Lourdes Brackenstall

Lourdes Brackenstall

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OOC First Name
Curly 10 Inch Unyielding Wenge Wand with Kelpie Hair Core

The Basics
Name: Lourdes Adina Brackenstall
Meaning: Lourdes - Name of a french town. Adina - slender, delicate.
Birthdate: August 24
Zodiac: Virgo
Strengths: Analytical - Observant - Helpful - Reliable - Precise
Weaknesses: Skeptical - Fussy - Inflexible - Cold - Interfering
Being a Virgo born on August 24th, you are known for your trustworthiness, discipline and generosity. While others struggle to focus and stay on task, you take to tasks with great attention to detail. Your work ethic is greatly appreciated by your employers and peers, but your generosity may be your greatest quality. There are few things that you wouldn't be willing to do for a loved one and you often find that you cater to the needs of friends and family over your own.​
Hometown: Auckland, New Zealand
Birthplace: Auckland, New Zealand
Blood Status: ((Applying for Pureblood))
Wand: Curly 10 Inch Unyielding Wenge Wand with Kelpie Hair Core
Length: A fairly average length for a wand, not at all uncommon or very special.
Style: Great care was taken in crafting this wand's wood to spiral to its point, giving it a beautiful aesthetic quality.
Wood: As a wand wood, Wenge best serves those who are even tempered and deliberate in their actions. It requires a great deal of patience, but is well worth it to the right handler.
Core: Although a popular wand core in the past, Kelpie hair has fallen out of favour in recent years. It is useful for transfigurations.
Flexibility: Unyielding: A wand which takes a special skill and determination to master; but once mastered its spells leave an unforgettable impression.​
Hogwarts House: Slytherin

Hair: Waist length and light brown, falling in gentle waves.
Eyes: Soft grey, dainty and often narrowed in slight suspicion.
Build: Small and delicate, very slightly below average height for her age.
Complexion: Pale
Style: Very old fashioned and conservative.
Playby: Jasmine van den Bogaerde (Birdy)


Personality: Lourdes was raised in a very strict manner, and she behaves as such. She has an important role to fulfill, both as a lady and the heir of her family name and business, and the expectations weigh heavily on her. She is proper and extremely well-mannered, having been taught strict etiqette since birth. Her politeness wanes somewhat when she's frustrated, or confronted by those she sees as lesser than her high birth. She always expects the best, and feels strongly that she deserves good things in life. She can be extremely old fashioned, longs for the days of the past, and sees much of modern culture as vulgar.
-Lourdes is extremely good at concealing her true feelings and putting on a front, and can use that to manipulate others easily.
-Lourdes has excellent attention to detail, understanding the minutae of new skills quickly, and easily makes plans and strategies that take advantage of things others forget about.
-Lourdes's father was a good example of how to be ruthless in going after what you want, and Lourdes took after him in that respect, using all the skills she has to accomplish her goals through any means necessary.
-Lourdes's old-fashioned refusal to do anything she considers unladylike can be a significant hinderance, keeping her from friendships and activities.
-Lourdes has been raised in a very biased and prejudiced way, and those biases and prejudices infuse the way she sees the world and the people around her.
-Lourdes's sense of propriety and duty mean that she finds it borderline impossible to just relax and enjoy herself. If you asked her the last time she had fun she wouldn't be able to answer.
Embroidery - Lourdes's parents thought it proper for a young lady to learn to sew and embroider, and Lourdes took to embroidery in particular, enjoying the creative outlet it offered.
Piano - As part of a proper upbringing it was important to be well versed in a classical instrument, and Lourdes finds the sound of the piano soothing.​
Personality Type: ESTJ (The Executive)
Executives are representatives of tradition and order, utilizing their understanding of what is right, wrong and socially acceptable to bring families and communities together. Embracing the values of honesty, dedication and dignity, people with the Executive personality type are valued for their clear advice and guidance, and they happily lead the way on difficult paths. Taking pride in bringing people together, Executives often take on roles as community organizers, working hard to bring everyone together in celebration of cherished local events, or in defense of the traditional values that hold families and communities together.

