- Messages
- 199
- OOC First Name
- Maia
- Wand
- Straight 11 Inch Unyielding Yew Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
- Age
- 7/2030
Louisa May Clark:
Full Name:
Louisa May Clark:
Louisa's name was chosen, because during her mother's pregnancy, she read the series "Little Women" by Louisa May Alcott several times, saying she wanted to have a relationship like "Marmee" had with the titular little women, with her own daughter.
Louisa: A name of English, German and Dutch origin. Louisa is the feminine form of "Louis" meaning "Renowned Warrior."
May: A name of English origin. Derived from the name of the month of May, which derives from Maia, the name of a Greek and Roman goddess. May is also another name for the hawthorn flower.
Clark: A name of Ango-Saxon origin. A name given to someone who concerned himself with matters of scholarly importance, or of religious orders, or as a secretary. It was originally derived from the Latin form "clericus."
Date of Birth:
July 20th 2030
Basic Appearance:
Louisa is small for her age, but strong. Thin and lithe, she has the constant appearance of being slightly underfed, no matter how much she eats, she simply expends too much energy. Of late, her appetite has lessened, and her cheeks have become more hollow. As such, her eyes have become even more prominent, big blue orbs in a pale white face. She inherited her looks from her mother; dark brown hair and pale skin, but has her fathers eyes. Though small, she is a fierce child, and is rarely ill, though her paleness may allude to that. She rarely tans, only burning if exposed to too much sun.
Louisa's personality is in a state of transitioning at the moment. Formerly a cheerful and happy child, the past two years have changed that. In the time before her father's death, she had become quite secretive, hiding from friends and teachers the fact that things weren't right at home. She was still a happy child, not fully understanding what had happened to her father, but knowing it had something to do with the fire he'd survived while one of his men, and many children hadn't. She assumed it would pass though, and thus though she learned secrecy, she remained happy-go-lucky and optimistic. Her father's suicide, however, changed that profoundly. She became sullen and distant, no longer affectionate or caring as she had been. Her former confidence was not gone, but rather changed. She was sure only of herself, and her mother, feeling she could trust no one else. She is very guarded, slow to trust and slow to share.
Louisa is an only child, which led to her being somewhat spoilt and coddled by her father, Matthew Clark, in particular. Her mother, Ella Martin-Clark, was the constant balance in her life, wanting to make sure her child grew up like others did. She was very close to her parents, especially her father, who doted on her. All three had a love of the water and would go out swimming and kayaking together. She had quite a happy childhood and family life, until her father left work after a catastrophic fire when she was nine years old. After that, things began to worsen and the family became somewhat disjointed. Matthew was not the same man he had been before, he drank heavily and shut himself away in his workroom fixing and repairing boats for locals. After leaving his job as a firefighter, that was how he earned money, and by taking groups of tourists out on the lake. Since his death, her family life has been very different. Her mother is struggling to support their lifestyle on a single income and cuts have been made. They were forced to sell her fathers small sailing boat, since it wasn't being used, and many of Louisa's school books were bought second-hand. They are far from poverty, but they are very careful about money now. She and her mother have become very close, and Louisa is almost obsessively protective of Ella, afraid to lose another parent. That was partially why Ella was keen for Louisa to attend Hogwarts. She hoped new environs would cheer her daughter.
None, her father had a dog when she was younger, but he was old and died when she was seven. He had promised her an owl for her eleventh birthday so she could write to them without using the school ones. Now, a pet would mean spending more money on its food and care, which Ella could not justify.
Area of Residence:
Hamilton, New Zealand.
Blood Status:
Halfblood. Her father was a wizard, her mother is a muggle.
European, her fathers family was of Anglo-Saxon descent, her mothers of French.
A Little Bit Deeper:
Special Abilities:
Louisa is a very strong swimmer, and watersports enthusiast. She can fish, and loves cooking; one of the few skills taught to her by her mother rather than her father. She is also, a survivor. Louisa will do whatever it takes to ensure her own position, and to make sure she feels safe and secure. She is fiercely protective of those close to her, but there are very few who she grants that passionate loyalty.
Interests or Hobbies:
Swimming, kayaking, sailing, fishing, cooking, reading, and sport in general. She likes being active, as it stops her from having too much time to think.
Additional Skills:
Louisa is very good at hiding, and is good at reading others; she is very observant.
She protects herself and those she loves. Louisa shows a very strong character to the world, and as such is taken seriously by adults and children alike. She is capable of looking after herself, and in that sense is very much more advanced than most children her age. Louisa takes herself very seriously, and has quite an in-depth understanding of the injustice of the world. She is not weighed down by a heavy conscience, because as far as she is concerned, everyone must care for themselves.
While she acts strong, Louisa is actually very sensitive. She carries her pain and hurt with her, unable to share or express it unless pushed to her very limit. Once very expressive, she has become closed off, and this is to her detriment. Should something happen to her, she cannot allow others to help her, however practical it may be. She doesn't trust very easily, and as such, she is often very lonely.
Describe your character in three words:
Tough, possessive, lonely.
