Mackenzie Mitchell

Mackenzie Mitchell

Hufflepuff Grad | Retired Surfer | Eeylop's staff
OOC First Name
Knotted 12 1/2 Inch Sturdy Alder Wand with Essence of Belladonna Core


Full Name: Mackenzie Mitchell
Nicknames: Mack
Gender: Female
Birthday: October 1st 2022
Age: 13
Blood Type: O+
Blood Status: Muggle Born
Languages Spoken: English
Heritage: Australian
Wand: Knotted 12 1/2 Inch Sturdy Alder Wand with Essence of Belladonna Core
Broom: None
Occupation: Student
Affiliation: None

Hair: Long Brunette Hair
Eyes: Brown
Height: 5'6
Build: Slim build
Scars: None
Piercings: None
Tattoos: None


Favourite Colour: Blue
Favourite Food: Pizza
Favourite Season: Summer
Favourite Month: October
Favourite Holiday: Christmas
Favourite Country: Australia
Favourite Animal: Dog
Favourite Number: 7
Favourite Sport: Surfing
Favourite Place to be: In the Ocean
Favourite Smell: The sea

<COLOR color="darkgoldenrod">A Bit Deeper|A Bit Deeper|A Bit Deeper

Likes: Surfing, Running, Skating, Socialising.
Dislikes: Reading, Laziness, Blood purists.
Erised: To become a champion surfer.
Boggart: Sharks.
Dementor: Her worst memory is watching her dad leave to join the Navy never come back.
Patronus Memory: When she won the junior amateur surfing championship at the age of 10.
Patronus Form: N/A
Animagus: N/A
Veritaserum: Her biggest secret is that she sometimes wishes she wasn't a witch and didn't have to give up surfing.
Strengths: Surfing, Swimming, Listening
Goals: To become a world surfing champion.


Sexual Orientation: Bi Sexual.
Crushes: None.
Relationship Status: Single.
How Long for: N/A.
Feelings: N/A.
Past Relationships: N/A.
Past Flings: N/A.
Innocence: Still innocent.
First Kiss: Yet to have it.
Turn Ons: Sporty people,
Turn Offs: Prejudice, Laziness
Ideal Man/Women:
Thoughts on Romance: Mackenzie likes the idea of romance but she is yet to be on the receiving end of it.
<SIZE size="50">School|School|School

School Attended: Hogwarts New Zealand.
Graduation: Still attending.
Best Subject: Potions
Favourite Class: Potions
Worst Subject:
Least Favourite Class: Defence Against the Dark Arts
<SIZE size="50">Family|Family|Family

Birth Parents

Kylie Mackenzie: Mother. Kylie is Australian born and taught Mackenzie how to surf. She gets a lot of her personality and hobbies from her mother. Kylie is no stranger to magic, her uncle was a muggle born wizard, and he was the one who came to inform Mackenzie that she had a place at HNZ. Kylie is a retired professional surfer and owns a beach front surf shop.

Petty Officer Zach Mackenzie: Father. deceased . Zach was an engineer with the Royal Australian Navy. Early in his career he was stationed at a local base but when Mackenzie was six years old he was reassigned to a ship and was due to spend a year at sea. He was killed by a drunk driver while the ship was docked in London.

Pet: None.

Birthplace: Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia.

Current Residence: Gold Coast (Holidays), Hogwarts New Zealand (Term time).

History: Mackenzie was born to two muggle parents, she was born in Gold Coast but moved to Cairns, Queensland when her father was transferred to the naval base. Her father remained there until Mackenzie was six when he was assigned a tour on a ship. He was killed when the ship was docked in London. The loss was devastating for Mackenzie and her mother, who then moved back to Gold Coast to get away from the navy. When Mackenzie was eight she began surfing and she took to it very quickly, she was so naturally gifted that she won the junior nation championship at the age of ten. When Mackenzie got her letter from Hogwarts and found out she was witch she reluctantly gave up a budding surfing career to attend Hogwarts.

At Hogwarts Mackenzie was sorted into Hufflepuff, she become an active member of the muggle sports club and despite being a very athletic person she chose not to try out for the Quidditch team in her first three years. Her love of sports so far has not translated into a love of the magical game.

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