Lydia Archer

Lydia Warrick

Moutohora Macaws Keeper; Felix & baby warrick <3
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 9" Flexible Maple Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
I just met you ,
i can read your thoughts ,

Say Hello to
Lydia Archer!

So don't forget me ,
or what you want ,
Lydia Evans Archer

Lydia - It is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Lydia is "from Lydia". From Ludia. Place name: Lydia was an area of Asia known for its two rich kings, Midas and Croesus. Biblical: a Christian woman called a "seller of purple" and described as a woman of business, probably affluent.
Evans - a variant of Evan (Hebrew, Welsh, Scottish), and the meaning of Evans is "God is gracious; born of yew; youth".
Archer - It is of Latin origin, and the meaning of Archer is "bowman". From the word "arcarius". An English surname from medieval times when bows and arrows were essential hunting and fighting equipment.

Lydia was called Lydia purely because of the way that her mother thought the name sounded with her last name. When she had been pregnant she had just felt that it was a girl, and so they hadn't even bothered to look up boys names, and therefore were incredibly glad when it did turn out to be a girl. Lydia is a polite name, which wasn't as fancy as the name of her older brother, but as plain as the eldest. When they saw Lydia for the first time, they were just so happy. They couldn't believe how beautiful she was, or how much she suited the name Lydia.
The middle name Evans is her mother's maiden name. While the Archers on the male side all pass down various genes, as a girl she had less of the Archer traits, and her mother wanted to pass on something a little bit more. A little bit of her mother's side so that she would never forget who she was, or who she had come from.
Archer is the surname passed through the generations. With it, it carries a lot of both good and bad tidings. Lydia knows that while she had less of the Archer traits that her children that she may have in the future will carry them a lot more than she ever did. Which is why Lydia likes the name Archer and knows it will set her apart, but she fears the connotations that go with having that name, and being part of the Archer Family.

Lydia does not have any nicknames really. None that she would introduce herself as. She doesn't mind not having any nicknames because the name is so short any way, but, the girl sort of wishes at times that she had a name she could shorten it to something more friendly. Like how her brother can shorten his name to Ty, or her cousin to Stef, she's just stuck with Lydia. Though admittedly, Tybalt does call her Dia, when he can't be bothered pronouncing the whole things, but Lydia does not actually count this as a nickname.

Lydia is fifteen years old, she has always enjoyed being spoiled on her birthday. Even when there wasn't much to go around the girl would always be sure to have the best birthdays. As the only daughter of her family it was always easy for her parents to give her all that she wanted. Even though her birthday fell on a day that would normally be reserved for couples. At school she has much less done, but she doesn't mind it. Lydia still gets presents and she just kind of likes having fun.

Lydia was born on the 14th February in 2026, and was born in the early hours of the afternoon at home. She was around two months early and was a tiny little thing when she was born. On hand were two healers who helped ensure that despite being born so early that Lydia would be alright. She born a perfectly healthy, just a little unsized. With a few tuffs of hair, and blue eyes like nothing else.

Lydia is a professional quidditch player

Lydia currently has one child that she has with her husband Felix Warrick. The first son was born Mason Warrick in April 2051

Branson Archer is Lydia's father. He's the second oldest of four. He's a muggle but he's amazing. He is monochromatic, just like all the other males in the family, and he has short brown hair, and very bright blue eyes. Before we moved to New Zealand my father is a very smart man, he worked as an architect, in the town where they used to live lived, helping people build and develop properties, he was a very respected man, and despite his slight disability he did very well in his job.

Branson Archer was born in Denver Colorado. He was the second son of Cristian and Isla Archer. He was a small baby, with a tiny lot of brown hair, and like all male Archer's before, bright blue eyes. Later, his parents would produce two more children, a boy and a girl. Branson was a smart kid, he excelled in classes and worked very hard in all he was given. Branson wasn't diagnosed with monochromaticness until he was 7 years of age. When it became clear that he had mixed up an art class in grade school. There had always been suspicious about it, but his father had refused to acknowledge that all three of his sons were monochromatic. Unlike his brothers though, Branson was not diagnosed at birth.

Branson turned out to be very bright indeed, he sat an entrance exam and was accepted in a school for the gifted, he was very happy at this school. He worked hard, and was able to go to University, and get a degree in Architecture in half the time it would normally take. In the year of his graduation, Branson took a trip to San Diego where he met his future wife, Elliot. The two bonded instantly. Branson had never had a real girlfriend before then and was pretty excited to be with her. After half a year into their relationship, the two had moved in together, and he proposed. The marriage was pretty rushed, since they just wanted to make their relationship real, and they were really taking a leave out of Branson's younger brother's book. They just had a proper wedding in the small town that Branson's wife grew up in. It was a small affair, with only family and friends.

Three months after this happened, Elliot happily announced that she was a few weeks pregnant. This was a very happy occasion for the couple, and it was around this time that his younger brother, Mason, was disowned and then disappeared. Branson hadn't always been the best brother to Mason, calling him names, and just not acting right towards him, which is something he regrets a lot. Branson was under the impression that his brother would come back, but when he didn't, Branson got worried. He was later told a few months after his brother had disappeared that he had driven off a bridge in Minnesota dying instantly. On June 24th Mason was born, a month and a half early. He was happy to name his first son after his lost brother. It was then that the two admitted their secret to the other. That she was of magical blood and he was monochromatic, therefore meaning that his son was very likely to have it also.