<COLOR color="papayawhip"><FONT font="Times New Roman"><I>Strengths: Dedicated, Strong-Willed, Direct and Honest, Loyal, Patient and Reliable, Enjoy Creating Order, Excellent Organisers
Weaknesses: Inflexible and Stubborn, Uncomfortable with Unconventional Situations, Judgmental, Too Focused on Social Status, Difficult to Relax, Difficulty Expressing Emotion​
<FONT font="Georgia">History: Lourdes's parents married when her mother was very young, and she was born shortly afterwards. Both of her parents but her father in particular had an extremely old-fashioned view of the world, and she was raised in a very classical, strict way, taught to always above all be lady-like and act accordingly to the high status she had, to view herself above those of lesser birth. A good learner in an isolated homeschooling situation, Lourdes absorbed everything they had to say and has always conducted herself in an extremely proper, restricted way. She has also studied her father's business, given that it'll be hers some day to take over, and she conducts herself alternately as a ruthless future businesswoman and a delicate victorian ideal of ladyhood.
Health: Lourdes has a somewhat weak immune system, and is more succeptible to coughs and flus than most.

<I><COLOR color="#FFFFFF"><FONT font="Georgia">Family


Name: Alexander Brackenstall
Date of Birth: 1995 (49)
Blood Status: ????
Occupation: CEO

Name: Isabelle Brackenstall
Date of Birth: 2012 (31)
Blood Status: ????
Occupation: Lady of the House


Name: <COLOR color="#000">Vivian Brackenstall
Date of Birth: 2031 (13)
Blood Status: Mixed
Occupation: Hogwarts New Zealand Student
*Lourdes has never met her half-brother, and is unaware of his existence.
First Year
Arriving at Hogwarts was something of a shock for Lourdes. She expected a castle to be held to a certain standard, to be pristine and elegant, but the realities of a boarding school were something very different. Lourdes had expected to take her place in Slytherin, but was disgusted to realise the dormitories of the most noble house were in a hole under the lake - how was that appropriate? Her gripes with the castle decor were cut short by an interruption from a strange, rude Hufflepuff who claimed himself as her brother. Ignoring this nonsense, Lourdes went about her life, trying to make friends and find those appropriate to spend her time with, which she found in Jessica Matthews and Odette Harper. She also found an enemy in foul-mouthed Hayley Elridge, and cause for complaint after the Hogwarts Monthly published a highly unflattering article making fun od her sense of decorum. Feeling downtrodden and unhappy, Lourdes kept her head down for the remainder of the year, disgusted and upset by the behaviour of her peers and the foulness of her surroundings.
Back straight, head high, clothes and hair tidy... Even after an exhausting and noisy train ride, Lourdes knew it was important first and foremost to present herself appropriately, and represent her family well. Holding herself with good posture she entered the Great Hall with the rest of her classmates, and the composed girl couldn't quite hold back a gasp. She had been in some exquisite magical buildings in the course of her life, but the floating candles and shifting ceiling were beyond compare. And the students... so many, more children than Lourdes had ever seen in her entire life. How could there be so many students? Annoyance flickered through her as she realised she was never going to get so much as a second to herself in this place.

Lourdes's parents had reminded her that her name was early on in the list and she listened intently, watching the other children be sorted into their houses. Mother had reminded her that she would have to share a room with other girls, and she wrinkled her nose slightly, watching how scruffy the various candidates all seemed. How unappealing...

"Brackenstall, Lourdes!"

Lourdes stepped forward calmly as her name was called, hands clasped daintily in front of her, and kept her shoulders square and eyes forward as the hat was placed on her head, not wanting to let her future classmates see any signs of weakness when she was so publicly and personally being put on display, though she couldn't fight back the slight nervous tremble in her hands. How was she going to survive in a place so different to home?


A Necessary Purchase
The Terrifying Kind of Fairytale
Rude Words and Bad Attitudes
Roses die in the dungeon (Receiving Valentines Rose)

Avs & Sigs


Yearbook & School Events

Halloween Costume

Yule Ball

Second Year

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