Mackenna Matthews

Mackenna Matthews

Active Member
The Basics
Character's Name: Mackenna Rose Matthews
Character's Birthdate: September 18, 2011
Hometown: Missouri, United States
Blood Status: Muggle Born
Wand: Unknown
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff

Hair: Light brown, straight and long
Eyes: Blue
Height: 5'1, a bit shorter than average

A Little Deeper
Personality: Mackenna is a very soft spoken young lady. She tends to think things over before she comments on them, and is very level headed and mature for her age. Her true passion is music; she has been playing the piano since she was 4 years old. She generally cares for everyone and is a loving and kind individual.

History: Mackenna was born on September 18, 2011 in the state of Missouri in the United States. She was the firstborn daughter of John and Alicia Matthews. Her dad worked in the city as an attorney, and her mother stayed home to care for her. When Kenna was eight she found out that her mom was going to have a baby and she was thrilled! Her little brother Michael John completed their family. Just four months after Michael was born, Mackenna’s father was murdered by a former client. Eight-year-old Mackenna did not fully understand her father’s death, but is slowly coming to terms with it now.


Father: John Matthews
Age: 30 (Mackenna’s father died four years ago after being shot by a former client.)
Occupation: Lawyer (Mackenna’s father offered to take on clients that could not afford council rather than join a firm.)
Blood Status: Half-blood. John was raised by his father and never new his mother, who was a witch. This is where Mackenna gets her magical side from.
History: As I have already said, John Matthews was a lawyer who worked with clients who could not afford an attorney. When Mackenna was eight, her father was shot and killed by a former client who escaped from jail. He blamed Mackenna’s dad for not winning his trial.

Mother: Alicia Ann Matthews
Age: 33
Occupation: Nurse
Blood Status: Muggle
History: Alicia Matthews was a stay at home mom before her husband was killed. After he died, she went back to work as a nurse in a local hospital. The death of her husband took most of the light out of Alicia’s life. The only thing she has left in this world is her precious children.

Brother: Michael John Matthews
Age: 4
Occupation: Being 4!
Blood Status: Unknown
History: Michael was just a baby when his father was killed. He is the light and humor of the family, brining a smile to his mother and sisters face every day!

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