The two moved to Elliot's hometown and settled into a small routine. During a large family dinner, between, Branson, his wife, and his parents, Branson told them about their son being monochromatic and the fact that he would be a wizard. His son, having turned five a few months before. Branson's father was not happy to hear about this, but it was irrelevant, since they also announced that Elliot was pregnant again.

Tybalt was born, on September 30th and Like with Mason, they had Tybalt tested, and he too was monochromatic. They went back to their home and, later their family brought a third child in to the world, Lydia. At this point, Mason would be going to magical school. They had applied for him to be at Hogwarts New Zealand, and on his birthday, he was accepted in. Six days later, Mason drowned, during a whole family trip to the lake. It was the worst moment of Branson's life. It was worse than losing his brother. It was what motivated him to go find his brother. His wife, was barely keeping it together. They spent most of the nights crying over the loss of their eldest son. The family hit a slump, there was a distance that Branson had noticed between Elliot and Tybalt. As if she so was afraid to lose him that she distanced herself from him. In an attempt to get his wife to feel slightly better the two booked a week long trip, without any kids, and sent the kids to his parent's.

When they returned, they found Tybalt eating the one food he hated more than life. Branson knew what his father had done. The two of them had a huge argument, which practically tore up them apart. He now doesn't let Tybalt or Lydia alone with his grandparents for any longer than the day. Even at that he worries. Branson made his son promise to never tell anyone about what happened, not even Elliot. Between working, Branson kept in contact with his brother's girlfriend's sister, who was also keen to find her sister. Finally after a lot of searching, Branson was able to learn that his brother had gone to New Zealand, and that was the last trace of him. After a lengthy talk between himself and his wife, the two used most of their life savings to uproot the entire family and move to New Zealand. Branson has been going for town to town, trying to find out where his brother may have gone first. He tried looking into death records, but they are sealed, and he hasn't been able to access them. Branson was very happy to send his son off to school. Since with neither him or Elliot working they are beginning to run out of money. He has however been looking for a part time job, and is hopeful that he will find something. However, when Tybalt got old enough a little later, he was about to start school, they decided to look into settling somewhere, they had been living on the road and it wasn't good they decided for growing kids. It was however thanks to Tybalt going to school that they were able to find out what happened to his long lost brother, and found out he had a nephew. During the time of searching their young child, who was too young to attend magical school started at muggle school.

Branson Archer died in May of 2041 of a heart attack.

Elliot Evans, who became Elliot Archer, after marrying Branson is Lydia's mother. She's the connection to magical world. She's an amazing person. She has long brown hair, and blue eyes, slightly less strongly blue, little more clear, but still blue. She's the witch but she doesn't actually do anything to do with magic. In our hometown she was a part time tutor for those who needed help in art, and art history, although she does also at times tutor in potions.

Elliot Evans born on December 8th in Atlanta Georgia. She was born into a very normal family who'd lived in a small town in Georgia all their life. She had two older sisters and one younger brother. She is one of two magical people in her family, herself and her younger brother. She attended Salem while her brother attended Hogwarts in Scotland. Elliot's parents were Christian by birth, but neither recognized their religion beyond what it was, they both attended church every Sunday with the entire family. They were very surprised when Elliot got her letter which acceptance into Salem. They didn't quite know how it was possible for her to get one, and for the two older girls to not get it. She went off to attend Salem. The winter of that year, her parents were driving to the airport to collect her, and a driver on the other side of the road, lost control of his car and hit them head on. Both were killed on impact. The entire family went to live with the grandmother, staying in the town they had grown up in, but her older sisters both blamed her for what had happened. And the three haven't really talked since. Elliot went back to school, feeling pretty depressed, but she was a look on the bright side kind of girl, so it didn't take her long to at least put it at the back of her mind and just be able to move on with her life.

A year later her brother was accepted into Hogwarts Scotland, was sorted in Gryffindor. He comes back to Georgia often, but lives in Scotland now with his wife, working for the ministry of magic in England. After coming pretty much top of her class, and being named most likely to succeed in her year book, Elliot decided to go on a trip of America. She hadn't decided what she wanted to do. She also didn't want to go home, so she rented a car and just started driving around. He would drive through entire states over night, and just kept driving. Near the end of this trip, Elliot ended up going to San Diego. She stayed for the total of a month. During which time she met her would be husband, Branson. She'd had boyfriends, and flings before, but the way she felt with him was completely different. The two instantly hit it off.

Sixth or so months later, the two got married. Her brother Jeremy was the only one of her immediately family to attend the wedding and he even walked her down the aisle. She felt like quite an outside in the Archer family. The family seemed to have a heap of issues she was intruding upon, but she was keen to live in her hometown and they did. However, after announcing that they were going to have a baby her husband's brother disappeared. Elliot knew what it was like to lose family and she felt sorry that she couldn't do more. The two however had to focus on the family they were about to have.

On June 24th Mason was born. Elliot was very happy to let him name their first son, as long as she got to pick the next, with his help. It was then that the two admitted their secret to the other. That she was of magical blood and he was monochromatic. It took her by surprise that he was monochromatic, he'd always managed to hide it very well.

The two moved to Elliot's hometown and settled into a small routine. During a large family dinner, between, Branson, Elliot, and Branson's parents, Branson told them about their son being colourblind and the fact that he would be a wizard. Elliot was hardly surprised Branson's father was not happy to hear about this, but it was irrelevant, since they then announced that she was pregnant again.

