she came. It looks like Maddiie had missed chaos when Cyndi reveal to them what had happen while she was gone. She was happy, least nothing fell on her head this time. She was happy to see everyone, Alex Cullen, Ginny Porter, Kasey Carla, everyone even someone very old. Blake Zeppelin was lurking about, but she didn't really get to see him often. But what made her stop breathing from her sheer enjoyment was finding out about Patrick O,Brien she couldn't believe he was gone, not just gone but dead. Sixth year passed before a blink of an eye, seventh year was her last chance to be with everyone.

I didn't know love would come to me this fast or that I would meet someone like Alex;
he felt unreal at first. Like a dream that I hadn't waken up yet from, After coming back unnoticed, that's how it felt::.

Seem to keep forgetting
After our first encounter in the school library, I didn't think much. I was glad to finally find a friend after being gone for a while. Alex didn't agree of me being a dragon keeper, he was the first one I told, but it was never discuss after that. I still had that dream::....
From the Start
That day we decided to fly, we wager on a bet, still I was enjoying my time with Alex! The bet was first one to the broom stick had to buy a round of drinks. It was fun, but never had I flown so fast that day; Alex was great at letting me win::..
Drink, Drank,Drunk
After a few butter beers, Alex ask Maddiie out on a date::..
I acted childish and mess up::..
Afternoon Picnic
It was Official and I screwed up; but I'm glad it work out?
Prince Charming and Cinderella
First school even together, it was fun. I enjoy being someone else for the night and having my prince charming with me. Even if er had different style in dancing::.

Valentine day Dinner
After events taken place, betrayal and guilt soon disappeared. Alex proposed to Maddiie, unexpectedly she said yes:::...
What Surprise?
(In Spanish)
Alex tells Maddiie about her cousin, than she tells Alex about her sickness. Oddly she gets sick and shows Alex what happens to her. This occurred because of the lack of potion Maddiie hadn't taken around that time::...
Roswald Hollawarth

Roswald is Maddiie father.
He works at the ministry In Unspeakable.
He is over protective of his family espically his daughter.

Christina (Perez) Hollawarth (Dead)

*--Mom was a muggel born from Puerto Rico(Taino Indian)
*--She went to Hogwarts (Scotland) and graduated as a Ravenclaw student
*--She married Roswald after graduation and became a healer in St. Mungos
*--She was killed by Athene Pertho grandfather
(Read her biography)

Damian Hollawarth(dead or not)

*--Damian didn't much lived a full life. He was killed at young age (12 or 13) by the hands of death eater. "When Damian died that's when everything fell apart"


Johnathan Hollawarth

*--The oldest Male in the family (since Damian death)
*--Knowledge is much greater than Force, its Power
*--Drumstrang (2025)
*--Qudditch Beater for Finches in Massachusetts and A Professor in Orion's Academy
Jacob Hollawarth

*--The Youngest Sibling
*--Qudditch Craze and Girls
*--Drumstrang (2025)
*--Slytherin Transferee (2026) Graduate
*--Anigimus (Alaskan Wolf)
*--Rookie (2026)

Jose Armando Perez

*--Christina's muggel father, Hollawarth's children grandfather
*--Born and raised in Puerto Rico (Taino Indian;Full Blooded)
*--Famous muggel singer in his home country and other parts of the world

Marisol (Madison) Perez

*--Christina's muggel mother, Maddiie Grandmother
*--Born in Puerto Rico, died at a young age to muggel breast cancer
*--Lovely Mother Nature :wub:
Lila Hollawarth

*--Kasey and Ben mother
*--Roswald's second wife (years later after Christina death and his finale)They met at work, Lila was there when Roswald lost his wife, she was there everytime when Roswald was down. She will remain to be there no matter what, daddy very greatful to have her as a wife now (Married 2024 before Maddiie and Ben graduation) -Aww-
*--Maddiie, Jon, and Jake's Step-Mommy ♥

Ben Carla

*-The oldest son of Lila and Former husband (decreased)
*--Now one of the oldest besides Maddiie
*--Drumstrang graduate (Head-Boy 2024)
*--Works at Drumstrang?

