Luna Black

Luna Black

OOC First Name
12 1/2 inches, slightly springy, rowan wood with a core of dragon heartstring
The Basics
Character's Name: Luna Black
Character's Birthdate: 22 June 2027
Hometown: Vorselaar, Belgium
Blood Status: Halfblood/quarterblood --> Muggle mother (Muggle grandparents) and halfblood father (Wizard grandfather, Muggle grandmother)
Wand:(All the information on it you can provide) rowan wood 12 1/2", slightly springy, dragon heartstring core
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
Hair: long, straight, dark brown
Eyes: brown
Height: 4 feet 6 inches
Style: usually a simple jeans and T-shirt or sweater, she doesn't put much thought in her clothes
Other Distinguishing Features:
A Little Deeper
Personality: Luna is very shy and doesn't easily make friends. She has little confidence and often doubts herself. She feels best when she's away from the world, literally (riding a horse, or maybe, flying a broom) and figuratively (daydreaming).
History: She lived with her Muggle mother all her life and went to a Muggle primary school. She had 1 good friend, Laurie, but they got into a fight when Luna told her she was a witch. Laurie didn't believe it and thought Luna was making something up. Luna gave up trying to convince her she was speaking the truth, and eventually said she was going to a Muggle boarding school in Scotland. Luna had also been an animal lover all her life and had ridden pony's since she was 5 years old. When she was 8 she got her own pony Billy.
Family: Her mother Marie is a Muggle from Belgium, her father John is a halfblood from England. Her father's father Theodore broke with the Black family when he married a Muggle woman, her grandmother. John and Marie never married and they split while Marie was pregnant, because neither of them wanted to give up the lives they had in their own respective countries. Luna went to live with her mother in Belgium. She never had any brothers or sisters. In the beginning John often visited and kept some sort of long-distance relationship with Marie, but when Luna got older and didn't show any signs of magical talent, they thought it would be for the best if she didn't know about magic if she wasn't going to be a witch. Thus, Luna didn't meet her father until she turned 11 and received her Hogwarts letter, which proved she had magical talent. At the moment, Marie works as a gardener in the Belgian countryside and John owns a bookshop in England.

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