A few months later, Tybalt was born, on a very dark and stormy September 30th. Like before, they had Tybalt tested, and he too was monochromatic. They went back to their home and, later their family brought a third child in to the world. A little girl, Lydia. At this point, Mason would be going to magical school. Elliot had suggested that instead of sending him all the way to Scotland, that they should send him to the best up and coming wizarding school in the wizarding community, Hogwarts. They applied, and he was accepted in. The letter arriving on his eleventh birthday. Six days later, Mason drowned, during a whole family trip to the lake. This was the worst moment of her life since losing her parents. She just wanted her eldest son back. He had been the perfect little boy, and he'd been taken from them. Elliot loved her two other children just as much but she was at a loss. She spent most of the nights crying over the loss of their eldest son.

The family hit a slump, Elliot didn't really want to spend as much time with Tybalt over a fear of losing him too. But, this quickly changed when she realised that she wanted to be close to the only son she had left. In an attempt to make her feel better Elliot and Branson took a week long vacation and left the kids with his parents.

After that, she found her husband searching and searching for the man that had disappeared years before, and whom no one seemed to talk about. When he was finally able to find a lead, in New Zealand. Elliot didn't want to go because of the memories it brought of her son, but she wanted him to find who he was looking for, so she went with him. She doesn't regret the decision but currently feels like the only one who is even keeping an eye on money. Elliot is very protective of her youngest daughter and is very restrictive in what she allows her to do, just from the fear of losing another child.

Brother - Tybalt Archer
Tybalt is six or seven years older than Lydia, he is currently attending Hogwarts in New Zealand. Lydia really looks up to her brother, since he always looked after her, and made sure that she was alright. She doesn't remember much about when they first moved, but she always remembers her brother being there for her. Ty is a smart Gryffindor student with brown hair and blue eyes. He is very tall, though was very small for most of his teen life so far. He is currently fifteen years old.
Brother - Mason Archer
Lydia was less than six months old when Mason died, so she doesn't remember him at all. Half the time, she even forgets that he even existed. That she actually had two older brothers, and not just the one. She's seen pictures and heard stories about him, but they are all just stories, and she can't put anything to a face, so she just lets people tell her about him. Lydia thinks that she would've like to meet him.

Lydia has a fairly large family. Her mother has three siblings. Two sisters and one brother. All married with kids. And her dad has two brothers and one sister. His youngest brother died, as did his wife and they have one son.
On the dad's side
His eldest brother is Cristian Archer. He is now a muggle accountant and works in Boston, USA. He went to the local High School in Colorado and then attended The University of New York. He is pretty fierce, but it's all an act. A face, he's actually a really nice person, who is just making his way through the world. He recently got married to a New York woman. She's a primary teacher in Boston. Cristian felt awful for how he treated Mason, and has tried many times to locate him. But his search has been fruitless and hasn't ever tried that hard. Cristian and Branson were a lot closer as kids. They still get along well, but not as well as they once did. He has one daughter from a previous marriage. Her name is Madelina Archer. She is now 8 years old. Her mother hadn't wanted to have children, so left shortly after the birth. It was around the same time that he met his new wife. They now have a second child Magnolia Archer, 4.

His younger sister was next, she was born Zefira Archer but became Zefira Lyria. She is the second youngest sibling. Branson had trouble getting along with Zefira, she was most loved by their father, and he was pretty jealous of this growing up. He was pretty pleased She has a very short temper, and works as a flight attendant, which is where she met her husband who is a Pilot for the same airline. They had no children, and do not plan on having any.

His younger brother Mason Archer, is the youngest Archer. He and Branson were never very close. Mason being the smallest of the family. He was picked on quite a lot by others and by their father. Mason was disowned by their father for getting a girl pregnant before having graduated. The two moved to New Zealand, where they had a son, called Stefan. Both Mason and his wife are now dead.

On Mother's side

The eldest of the family is Katelyn Gray who was never overly bright, but incredibly beautiful, she married Kevin Gray a doctor who works in a private hospital in Northern Georgia. They have two children, Thomas, and Erin. Neither of whom are of magical blood. Ty doesn't see them very often, and they do not know anything about the face that Ty is of magical blood.

After that is the second eldest of the family, Crystal Dzienny, who was not so interested in school, and much more interested in preforming arts and things like that. She is a very good singer, and now privately tutors kids who want to learn to sing, she married Jeff Dzienny, whose family own a restaurant that he now runs. They have three kids, Joshua Eva and Harley. The family lives in San Diego California, and all three kids are of muggle blood, though for a while Crystal suspected that Joshua might be magical. All three are not very interested by education, and much more in the preforming arts like their mother.

Lastly, and the baby of the family is Jeremy Evans, the only other one who was of magical blood, he attended Hogwarts Scotland, and fell in love with the school, and the country as a whole. He now works for the Ministry of Magic, Scotland division in the protection of Magical Creatures, and the prevent of muggles finding out about them. He married Mhairi Evans, a girl in his year at school, also a Gryffindor, she now teaches part time at a magical school in Iceland. They have three kids, all of whom are magical. Kalvyn who attends Hogwarts Scotland, and is like his parents a Gryffindor, Meghan and Ailsa.

Grandparents on his dad side

Both currently alive.

Stefan grandmother who prefers being called Mam, is of Scottish origin, having spent the first eleven years of her life living in Inverness in the north of Scotland. She is a small woman, with fiery red hair in her youth and bright blue eyes. She was Isla Holt, before she later became Isla Archer She moved to Chicago, when her mother died, and their entire family moved. She had three sisters, but was the youngest by five years so she felt a lot out of place. Her three sisters later returned to Scotland.

Her life was pretty uneventful, she went to school until the age of seventeen, when she left and attended a local college. She hadn't been very good at school, but college helped her a lot. It was in her third year of college when she was having trouble with a class and her tutor was Cristian Archer, Tybalt's grandfather.