Favourite place to be:
Lake Rotoroa, Hamilton, New Zealand
She attended muggle school in Hamilton, until enrolling in Hogwarts New Zealand in 2041 at eleven years old.
Hogwarts House:
Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
For the seven years to pass as quickly as possible.
Best school subjects:
In muggle school, it was geography. In Hogwarts, she has yet to find out.
Worst school subjects:
She always hated maths, and hasn't had any classes in Hogwarts yet, but assumes she will dislike Arithmancy.
Extracurricular Activities:
Current Job:
Plans for your future:
Look after her mother, perhaps take up fixing boats and giving tours like her father did.
A badger. If Louisa knew this, she would not be happy, as it is a reflection of her Dad; a Hufflepuff. It illustrates the similarities between father and daughter. The badger is self-reliant and self-confident, fiercely loyal to those close to them and rather stand-offish to those who aren't. They are powerful, passionate and aggressive. Those with a badger patronus are often introspective, withdrawn and have a strong, defensive exterior.
Patronus memory:
Her tenth birthday. Her father had rented a sort of flat-boat and she'd had a part on the lake with all her friends present. Her mother had baked a cake. It was one of their last good days before his death. That evening, he'd told her stories about Hogwarts,about meeting her mother and they'd had fish he'd caught for dinner. Her Dad lit a fire and she stayed up late, just talking with them. Her patronus memory would not be of the party, but rather of the happy evening she'd spent with her parents.
Fire. In Louisa's opinion, it was fire that destroyed her father. She has never felt comfortable around an uncontrollable blaze, and her biggest fear is not being consumed by fire, but those she loves being consumed by it, because that is what happened to her Dad. He survived the fire, and couldn't live with the guilt. Her boggart is her mother, being consumed by flames.
An arctic fox. Cunning, stealthy and persistent, the arctic fox is infinitely adaptable; a survivor, living in one of the world's most extreme climates. People whose animagus form is an arctic fox are often sly and graceful, able to constantly adapt to suit their environment.
Mirror of Erised:
Her family whole again. She would see herself with her parents, and somehow she would know that the fire had never happened, that nothing had ever changed, neither her father nor she would have become different people.
A page from Louisa's diary:
I'm in Hogwarts. It's huge, grand, and miles away from Hamilton.
Not sure if that's a good or bad thing yet.
I'm in Slytherin, which is fine. I didn't really care which house I got.
I used to want Hufflepuff, but obviously that changed.
Wrote a quick letter to Mum telling her I'd arrived safely and relaying the news of my sorting.
She understands a lot about magic, because of the stories he used to tell.
Classes should be somewhat interesting. We'll see.

Full Name:
Louisa May Clark:
Louisa's name was chosen, because during her mother's pregnancy, she read the series "Little Women" by Louisa May Alcott several times, saying she wanted to have a relationship like "Marmee" had with the titular little women, with her own daughter.
Louisa: A name of English, German and Dutch origin. Louisa is the feminine form of "Louis" meaning "Renowned Warrior."
May: A name of English origin. Derived from the name of the month of May, which derives from Maia, the name of a Greek and Roman goddess. May is also another name for the hawthorn flower.
Clark: A name of Ango-Saxon origin. A name given to someone who concerned himself with matters of scholarly importance, or of religious orders, or as a secretary. It was originally derived from the Latin form "clericus."
Date of Birth:
July 20th 2030
Basic Appearance:
Louisa is small for her age, but strong. Thin and lithe, she has the constant appearance of being slightly underfed, no matter how much she eats, she simply expends too much energy. Of late, her appetite has lessened, and her cheeks have become more hollow. As such, her eyes have become even more prominent, big blue orbs in a pale white face. She inherited her looks from her mother; dark brown hair and pale skin, but has her fathers eyes. Though small, she is a fierce child, and is rarely ill, though her paleness may allude to that. She rarely tans, only burning if exposed to too much sun.
Louisa's personality is in a state of transitioning at the moment. Formerly a cheerful and happy child, the past two years have changed that. In the time before her father's death, she had become quite secretive, hiding from friends and teachers the fact that things weren't right at home. She was still a happy child, not fully understanding what had happened to her father, but knowing it had something to do with the fire he'd survived while one of his men, and many children hadn't. She assumed it would pass though, and thus though she learned secrecy, she remained happy-go-lucky and optimistic. Her father's suicide, however, changed that profoundly. She became sullen and distant, no longer affectionate or caring as she had been. Her former confidence was not gone, but rather changed. She was sure only of herself, and her mother, feeling she could trust no one else. She is very guarded, slow to trust and slow to share.
