Luella Najha

Luella Najha

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OOC First Name
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The Basics
Character's Name: Luella Eirir Najha
Character's Birthdate: 12th April 2017
Hometown: Camp Abyss, Forrst Thicket
Birthplace: Thaladdar Hold
Blood Status: Half-blood
Wand:(All the information on it you can provide)
Educated At: Durmstrang. Luella attended Durmstrang until the age of sixteen. She excelled at Transfiguration there, due to her extra lessons with her mother.
Occupation: None

Hair: Long, ginger hair, often pulled back into a pony tail, and usually covered under a hood.
Eyes: Dark brown
Height: Slightly under average
Build: Petite
Style: Brown and green forest colours, usually from cotton from the local market. She also has numerous skins and pelts, and wears a pair of brown, soft leather calf-skin boots.
Other Distinguishing Features: Luella carries a long, slim knife at her waist, and another tucked into a concealed compartment in her boots. She carries an atlatl at her waist, and a quiver of metre long darts on her other side.

A Little Deeper
Personality: Luella is an extremely shy character, not used to talking to anybody, especially strangers. She will try to hide away and disappear so people can't talk to her - she is not used to human company. If anybody actually got to knew her though, they'd soon find out that she actually has a loving and kind heart beneath the layers of protection she has around herself.
Special Talents/Abilities: No magical abilities. She can move silently anywhere however, and knows how to blend into the background so that she is hidden. She is an expert hunter and tracker, and has excellent smell too.
History: Luella grew up in Thalladar Hold, a small castle in the wilds of Germany. She was beaten regularly by her father, and her mother was in a similar condition to her. After sixteen years of living in the confines of what outsiders would call a grand castle, meeting local dignitaries and the like, Luella took her chance whilst her father was away for some reason she never knew about, and fled the castle with her mother. Eirir never made it with her injuries, and Luella buried her alone in a wild wood about twenty kilometres from the castle. Vowing never to return to the place again, Luella fled deeper into the forest, eager to seize her freedom. She found a clearing near to a ravine, and set to work building a camp - she called it Camp Abyss. There she resided on her own, using the skills her mother had taught her to stay alive. Eventually she felt herself as part of the forest. She accumulated wealth from her trapping of animals, procuring skins and pelts to sell. Soon she had enough to leave Germany forever, and she travelled to New Zealand to start a new life there.
Family:Mother- Eirir Najha was a peasant in rural Germany. There, Alan, her soon to be husband from England, met her whilst he was out hunting. Unknowing of his cruel streaks, she agreed to marry this aristocrat from England, on the request that they live in Germany. Alan, besotted with Eirir's beauty, readily agreed, and the two moved into Thalladar Hold soon after. There, Alan began "asserting his dominance' in ever increasing ways, until he started beating her. Eirir then became pregnant with Luella. When Luella was born, Eirir started teaching her all of the ways of the forest that she could remember, despite the frequent beatings that Luella now had to suffer to, in hope that one day she might escape. When this eventually happened, she died on the journey, and was buried nearby in a forest. Eirir was also a skilled witch in her own right, and had a particular passion and skill for Transfiguration. Her mother taught her all she could about the subject, and as a master in her own right (having worked as a Transfiguration professor at Durmstrang for a few years), Eirir was brought up knowing a lot about the art. This Eirir in turn passed onto Luella.
Father- Alan Locksleyshire grew up in England, part of the huge aristocratic family that dominated the area around Yorkshire. Born as the seventh son of seven sons, he was the last in line to inherit the lands, so he took his inheritance and began travelling Europe. He met Eirir in rural Germany, and wanting a beautiful maiden to be his show-piece as a monarch, he settled down in Thalladar Hold. After improving the fortifications immensely, Alan started ingratiating himself wit the local aristocrats, and over time, he became the effective owner of all the lands within a ten kilometre radius of his castle.
Special abilities: Animagus in the form of a German wild dog.

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