Luna Black

Luna Black

OOC First Name
12 1/2 inches, slightly springy, rowan wood with a core of dragon heartstring
Full Name:
- Luna Black

Date of Birth:
- 22 June 2027

Current Age:
- 11

Basic Appearance:
- Average height, straight dark brown hair, brown eyes.

- Shy, uncertain, friendly, helpful, bookish, fairly smart, not a rule-breaker, animal friend

- Her mother Marie is a Muggle from Belgium, her father John is a halfblood from England. Her father's father Theodore broke with the Black family when he married a Muggle woman, her grandmother. John and Marie never married and they split while Marie was pregnant, because neither of them wanted to give up the lives they had in their own respective countries. Luna went to live with her mother in Belgium. She never had any brothers or sisters. In the beginning John often visited and kept some sort of long-distance relationship with Marie, but when Luna got older and didn't show any signs of magical talent, they thought it would be for the best if she didn't know about magic if she wasn't going to be a witch. Thus, Luna didn't meet her father until she turned 11 and received her Hogwarts letter, which proved she had magical talent. At the moment, Marie works as a gardener in the Belgian countryside and John owns a bookshop in England.

- Luna has always been an animal friend and she started pony riding when she was 5. When she was 8 her father gave her a pony Billy (though she thought the gift was from her mother). Billy is a chestnut gelding of 1.32m, 12 years old at the moment.
- She has a tawny owl called Lucy.

Area of Residence:
- When Luna is not at Hogwarts, she lives with her mother in Belgium, De Kempen.

Blood Status:
- Halfblood or quarterblood, depending on the way you look at it: Muggle mother with Muggle grandparents, Wizard father with Muggle grandmother and Wizard grandfather.

- English and Belgian

Special Abilities:

Interests or Hobbies:
- Pony riding, reading, training Lucy,...
- Soon: flying (but not Quidditch because she's afraid of getting hit by a ball)

Additional Skills:
- She is pretty good at pony riding (for her age), a skill she compares to flying, which makes her confident around a broom.
- She associates well with animals.

- She's friendly and helpful, is calm and confident around animals, doesn't easily get angry

- She's very shy, often doubts herself and doesn't dare to talk to people, even though she sometimes feels lonely. She doesn't stand up for herself. She's a daydreamer and easily gets distracted.

Describe your character in three words:
- Friendly, shy, animal friend

Favourite place to be:
- Library, outdoors (the lawn and the lakefront), or the owlery. Tough call.

- Laurie, her Muggle best friend from home
- Her pony Billy and her owl Lucy
- Her mother
She doesn't really know anyone at Hogwarts yet, except for her owl.

Hogwarts House:
- Hufflepuff

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
- To learn everything about magic
- To learn how to fly
- Perhaps, one day, to learn how to become an animagus

Best school subjects:
- Transifguration, Herbology, Flying
- Future: Care of magical creatures, Ancient Runes & Arithmancy

Worst school subjects:
- So far none.

Extracurricular Activities:
- Training her owl Lucy, reading in the library
- So far, nothing else

- Erm, primary school?

Current Job:
- 1st year student

Plans for the future:
- Learning more magic and graduating from Hogwarts. Becoming an animagus.

- A pony most likely. Thinking about her pony at home is one of the things that makes her feel happy. And the pony was a gift from her father, who she feels safe and happy with.

Patronus memory:
- Meeting her father for the first time.

- A dead animal

- Likely a swallow or some other bird. She feels most comfortable 'in the air, away from the world', literally (flying or jumping with her pony) as well as figuratively (daydreaming).

Mirror of Erised:
- Her parents, her friend Laurie and her pony Billy all gathered around her (Luna is feeling a little homesick and hasn't made any friends yet).

A page from her diary A letter to her mom:
Dear mom,
I've been at Hogwarts for almost a week now. I had my first flying lesson today. We didn't actually fly yet, but the broom listened to me when I told it to get 'up'! You have to be firm with it, just like a pony. I hope we are going to fly next week, it seems like so much fun! The other classes are okay, but we didn't really do any magic yet, just introductions and some theory. We have a lot of homework already. During transfiguration the teacher transformed a chair into a kitten and the kitten came cuddling at my feet. I haven't made any other friends yet. I miss you, and Billy, and Laurie. And dad as well. But don't worry mom, I will take care of myself. See you soon!
Many kisses,

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