Kasey (Carla)Blake

*--Lila and former husband youngest one;only daughter
*--Maddiie Best friend and now Sister
*--Ravenclaw Perfect;2025 Graduate (HNZ No matter what)
*--Married to Hadan Blake! (before Maddiie) :o

Liam Hollawarth

*--Born in December 2024 to Mrs. Honey Day (UK)
*--Adopted 3 Days later by Lila and Roswald Hollawarth
*--Blue eyes and blonde hair; cutes little thing you ever did see..

Alexander Fields

*--Unknown Blood
*--Raised in Aussie adopted at young age
*--Attended [Filter] transfer to Hogwarts as a puff
*--Married 2025 Winter to Maddiie
*--Went to the Army, now undisclosed
*--Father to Delilah
*--Divorced later on
<COLOR color="black">Delilah Dalmoir-Fields

*--Mixed Blood, born in NZ
*--Alexander and Maddiie only. Child
*--Born in November of 2024?/25?
*--Name after Maddiie's favorite flower?​
Hadan Blake

*--Old Friends
*--BB Graduate
*--Kasey's husband
*--Ethan's father
*--Seeker|| Ministry Official

Silas LeMour
*--Born in January 2029
*--Father is Sirius LeMour
*--Little brother to Dehlilah

This is where it all began, last year at Hogwarts. Maddiie bumping into Zazuka bones and Ms.Bones telling her about a certain event that may happen in the future. Maddiie uncertain if she should believes, goes about her way and doesn't think about what Zazuka says to her.
The Coldest Day Ever
Pregnant with her fiance, Maddiie is alone on a cold new Zealand day. She goes out for no significant reason and becomes a target of torture.
The Dalmoir Residence
Lost in mind, with no memories she is found in the woods by Abby and Melodie, who adopts whar's left of Maddiie, who goes by the name of Dalmoir.
Do not feed the owls
After a while and helping Abby Dalmoir, Maddiie decided to manage a shop to help the family who's help her long the way. She also waiting the arrival of her first born child who she doesn't know who's the father due to her lack of memory. Until one day someone from the past comes to the shop and tells her of her true identity. Izaak finch and Melodie Lowe.
Blood calls the Hounds
Knowing her true identity now, Maddiie is taking baby steps in getting back her old life. She goes home one night after visiting Abby, only to be attack by Chase Blade and his fellow death eater, for Zazuka Bones and an auror to save her. And at the end, Alexander Fields her fiance to help stop Chase from attacking. Reunited in a horrible way.
Memories to last forever
After Maddiie's fatal tragic ending and her first child premature, everything is calm. Good enough for friends and family to gather together for the wedding that never took place a couple months back.

A Swore of Secrecy

It's Scariest Alone

You mustin tell anyone

Fog City

Hang with Me
Sergio Holland//Hollawarth

*--Pure Blood or consider to be blood traitor
*--Roswald father, Maddiie grandfather, *--decreased
*--H.S Gryffindor
Marlana Stewart

*--Muggel Born
*--British, U.K Native
*--Roswald's Mother, Maddiie's Grandmother
*--H.S Hufflepuff
Helena De La India Holland//Hollawarth

*--Born in Spain
*--Raised in the U.K
*--H.S Slytherin
*--Roswald Sister, Maddiie's Aunt
Cassidie Sommer

*--Rodriguez and Helena Holland daughter, given up for adoption
*--Born in Spain
*--Esme and Lexi sister, Maddiie's cousin
Esme Lively

*--Mixed blood, raised in Barcelona, Spain
*--Home Schooled till 15, Drumstrang and Puff at Hnz, now homeschooled again at seventh year
*--Maddiie's cousin
*--Cassidie Sommer, Leonardo De La Cruz, and Willow Paradox sibling
*--Helena//Rafael Daughter
*--Formely known as Makwa and De La Cruz
Luis Alvarez

*--Muggel completely disbelief of the wizaring world
*--Christina's Nephew, Maddiie's cousin
*--Uni student in Puerto Rico
Isabella Alvarez (Perez)

*--Muggel, born in Puerto Rico
*--Jose's daughter, Christina's sister, Maddiie's aunt, married to Juan Luis Alvarez
*--Mother to Luis, Jenna and Simora​

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