Luke Spinner

Luke Spinner

Active Member
OOC First Name


Full Name:
Luke Christopher Spinner

Date of Birth:
July 27th, 2014

Current Age:

Basic Appearance:
Height- 5'2
Build- Skinny
Shoe Size- Average
Eye Colour- Blue
Hair Colour- Light Brown/Blonde
Hair Length- Short
Hair Style- Scruffy
Most Worn 'Outfit'- Grey, Hoody, Jeans, Trainers
Tattoos- Sometimes wears false ones
Piercings- Sometimes wears false ones


Daring- Luke loves to be the hero of any situation and, by instinct, will naturally try to rescue any 'damsel in distress'. However, his heroic trait can lead to some issues such as saving one person in exchange for himself.

Brave- Luke has no trouble standing up for himself. Alright, he's not really built for a fight but he has quite an acidic tongue around his enemies. He also has no problem with going first into unknown territory.

Cheerful- Despite his past, Luke can be quite the optimist and looks for good in anything he can. He likes to make people laugh and mess about with his friends.

Clumsy- Luke has a tendency to knock things over, break things and fall over. A lot. He controls this difficulty by making a point never to hold anything too precious and to not walk so fast so he doesn't trip over his own feet.

Good Sense of Humor- Luke likes a good laugh as much as the next person. He doesn't get uptight when others play pranks on him and he will play pranks against enemies.

Grudge Bearing- Luke doesn't easily get over fights and personal attacks. If someone plays a prank on him in a malicious way as opposed to doing it for a laugh, Luke will find himself disliking that person and holding it against them until he has a chance to pay them back.

Loyal- Luke will, and has, always remained loyal to his friends. He is the sort of person who would rather die than endanger his friends. However, this can sometimes result in Luke causing more trouble for himself than is necessary, defending his friends when they can't.


Christopher Spinner
Relation: Father
Blood Status: Pureblood
Living/Dead: Deceased

Helena Spinner
Relation: Mother
Blood Status: Muggle-born
Living/Dead: Deceased

Tyler Spinner
Relation: Little Brother
Blood Status: Half Blood
Living/Dead: Deceased

Harvey Spinner
Relation: Paternal Grandfather
Blood Status: Pureblood
Living/Dead: Deceased

Margaret Spinner
Relation: Paternal Grandmother
Blood Status: Pureblood
Living/Dead: Deceased

Daniel Spinner
Relation: Paternal Uncle
Blood Status: Pureblood
Living/Dead: Unknown

Marsha Scott
Relation: Maternal Grandmother
Blood Status: Muggle
Living/Dead: Deceased

Ron Scott
Relation: Maternal Grandfather
Blood Status: Muggle
Living/Dead: Deceased

Rose Scott
Relation: Maternal Aunt
Blood Status: Muggle
Living/Dead: Living

Abigail Scott
Relation: Cousin
Blood Status: Muggle
Living/Dead: Deceased

Pets are not allowed at the children's home. However, Luke does take care of any insect or creature he meets and he considers the small brown spider in the corner of the room, his pet. He even talks to it and has named it Ariadne.

Area of Residence:

Blood Status:
Half blood. (Muggle-born mother, pureblood father)


Special Abilities:

Interests or Hobbies:

Additional Skills:



Describe your character in three words:

Favourite place to be:
The only unbroken swing at the local park when it's empty.


Hogwarts House:

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:

Best school subjects:

Worst school subjects:
Physical Education

Extracurricular Activities:
Played football on the school team (though, not by choice and he's not very good at it)


Current Job:

Plans for your future:
-Finish at primary school
-Start at secondary school
-Leave the children's home
-Get a job
-Get married
-Have children

Your Patronus:
Luke's patronus would probably be something brave like him, such as a lion.

Your Patronus memory:
Luke's memory would probably be of him and his friends and a day where they just relax together.

Your Boggart:
Luke believes he is fearless, however, he will probably come to fear something in the Wizarding world.

Your Animagus:
Luke's animagus form would probably be a dog because he is loyal, trusting and brave.

Mirror of Erised:
Luke would see his parents and his little brother because he wishes he had had more time to get to know them.

A page from your diary:
Hi Luke,

just a handful of questions...

1. Why the need to wear false tattoo's and piercings?
2. Do you think you'll get the real thing when you are older?
3. Have you any idea what happened to your parents?
4. How old were you when they died?
5. Have you made any friends at the Children's Home?
6. Do you find it easy to make friends?
7. What is your favourite colour?
8. How much younger was your brother to you?
9. Do you have any dreams for your future?
10. When did you start showing your magical ability?
1. Why the need to wear false tattoo's and piercings?
It makes me feel like I'm a lot stronger (mentally and physically) than I really am. Also, it deters people from bothering me when I want to be alone.
2. Do you think you'll get the real thing when you are older?
Maybe a piercing, yes, but not tattoos. I couldn't stomach the hours of pain just for some little picture.
3. Have you any idea what happened to your parents?
Not really, no. All I know is that I was with my (maternal) aunt when it happened. They went out for the evening. No-one has ever told me the full story. I'm not sure why they only took my brother and not me, with them.
4. How old were you when they died?
Almost five. (Four days prior my birthday)
5. Have you made any friends at the Children's Home?
I got okay with some of the other kids but, for the most of it, I avoid them. I have sort of made one friend outside the children's home- Harriet Griffin.
6. Do you find it easy to make friends?
No. I do have days where I try my very best to make friends but I've been let down so many times before that I don't really try.
7. What is your favourite colour?
Hmm.. That's a tough one.. Probably blue.
8. How much younger was your brother to you?
Three years.
9. Do you have any dreams for your future?
To make one keepable friend; one I can rely on for anything, no matter what.
10. When did you start showing your magical ability?
When I was seven, weird things happened to me. At first, I just ignored them. I thought that they must happen to everyone.. But then I got this letter, not long ago, and it told me I was a wizard and that I was to attend a magic school. Naturally, I thought it was a prank but just after receiving the letter, my 'powers' went haywire and I found the strange things happening more and more often.

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