The two got along very well, they got close very soon. Isla found that while she was very much in love with Cristian she was aware that he had some violent tendencies. They grew close and eventually married.

Isla had four children, and did very little in the way of discipline, that was always her husband's line. She was there to comfort them when they needed it. She was always proud of her children, keen to have them do well, so it broke her heart to see how poorly Cristian treated Mason, and then how angry Cristian had been at Mason for marrying the girl, and then getting her pregnant. Isla had begged for him to let them stay, to let them be a part of all of their lives, but it couldn't be.

Isla has not quite been the same since the disappearance of her youngest son and daughter in law. Though she has managed to keep up appearances and appear okay to the growing family.

Tybalt's grandfather is and always has been a proud man. He worked hard for everything he has, and believes that without hard work a person can get no where. He was top of his class, and graduated from Stanford University with a degree in business. But, he took up a small part time job at the local library, tutoring students who were having difficulties. This was where he met the love of his life. Isla. He knew from the moment he saw her that he'd be in love with her. There was no doubt in his mind about them being together. Cristian was an angry man. He couldn't do anything about it, he had tried many things but he couldn't hold it back.

He proposed to Isla after two years of dating and was very happy to welcome four children into his life. However, he was a harsh parent. Wanted everything done right, and upon hearing of his youngest son's impairment, he grew angry. Monochromaticness was a common trait in his family. He'd not gotten it, and being an only child it had somehow skipped a generation. Cristian treated his youngest son more harshly than the rest. Giving him the bigger work load and basically using him as the go to punching bag.

Branson hates the way that his father treated himself, his brother and his two sons. He is well aware of what had happened, despite Tybalt never having said anything about it.

Grandparents on his mother's side

Both dead. Jeremy and Kate Evans both died in a car crash in the summer of 2005.

They were a very traditional family who didn't believe in magic, or anything supernatural. They both attended high school and college together, but didn't get together until the end of college. Where they then had two little girls before decided to get married. It was a very big affair paid for by Kate Evans' dad, as she was his only daughter, and his little princess. They had a magical evening and together in the suburb of Atlanta Georgia opened a small bookstore, where Jeremy worked as a manager and Kate did the work around the store. It was a good environment to promote learning in their kids, and rubbed off most on their third daughter Elliot. After that they produced a son. They had a nice little life, and when their youngest daughter turned out to be magical, as did their son. It was on their way to driving him to the airport that the car crashed, and they both died on impact. The family was torn apart, and the family went to life with the very elderly grandparents on kate's side. Though they were very old, and not very capable of looking after them. So, the weight fell upon the shoulders of her older sisters.

Lydia used to own a cat named Charles, but it died a few years back, and she never got a new cat, though Lydia thinks that when she finally gets to go to Hogwarts she might see if she can get a cat, mostly as Lydia really loves animals and would really enjoy having a pet cat while at school to keep her company. Since while she is a friendly girl, she knows that during those first months she is not going to have very many friends.

Half Blood, since her mother is a witch, but her father is a muggle.

Lydia doesn't really care about blood. She's grown up as a muggle with a magical parent. She attends muggle primary school and is keen on muggle things. She does at times wish that her family was ever so slightly more magical based, and is keen on marrying someone when she is old enough who is also magical. But since she has grown up as a muggle it is really not even something that she greatly thinks about. It is just something that happens, nothing else.

Wellington, New Zealand, since she doesn't really remember much about her hometown, as in the one she was born in and spent the first few years of her life in, she would never count it as her hometown. Her hometown is the one which is the one she is currently living in.

Wellington, New Zealand

Lydia was born in America, to American parents. Though she was mostly raised in New Zealand, and sees herself as Kiwi she is American with some roots from Scotland.

Brightstone Village, Lydia has always loved the magical areas, but none more so than Brightstone. There is just something about it, in her mind that is just amazing to her. That she would be able to preform magic, and see magical things without first having to make sure that no one is around her. Lydia loves the feeling of magic, and everything about it. It's her favourite thing about the place. She just really loves magic.

FIRST HOME: Since Lydia was about four or five when they moved, she has very few memories of this first home. She remembers the space of the garden, and the age of the house. She remembers it being a real house and not an apartment. She remembers bit and pieces about her old bedroom, but really not much else. She misses this home, mostly because she knows it was bigger than the one they are in.

The house was built when the first settlers came to town. It's an old house that has recently been done up. The house is a white color with a large porch stretching all along the house. It's close enough to main town but far enough away to be able to enjoy it. Tybalt liked the house just not the people

Straight, though she is still quite young and has really have any feeling for any person male or female.

Married, to Felix Warrick. After their break-up, the pair got back together,, and after dating for most of the year, Felix asked her to marry him before their graduation ceremony, to which she easily said yes, since she truly loves Felix and is more than happy to spend her life with him.


Lydia's first french kiss was with Felix in the library, after spending a lot of time figuring out her feelings for him, and seeing him at the beginning of the term of her fourth year, Felix intiated a kiss which Lydia more than happily returned.

She had a brief relationship with Gabriel Fletcher in her fifth year of school which ended rather badly, He wasn't a good person to her, and he treated her extremely poorly. She never really loved him, but felt an almost obligation to stay with him for as long as she then did.

None, since she is now engaged at the tender age of eighteen, she has never had an opportunity to have a fling. Though she would also not be overly keen on such a thing, Lydia is far more about staying with a guy, and having a relationship than anything short term.

Lydia lost her innocence when she was seventeen years old to Felix. She has never regretted it, and since they are to marry she doesn't think she ever would.

