Luvesha Lynne James

Luvesha James

OOC First Name
The Basics
Character's Name: Luvesha Lynne James
Character's Birthdate: March 4, 2006
Hometown: Queenstown, New Zealand
Blood Status: Muggle
Educated At: Ferrandi
Occupation: Master Pastry Chef
Hair: Dark Brown, curly, mid back length
Eyes: Brown, almond shaped, soft
Height: 5'7"
Style: I dress comfortably. I will go to work in gray sweats, messy hair, and a tight shirt. I like my pants to be loose and my shirts to be tight. I will dress up in a suit if there is a special occassion. I came from a wealthy family, so I know how to dress properly.
Other Distinguishing Features: N/A
A Little Deeper

Personality: I am a very level headed person. I am a wokaholic because I started from scratch to get myself where I am now. I am ver motherly towards children because I plan to have a child of my own someday. I am sometimes very childish and naive because I was shielded from the hardships and tricks over the real world while with my parents. I am easy to approach because I always have a smile on my face. I try to see the best in people because everyone has good in them. I am very caring and lovin towards people in need and not in need. I love helping people with their problems because I don't like having to deal with mine. I like making people laugh and smile because I watched my brother be unhapy most of his choldhood and it effected me. In all I am a very sweet person.

History: I grew up in a very wealthy family. I was given everything I ever wanted. My mother works at a huge company and my father is a professor at a popular university in New Zealand. I went to the best schools and got the best grades. I was the best athlete in every sport. My parents expected me to be the best at everything, and at the age of 13 I got tired of it. Also when I was 13 my baby brother, Heath, was born. I fell in love with him (as a brother) at first sight. I wanted to be with him every minute of the day. He like me more than he like our parents though. Our parents were so busy working that I basically raised Heath through all my high school years. It was hard to take care of your little brother while not trying to spoil him. I did not want him to become a snob like my parents. I did not want him to become easily lead astray by money, like my parents. Mother and Father always avoided Heath because he did not look like the rest of us. He had orange hair and strange things always happened around him. Glass would break, food would explode- just unexplainable things.

In my third year of high school I fell in love with pastries. I was always so focused on my studies that I never paid attention to boys. My father really liked this. I started to bake cakes and other types of pastries at home. In my senior year when I told my mother and father that I wanted to become a master pastry chef they freaked out. They wanted me to become a lawyer, but I had other plans. I entered high school at 13, and I graduated at 17. I was moved up from 5th grade to 7th grade. My parents pushed me hard in school. It was stressful, and I had my days where I was just sad and depressed. My parents wanted the best for me, but sometimes striving for the best put too much stress on me. A few months after I graduated I put in a aplication for Ferrandi, in France. My parents did not use any of their influence to get my in to the school. They were against me going there, but I got accepted and flew myself off to France. At Ferrandi there were many hardships I had to face. there was a language barrier. I learned French and several other languages whild attending Ferrandi. I graduated when I was 20 and I had a three year apprentenship under Adolphe Beliveau, a popular and skillful master pastry chef. Adolphe was so impressed by how quick I learned and how creative I got with my pastries. He saw devotion, love, and happiness in everthing I made. He saw that I would always try and make someone elses thing my own by adding my own flare to it.

A the age of 24, I came back and Heath was shoved into my arms at the airport. My parents told me that he was an abomination and he was not their child anymore. I was so shocked. I had just come back and my 5'10" brother was crying. I first bought a home in a Queenstown, New Zealand before I asked Heath what he had did to make Mother and Father angry. He showed my this letter that said he was a wizard. My brother had been lonely and stressed while I had fun achieving my dreams in France. I felt bad for my brother had to be disowned by our parents just because he's a wizard. I love him even if he is magical. I just do not want to hold him back from getting his magical education. I now have a job at Rose&Meyers bakery in Queenstown, New Zealand. I look after my brother and his cousin, Vincent Andrews.

-Brother: Heath Erik James
Age: 12
Occupation: Student at Hogwarts New Zealand
History: He is my brother and we are more than 10 years apart. I love my brother dearly, and I will do anything that will help him succeed.

-Cousin: Vincent Alani Andrews
Age: 17
Occupation: Drop Out, waiter at Rose&Meyers bakery
History: Vincent is a really rude and shallow person. He is a cousin from my mother's side of the family. He is obsessed with makeup and he likes to sing. He and I get alng okay.

-Mother: Katharine James
Age: Don't know
Occuapation: Head of Financal Department in Vee Fashion Corp.: New Zealand
History: My mother alwyas pushed me hard in school, She sends hate mail to Heath and she and I don't get along anymore. No one hurts my Heath and gets away with it.

-Father: Luke James
Age: Don't know
Occupation: Health Professor at Massey University
History: My father and I got along well. He sometimes sends Heath letters to see how he is doing, but he still thinks that Heath is a freak. He and I don't get alongas well as we used to because of this.

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