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- OOC First Name
- Luis
Full Name: Luke Howard James Todd III
- Birth Date: Oct. 31,1998
- Current Age: 11
- Basic Appearance: Black short hair, tan/pale just like Ivory only a tad darker, about 4' 8", teal/aqua color eyes.
- Parents: (Dad-PureBlood) Luke Howard James Todd II (Mom-MuggleBorn)Dianna Thelma Todd
- Siblings, if any: None
- Pets, if any: A Golden Lab named Nicks
- Area of Residence: Birmingham, United Kingdom
- Blood status:Mixed Blood but doesn't know it.
(If your character is a sorted student
- Hogwarts House (And why):
- Best school subjects (And why):
- Worst school subjects (And why):
(all characters
- What would their Patronus be?": A wolf. Although there maybe times where
Luke can't do anything to defend himself or others, there is a spark in him that
clicks just like a wolfs instincts to protect its young ones.
- What would their Boggart be?: Spiders
- What would their Animagus form be? (If they ever were to become one):
Luke's animagus would be a cat. There are times when Luke can be quite agile
and then there are others where he's just clumsy. But cats also have a keen
sense of sight and knows when something is wrong which Luke sometimes
- What would your character see if he/she looked in the Mirror of Erised?:
That he would surrouned by lots of friends and family. That he does have a
future somewhere that he has yet to encounter.
- What memory could they use to create a Patronus?: Getting Nicks when he
was a little kid.
- Imagine that your character keeps a diary or journal. Write a page that
could possibly be found in it: Hm...about today. I don't know how I would put it.
Its always the same thing all over again. Mom cooking for dad, dad working in
the office, and then mom going to do some out of house work. I'm left alone of
course with Nicks. It seems like he's the only one who really listens to me even
though he can't talk back. I get along with mum and dad no problem, its just
when I want to be with them, they're always out doing stuff. Nicks is the best
none the less, but I'd like to have some actuall friends. School was alright.
Same old thing different day with bullies walking the halls as if they own them,
doing the loads of homework given out, and whatever else decides to happen.
With mum and dad out working again I'm left with Nicks to basically do
whatever I please. But I'll probably just end up cleanning and making something
for myself if mum and dad don't come home. None of my friends are even
around because they're out having fun or they don't even consider me a friend to
begin with.
Does your character have any plans for the future?: Not at the moment, but when he becomes enrolled into Hogwarts, he'll want to work as a prefect or maybe become a professor of some sort.
What's his/her favorite season? Why?: Luke loves the fall because its a time when the color changes everywhere and its an interesting concept to think about. Plus he gets to play in the leaf piles.
Does your character get along with his/her parents?: Yes he does but he just never spends anytime with them because they're always working or they have things to do.
Looking back, are you glad you were raised by Muggles?: Well its better than being raised by no one.
What are your views of pure blood prejudice?: Well everyone no matter is the same. Doesn't matter if you're a pure blood or muggle born. There shouldn't be any problem with who you are.
- Birth Date: Oct. 31,1998
- Current Age: 11
- Basic Appearance: Black short hair, tan/pale just like Ivory only a tad darker, about 4' 8", teal/aqua color eyes.
- Parents: (Dad-PureBlood) Luke Howard James Todd II (Mom-MuggleBorn)Dianna Thelma Todd
- Siblings, if any: None
- Pets, if any: A Golden Lab named Nicks
- Area of Residence: Birmingham, United Kingdom
- Blood status:Mixed Blood but doesn't know it.
(If your character is a sorted student

- Hogwarts House (And why):
- Best school subjects (And why):
- Worst school subjects (And why):
(all characters

- What would their Patronus be?": A wolf. Although there maybe times where
Luke can't do anything to defend himself or others, there is a spark in him that
clicks just like a wolfs instincts to protect its young ones.
- What would their Boggart be?: Spiders
- What would their Animagus form be? (If they ever were to become one):
Luke's animagus would be a cat. There are times when Luke can be quite agile
and then there are others where he's just clumsy. But cats also have a keen
sense of sight and knows when something is wrong which Luke sometimes
- What would your character see if he/she looked in the Mirror of Erised?:
That he would surrouned by lots of friends and family. That he does have a
future somewhere that he has yet to encounter.
- What memory could they use to create a Patronus?: Getting Nicks when he
was a little kid.
- Imagine that your character keeps a diary or journal. Write a page that
could possibly be found in it: Hm...about today. I don't know how I would put it.
Its always the same thing all over again. Mom cooking for dad, dad working in
the office, and then mom going to do some out of house work. I'm left alone of
course with Nicks. It seems like he's the only one who really listens to me even
though he can't talk back. I get along with mum and dad no problem, its just
when I want to be with them, they're always out doing stuff. Nicks is the best
none the less, but I'd like to have some actuall friends. School was alright.
Same old thing different day with bullies walking the halls as if they own them,
doing the loads of homework given out, and whatever else decides to happen.
With mum and dad out working again I'm left with Nicks to basically do
whatever I please. But I'll probably just end up cleanning and making something
for myself if mum and dad don't come home. None of my friends are even
around because they're out having fun or they don't even consider me a friend to
begin with.
Does your character have any plans for the future?: Not at the moment, but when he becomes enrolled into Hogwarts, he'll want to work as a prefect or maybe become a professor of some sort.
What's his/her favorite season? Why?: Luke loves the fall because its a time when the color changes everywhere and its an interesting concept to think about. Plus he gets to play in the leaf piles.
Does your character get along with his/her parents?: Yes he does but he just never spends anytime with them because they're always working or they have things to do.
Looking back, are you glad you were raised by Muggles?: Well its better than being raised by no one.
What are your views of pure blood prejudice?: Well everyone no matter is the same. Doesn't matter if you're a pure blood or muggle born. There shouldn't be any problem with who you are.