Lydia Archer is the only daughter of her parents and she was a gift to them in a way. She is half of the family that can see colour though she might carry the code genetically to be able to pass on the families "curse". Lydia had been closely looked after by her mother, and was always shown so much love and attention. She doesn't remember much from her time in America, Lydia only spent the first five years of her life there. During which time her and her brother were distant. It was the only time the two were ever distant. Only after they moved to New Zealand were things better for her family but, Lydia was too young to remember any of it, so doesn't. She and her family largely lived out of a car for the first year they were in New Zealand. During which time her and her brother grew to be very close. They were similar people, having similar traits personality wise and she felt protected by him from everything. Lydia was very jealous and upset when he left for Hogwarts. But shortly after him leaving they managed to find a place to live and so did. It was a small muggle apartment, but it was more than what she could've ever asked for. Lydia was spoiled by her parents, they didn't have much money but she was still spoiled by them.

During her early years she started at school, and lost all traits of America in her. She would only ever identify New Zealand as her home. She was not however very aware of what was going on in her life. All of a sudden she had another cousin, Stefan. Lydia liked him a lot despite how strange things were between the family, and she ended up growing really close to him. Lydia spent a lot of time at his house as the years went on. A lot of the time with her parents and sometimes without. She really liked it. Upon being accepted to Hogwarts Lydia was very excited she couldn't wait to go to the school. She knew she would have the most fun at the school. She was sorted in to hufflepuff and joined the quidditch team soon after. Having been taught by her brother. She didn't do well academically but Lydia is not academically driven.

So I can dance in your light ,
and to your rhythm ,

Lydia has below the shoulder length brown hair, which is thick and silky smooth. It is naturally straight, but she often curls it. Lydia takes her hair almost completely after her mother who has virtually the same hairstyle as she does. Lydia loves her hair, she likes curling it, or putting it up, doing various things with it. She likes the feel of it in her hand. She likes being able to do things with it. Which is why she much prefers long hair over short hair. Lydia has never enjoyed having short hair, and does not enjoy going to the hairdress but a hairdresser will generally cut it too short for her liking.

Lydia has never had her hair dyed, but would very much like to. She has always listened to her parents who have told her that she shouldn't, but it has only really made her desire for it stronger. She'd like to just experiment with different colours. Dying the tips of her hair, a purple, or blue colour. Lydia loves having brown hair, she has always loved it, but she wants to have a different kind of hair colour for a little bit. she wants to try things she has never tried before.

Light blue. Like most of her family, Lydia has blue eyes. Although her eyes a slightly different blue than her father's and her brothers. She has much paler blue eyes, which in a number of lights can look greyish, but she is always happy to have blue eyes like others in her family. Especially since she thinks it better for her father and brother who can't even see their own. It just helps the entire family. Unlike with her hair, Lydia is not so keen to try different coloured contacts in her eyes. She likes her eyes the way that they are. She likes the blue, and she liked the shape.

Lydia has no birthmarks, and very few freckles.

Lydia is a slim girl with a thin body shape. She's the average height of people her age. She does some sport but not an awful lot, and has since moving to New Zealand become a little fussy when it comes to food. For that reason she does always eat all that she should and is smaller than most. However, since she is so young, it is of little concern and Lydia will likely put on weight as she grows, and since she really loves quidditch, going to magic school will greatly help her.

Like her brother, they share a blood type, but she discovered this when she fell pretty sick around her 7th birthday, and went to hospital. Everything was alright in the end, but she was able to discover her blood type, and knows that she is glad that she does know her blood type. Lydia is aware that she is unlikely to ever really need to know it, but she finds it useful.

Right Handed.
Having had a very steady school in New Zealand, Lydia took to writing with her right hand, and it is the strong of her two hands. Despite both her brother and mother being left handed, Lydia is like her father. She has not bothered to try to write with her other hand, finding that the feeling of the quill or pen in the wrong hand, just feels really awful. She doesn't like it in the slightest, so she's never actually written anything with it. Lydia only gets so far as to actually holding it.

Despite being born in America, and most of her family having deep southern accents, Lydia is the one member of her with one that is much more a cross between a New Zealand and an American accent. She is neither one nor the other. At times, on a few words Lydia will sound more American or on others she'll sound more New Zealand. It really depends, it means that Lydia stands out quite a bit in contrast to those at her muggle school. She loved hearing other people's accents, and will be very happy in Hogwarts with just so many. As well as being able to blend in with a crowd, rather than being that one person with an odd accent.

Lydia can speak fluent english, and little bits and pieces of French, due to her New Zealand schooling where that is taught. Because she has few memories of her grandparents, Lydia has not had the opportunity to learn the few bits of Gaelic that Ty has. She likes learning French as school, though she admits that she has a pretty terrible accent when it gets down to it, at least when speaking French. Her english is her only and strongest language which she speaks fluently.

Lydia is not allergic to anything. She has a small pollen allergy but it's only when there is a particularly high pollen count. It's a small allergy which doesn't really always mean much besides a runny nose and some sneezing. Which is all she gets from it.

Lydia's style is a little different than most, while her mother still picks most of her clothes she loves find the right outfit. She likes dressing nice, and prefers to be casual. She likes keeping it simple, and just styling accordingly. Lydia likes to wear fancy clothes a lot too, but is not a fan of heels in the slightest. She likes pretending to be a princess and often makes herself dress like how she'd imagine princesses would. She's very careful about her clothing, but doesn't always care what people think about what she wears.