Louisa is an only child, which led to her being somewhat spoilt and coddled by her father, Matthew Clark, in particular. Her mother, Ella Martin-Clark, was the constant balance in her life, wanting to make sure her child grew up like others did. She was very close to her parents, especially her father, who doted on her. All three had a love of the water and would go out swimming and kayaking together. She had quite a happy childhood and family life, until her father left work after a catastrophic fire when she was nine years old. After that, things began to worsen and the family became somewhat disjointed. Matthew was not the same man he had been before, he drank heavily and shut himself away in his workroom fixing and repairing boats for locals. After leaving his job as a firefighter, that was how he earned money, and by taking groups of tourists out on the lake. Since his death, her family life has been very different. Her mother is struggling to support their lifestyle on a single income and cuts have been made. They were forced to sell her fathers small sailing boat, since it wasn't being used, and many of Louisa's school books were bought second-hand. They are far from poverty, but they are very careful about money now. She and her mother have become very close, and Louisa is almost obsessively protective of Ella, afraid to lose another parent. That was partially why Ella was keen for Louisa to attend Hogwarts. She hoped new environs would cheer her daughter.
None, her father had a dog when she was younger, but he was old and died when she was seven. He had promised her an owl for her eleventh birthday so she could write to them without using the school ones. Now, a pet would mean spending more money on its food and care, which Ella could not justify.
Area of Residence:
Hamilton, New Zealand.
Blood Status:
Halfblood. Her father was a wizard, her mother is a muggle.
European, her fathers family was of Anglo-Saxon descent, her mothers of French.
A Little Bit Deeper:
Special Abilities:
Louisa is a very strong swimmer, and watersports enthusiast. She can fish, and loves cooking; one of the few skills taught to her by her mother rather than her father. She is also, a survivor. Louisa will do whatever it takes to ensure her own position, and to make sure she feels safe and secure. She is fiercely protective of those close to her, but there are very few who she grants that passionate loyalty.
Interests or Hobbies:
Swimming, kayaking, sailing, fishing, cooking, reading, and sport in general. She likes being active, as it stops her from having too much time to think.
Additional Skills:
Louisa is very good at hiding, and is good at reading others; she is very observant.
She protects herself and those she loves. Louisa shows a very strong character to the world, and as such is taken seriously by adults and children alike. She is capable of looking after herself, and in that sense is very much more advanced than most children her age. Louisa takes herself very seriously, and has quite an in-depth understanding of the injustice of the world. She is not weighed down by a heavy conscience, because as far as she is concerned, everyone must care for themselves.
While she acts strong, Louisa is actually very sensitive. She carries her pain and hurt with her, unable to share or express it unless pushed to her very limit. Once very expressive, she has become closed off, and this is to her detriment. Should something happen to her, she cannot allow others to help her, however practical it may be. She doesn't trust very easily, and as such, she is often very lonely.
Describe your character in three words:
Tough, possessive, lonely.
Favourite place to be:
Lake Rotoroa, Hamilton, New Zealand
She attended muggle school in Hamilton, until enrolling in Hogwarts New Zealand in 2041 at eleven years old.
Hogwarts House:
Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
For the seven years to pass as quickly as possible.
Best school subjects:
In muggle school, it was geography. In Hogwarts, she has yet to find out.
Worst school subjects:
She always hated maths, and hasn't had any classes in Hogwarts yet, but assumes she will dislike Arithmancy.
Extracurricular Activities:
Current Job:
Plans for your future:
Look after her mother, perhaps take up fixing boats and giving tours like her father did.
A badger. If Louisa knew this, she would not be happy, as it is a reflection of her Dad; a Hufflepuff. It illustrates the similarities between father and daughter. The badger is self-reliant and self-confident, fiercely loyal to those close to them and rather stand-offish to those who aren't. They are powerful, passionate and aggressive. Those with a badger patronus are often introspective, withdrawn and have a strong, defensive exterior.
Patronus memory:
Her tenth birthday. Her father had rented a sort of flat-boat and she'd had a part on the lake with all her friends present. Her mother had baked a cake. It was one of their last good days before his death. That evening, he'd told her stories about Hogwarts,about meeting her mother and they'd had fish he'd caught for dinner. Her Dad lit a fire and she stayed up late, just talking with them. Her patronus memory would not be of the party, but rather of the happy evening she'd spent with her parents.
Fire. In Louisa's opinion, it was fire that destroyed her father. She has never felt comfortable around an uncontrollable blaze, and her biggest fear is not being consumed by fire, but those she loves being consumed by it, because that is what happened to her Dad. He survived the fire, and couldn't live with the guilt. Her boggart is her mother, being consumed by flames.
An arctic fox. Cunning, stealthy and persistent, the arctic fox is infinitely adaptable; a survivor, living in one of the world's most extreme climates. People whose animagus form is an arctic fox are often sly and graceful, able to constantly adapt to suit their environment.
Mirror of Erised:
Her family whole again. She would see herself with her parents, and somehow she would know that the fire had never happened, that nothing had ever changed, neither her father nor she would have become different people.
A page from Louisa's diary:
I'm in Hogwarts. It's huge, grand, and miles away from Hamilton.
Not sure if that's a good or bad thing yet.
I'm in Slytherin, which is fine. I didn't really care which house I got.
I used to want Hufflepuff, but obviously that changed.
Wrote a quick letter to Mum telling her I'd arrived safely and relaying the news of my sorting.
She understands a lot about magic, because of the stories he used to tell.
Classes should be somewhat interesting. We'll see.