Sophia Bush


Soon it unfolds who we are ,
in this masquerade of stars ,
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Lydia likes quidditch, she loves hanging out with her family, though they are all really protective of her, she still loves being around them and hanging out for them. Lydia enjoys reading different books and spending time with those that she cares about. Lydia has always tried to spend a lot from time with her friends though she can sometimes have difficulties. She enjoys watching old muggle cartoons. She finds them incredibly fascination and she likes watching the moving images. She likes swimming and being active, and enjoys all of the more outdoorsy type classes. Lydia likes being able to do her own thing, and likes trying new things.

Lydia doesn't like when people are mean, and she isn't very good at dealing with it. She doesn't like when people think that they can always get their own way. Though she has experienced that before. She doesn't understand people who hate others based on their blood type. She dislikes cold weather really, finding it unappealing. The only thing she'd ever say she might miss about America, though she barely remembers it would be the weather. She also dislikes when people are rude for no reason. She thinks that every person should be nice.

Lydia doesn't really know what she wants from her life. She's obviously still very young and she realises that at some point in her life she would very much like children of her own, but she's too young for that to be anything other than a very distant thought. Lydia wants to be quidditch captain, and she wants to do something with sports. It's been her passion for so long, and she thinks that would be a good aim for her. Though really she admits that that is in the far distance.

Losing any of her family members. She hasn't really felt any loss, not like the rest of them have. She loves her family, even though at times she can been a bit frustrated by them.This is despite the fact that their family has suffered a loss, which Lydia was far too young to remember. She is a little distant from her family, and wants to break out on her own away from her parents who are always keen to keep her under control, she would not be able to handle losing any of them.

A hawk is both her favourite animal but the animal she feels her patronus would end up being. It's a magestic creature that has both beauty and grace. It is fairly solitary but is very good at what it does. She does also really love flying. Which helps.

Though her memory had been flying, it was no longer powerful enough to conjure a patronus, her new memory is just of her graduation day from Hogwarts, between getting engaged and getting her diploma, Lydia didn't stop smiling all day. It was the most perfect day of her life. She couldn't imagine it happening any other way really. It can produce a full patronus, the memory is so strong.

Her worst memory was when she was sick. Lydia just felt so horrible and she couldn't understand what it was. She felt horrible for a good month, and there was just a couple days where she actually thought she wouldn't make it, and to her was the worst thing in her mind. Just all of those days combined were the worst days of her life so far, and she can just remember how scared she was, as were her parents.

She would see herself with the New Zealand Quidditch team, playing keeper while also being the captain. Lydia is most looking forward to the fact that she'll be able to play quidditch. Despite only having done sort of practices, Lydia has always loved flying from the minute her brother showed her how to fly.

Lydia looks up currently to her brother, Tybalt Archer.
She has always looked up to him. He's always been there for her, despite being at school most of the time. She is happy that he taught her how to fly, and she likes that she tries so hard despite the fact that he has problems and has some issues. He works hard for everything and gets plenty back. Lydia wants to achieve just as much as him during her time at hogwarts, despite being less studious than him. Lydia is very glad that he is her brother. She looks up to him so much. He is the family member she loves the most.

Lydia has never been that religious, she hasn't really ever gone to church, and hasn't been that interested in religious classes, but more to that, she knows that her parents are slightly more religious they've never forced her into it. She knows that technically she has been baptised but aside from that she has never done anything else. Because of this, Lydia is at times conflicted. She believes that there is a higher power, but that is as far as she believes.


You are the trendsetter for the future and because of this high responsibility, many under born your sign will be undergoing at this time, as we approach the Millennium, the pressure of personal change (particularly in your values and what makes you content and happy). Yours has always been a philanthropic sign. Now more than ever these qualities will be highlighted.Those born under the sign of Aquarius not only march to a different drummer, they make up new music as they go along. They are 'mind oriented' individuals, whose thoughts never stop tick-tocking over. Because of their high focus on intellectual exploration, many inventors, eccentrics and highly original trailblazers are born under this sign. Their intense ability to live on many mental levels, holds both pain and pleasure for Aquarians.

Lydia's parents are very protective of her, and this has meant that she has a slightly overactive imagination. She loves reading and she loves quidditch. Lydia likes playing and she likes being around friends. She likes gossiping and chatting with friends. She enjoys singing and dancing, but she isn't very good at either. She tries her best at everything, and is brave. She'll stand up for others as well as herself. She always listens to adults, but sometimes questions why she does. Lydia is a happy girl with a lot of charm, and is very friendly to everyone she meets. She's always friendly to everyone she meets without fail.

The face you hide is what I'm missing ,
tear off the mask ,
A public school, called Wellington Grade school. It a small school that was built in the late 70s.

She has attended this school from the age of 5 and will to the age of 11.

The school is small and there are no houses. Although she would like to have houses as part of the school, it does not. They have a different system for sorting out students for class.

Having never really been to any other school before, Lydia liked the compnay of the other students. She liked being able to learn in a classroom, and she liked the style of the school. She thought the professors were really nice and kind. Lydia enjoyed the playground and the dinning hall. She really did love all of it, on first sight. For the most part she has also since enjoyed all of the little parts about it.

Lydia has yet to talk any formal exams which decide her marks, she is due to take them in the last year before then going to Hogwarts.

Her favourite class is art. She has always been creative, but it's a good class. She doesn't like the ones with the difficult maths and things like that, she has always preferred the arts where she can draw and take some time to just relax really. She much prefers the hands on stuff in art rather than the history of it.

Political Studies, was always her least favourite class. She found it was a mixture of the room always being too warm, of the professor also being soboring, she could never really be bothered with it. She found it boring, and she could never manage to get herself interest enough. She just didn't like it, and spent more of her time during the class doodling in her notebook.

Lydia is aware that going to muggle school is incredibly pointless for her, since she won't be continuing with it. That being said, she doesn't really want to get into trouble, and for her parents to find out. So, Lydia will only skip class if it is also with her mother or father's permission she will never do it without.

Lydia is a member of the fashion and design club, as well as the arts club. She is a gifted drawer, and really enjoys making things with her hands like clothes. She also really enjoys woodwork, and really anything where she can get her hands into the mud. Lydia enjoys being at the clubs. She wanted to do the rugby club but it was on at the same time as the arts club, and while Lydia very much would like to play, she'd rather be in the arts club, where she can do something she knows that she is good at.

There are no positions at the school, since they are a school combined with both primary and secondary. They have a class rep, but this is not selected by professors, and students must put their name forward, and Lydia was never interested in doing that.

One was turning, one was standing still ,
i won't forget what was promised here ,
Curly 9 Inch Flexible Maple Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core

Length: On the shorter side of things, this wand offers excellent control and aim - easily an extension of one's own arm.
Style: Great care was taken in crafting this wand's wood to spiral to its point, giving it a beautiful aesthetic quality.
Wood: Made of Maple, the wandwood of the adventurous, the wand will expect to never settle for one place or one thing for very long.
Core: Phoenix tail feathers are not easy to come by. The animal is known for its versatility, making wands with this core useful for wand casters who seek to become good with different types of magic.
Flexibility: Flexible: Not easily broken, this wand performs under strenuous circumstances with little effort - though how well it performs is ultimately up to its weilder.

Lydia really loves her wand. She'd been wanting to get it for ages and hadn't thought of what kind of wand she wanted, but was incredibly happy with the fact that she had her the wand that she eventually managed to get. It was just the right length, the right feel for her. The right core. She held it in her hand and just fell in love with it easily. Happily so too. She loved everything about it and couldn't believe how easy the process had been for her to get her wand.

Hogwarts New Zealand

Lydia was both nervous and excited about what hogwarts might hold for her. She had known her brother's and her cousin's experiences of it and she was just so excited for it, but also nervous for what it might bring. She loved the stories of the school, and her favourite part from the beginning was the library.


Lydia Archer could not really believe that this was finally her time. It was finally the time where she would be going to hogwarts. It seemed to her that she'd been waiting for this moment all too long. It had somehow still managed to creep up on her, but she'd been waiting for a while. Lydia remembered, vaguely her brother leaving for Hogwarts, when she'd been very young, now, here it was, her turn, and also her brother's last year. She was very excited for this. Over the past few weeks of the holiday she'd been practicing her quidditch, she had been trying really hard to get herself completely ready, and then this was finally it. Lydia had been clear to her parents that she would be fine, that there was no worry over her not being completely fine. Lydia had been raised a little differently than her elder brother. She was one of the Archer's in the large Archer tree that could see colour, but being the youngest of her parents, they had completely doted on her. They had been protective and worried in a way she'd never really seen them be towards her brother, but then again, he had always been a little bit older than her, so she assumed it had to have something to do with that. He'd always been older. Lydia didn't mind too much, but she was very much looking forward to carving her own path and achieving her own things. Her brother had told her to not be too worried about any of it, that she'd be fine, but Lydia was still nervous, she knew that the Archer name was perhaps not the most favourable name to have. She would live in the shadows of her high achieving brother, and that of her cousin too. But, this didn't really stop her excitement about sorting, or the school in general. She just was really hoping she wouldn't end up in Gryffindor, really living in her brothers shadow, or Slytherin, and dealing with her cousins legacy. Although, if she had to pick between the two, her cousin would win each time. However, what they'd been or were, was not that much of a concern, this was Lydia's turn. It was her turn to be on top, it was her turn to be sort and begin what would be the greatest seven years of her life. For Lydia she wasn't overly fussed about her house, about whatever house she'd be sorted into, because for the young girl it didn't matter what house it was, it was how she acted while in the house that mattered. Which was why, she was just so happy to be able to be sorted. That one thing she had really been looking forward to. It was why, as she stood with the others in her year, making their way to the great hall, where she believed she'd be a bundle of nerves, she was practically overflowing with excitement. She just couldn't hold it in. She was so excited. After all that travelling, and all the waiting, it would all soon be over, and worth it.

Lydia followed the others in her year as she stepped into the great hall. Her eyes glanced around the room, finding themselves landing on the Gryffindor table, where both her brother, and Ailsa were sat. She smiled at them, and gave a small wave, before focusing on the task at hand. While she loved her family, she should be spending this time focusing on herself. Lydia knew what this ceremony would involve. She knew what she would have to do. She'd been told enough time by various members of her family. She knew that she would have to let the hat do it's thing, and not be too bothered by the end result. Though Lydia was really hoping for something that was not gryffindor. She liked Gryffindor a lot as a house, but she didn't want to be one. She wanted to be a Ravenclaw, she believed she was smart enough. She believed she'd be able to be a Ravenclaw. There was no part of her that didn't think she was perfectly capable of that, but then again, she was also sure that she had enough traits to fit in with any of the houses. Perhaps even Slytherin. which wouldn't be a bad thing. She looked to the head teacher as the sorting ceremony began. It began as students were welcomed back, and then it got underway, the hat, being brought out, and then it burst into song. Having known this was going to happen, Lydia was just able to enjoy it. She'd been raised around magic, she knew a lot of small spells, she couldn't do them, but she knew how to, when she finally was able to give a few a try. She liked the song, it was good. It was a little funny that a hat was singing, but this was Hogwarts and she knew lots of things like that would likely happen. And then once the hat had finished it was finally time for people to be sorted. She knew she'd be pretty early on, with a surname beginning with A, she was sure she'd be one of the first. While she was excited, Lydia kind of wished she had a surname with a later letter in the alphabet. however, such a thing couldn't happen, so soon, it was said,

Archer, Lydia

Lydia almost squealed with excitement over hearing her name. She pushed through the crowd slightly and then walked up to the seat. She was nervous as hell now. Her excitement still really clear, but she was also really nervous. She knew it would go fine. of course it would. It had never gone wrong before. Lydia took a deep breath as the hat was about to be placed on her head. She glanced to the gryffindor table and found her brother who was smiling at her encouragingly. Lydia smiled as the hat was placed on her head, she knew that she'd likely do well in the same house as her brother, but she didn't want to be in that house. Lydia was rooting for Ravenclaw.

"You'd be great in Gryffindor, but if you're certain that's not the house for you...better be Hufflepuff!"

Lydia was nervous. She wasn't sure which house she wanted to be sorted into. She didn't particularly want to be with her brother. Though they get along really well, she wasn't that interested in being in the same house so for her it was a question of the others. She didn't think she was a slytherin but would've really been happy with whatever house she may have been given. Lydia with a surname beginning with A was one of the first students to be called, and she very nervous had made her way to the front of the hall. She had never been so terrified of anything. It was just so huge and she didn't know what it would bring.

Now Graduated



Given that she had just gotten engaged mere hours before she graduated. She was already in a ephuroic mood and she couldn't wait for it. She had enjoyed the speeches given, she had enjoyed how lovely everyone had dressed. She loved walking across the stage to get her diploma. She loved hearing the applause and sharing the experience with her classmates. She loved the day, she loved how much both graduating and Felix had made her day. She was so happy about it. She would've obviously really liked if her father had been there, but she knew that he would've loved it too. He would've been so proud of her.

Lydia couldn't believe all that happened in this day, even before she had graduated, the ring on her finger felt so perfect, she couldn't believe how amazing it felt. She was going to marry Felix, they were going to get married. She couldn't wait to both leave the school and spend all of her life with him, sharing their life experiences. The teen was sat, dressed smartly as she was supposed to for this graduation, and though she was so excited for this, she couldn't wait to leave the school. Her newts she hoped had gone well, and she felt certain for what the future would hold. She looked to the front of the hall, where the professors stood, she glanced to round in her seat where her brother and cousin sat amongst the crowd. She knew her cousin knew about the engagement but her brother didn't yet know and she could hardly contain her excitement over the news she was going to share with him. The teen was just so happy, this day could not get any more perfect that it already had.

The prefect's attention turned towards the front of the room and looked towards the professor who was beginning the ceremony. She looked to Felix and Alana as they gather their speeches, blushing at Felix's kind words towards her, and the fact he had just told them all. The teen knew that wasn't the perfect way for her brother to find out, but it was a way for him to find out. She clapped loudly for both speeches before the names were being called out, Lydia was a surname like Archer, and in much in the same fashion with sorting, she was one of the first to be called. The teen smiled brightly, brushing down the skirt of her dress, and fiddling a little with the ring on her finger as she made her way confidently across the stage, she shook the hand of the headmistress and thanked her before continuing across. She had done it, she'd graduated! She had actually finished with school, she was done. The girl clapped for the rest of her classmates, and her smile didn't once leave her face. The future would be perfect, she knew no matter what she could face it with Felix, with her NEWTs, she was sure that the future would only be bright.

Lydia received the position of prefect in her fifth year and continued with this position until she graduated. She was also on the house team from her second year.

First Year

Potions: P

History of Magic: P

Defence Against the Dark Arts: P

Charms: P

Transfiguration: P

Astronomy: P

Herbology: P

Flying: P
Second Year

Potions: E

History of Magic: P

Defence Against the Dark Arts: E

Charms: A

Transfiguration: P

Astronomy: E

Herbology: P

Third Year

Potions: E

History of Magic: O

Defence Against the Dark Arts: E

Charms: O

Transfiguration: A

Astronomy: O

Fourth Year

Potions: O

History of Magic: O

Defence Against the Dark Arts: O

Charms: O

Transfiguration: O

Astronomy: O

Sixth Year

Potions: O

History of Magic: O

Defence Against the Dark Arts: O

Charms: O

Transfiguration: O

Herbology: O

Appiration: Pass


Potions: O

History of Magic: O

Defence Against the Dark Arts: O

Charms: O

Transfiguration: O

Herbology: O


Potions: O

History of Magic: O

Defence Against the Dark Arts: O

Charms: O

Transfiguration: E

Herbology: O

Currently, Lydia's best class is her favourite class and that is herbology. Like her mother and brother she loves all things outdoors and really loves being around plants, so this was an easy thing for her to be good at. She was sure that she'd probably down the line have a different favourite class, but currently that was it and she thorough enjoys every lesson

Her worst would be Astronomy. She dislikes the study of the stars. She thinks that it's filled with information which is of little use to her and that she'll never actually need. Which is of course false, but that doesn't really matter. She doesn't like the last professor either, thinking him really pretty boring also.

You know this don't feel right ,
Who knows what we feel?


We made plans to kiss the sun at night ,
Hopeless dreamers, hopeless types
Coding Done by me, Emzies, if you want to use it just PM me, and I'll send it to you.
Lyrics: Plans - Birds of Tokyo
Gif credit to tumblr
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