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Louisa -Marie Accelyn Rodregue
{ Magic is Mysterious
Mystery is Magical }
Full Name:
{ Magic is Mysterious
Mystery is Magical }
- Louisa-Marie Accelyn Rodregue, although she never goes by her full name, Louisa-Marie, she prefers simply Louisa or Lou.
Date of Birth:
- 7th of January 2009
Current Age:
- 16
Basic Appearance:
- Around 5'5", clear yet mysterious brown eyes, with a dis-colourant of green around the left side of each eye, due to pigmentation which ran within her mums side of the family.
Brown hair, just below shoulder length, naturally wavy and will usually be left that way.
- Louisa is a kind, friendly girl but at times can seem a little distant. She doesn't trust easily and she wont stand for any nonsense. She looses her temper easily and she's stubborn as hell. She's very protective of friends and family, and is a good friend to have, she's loyal and trustworthy. She can be quite tomboyish and isn't into romance and such, although she does get along with boys, but as friends, nothing more. She's just not that type of girl! She loves to have a good time and just hang out, causing trouble more often than not. She doesn't deliberately get herself into trouble, 'it just happens'. She's a bit lof a 'rebel', as her headmistress would call her.
- Father:
Phinelius Rodregue;
Muggle-born, 43 year old, Flying professor at Beuxbatons academy.
Louisa had always been a mummy's girl, and when her mother died Louisa took it very hard. As a result, her and her father became closer and closer. Her father's a kind, loving man who would count joking around as a talent of his. When Louisa was younger he would spend ages sitting in her room at night, making up fairy tales and songs which she would fall asleep to. Phinelius has always said that whenever he decides teaching flying is no longer for him, he will turn to writing children's books. He's got his head in the clouds most of the time and is a laid-back man who takes everything in his stride, which he says is the best way to be.
Louisa admires her father, he's her role model.
Anne {Morette} Rodregue;
Half-blood, died at the age of 37 due to breast cancer, would be 41 now.
Attended Hogwarts Scotland in her youth, a hufflepuff, were she met Phinelius, a Gryffindor and two years her senior. They started dating when Anne was in third year, and had an on-off relationship until they'd both left school. They got back together and had there first child when Anne was 21 (Louisa's brother). Anne and Phinelius married when Jonah was 3, a few months before Anne fell pregnant with Louisa.
The Rodregue's were a close family and took the death of Anne very hard.
Jonah Rodregue;
Louisa's older brother. Jonah will be turning 21 this year and was home schooled by his grand-mother (Anne's mother) instead of attending school. He's currently un-employed and has decided there's nothing more in their small town for him, so he's moving to New Zealand to hopefully get a career 'on the go'. Louisa, who's caused to much trouble at Beuxbatons and is on the edge of expulsion, has decided to move with him and hopes to enrol at Hogwarts New Zealand to complete her years of education.
- Louisa owns a chocolate brown and white male Jack Russel named Oscar, who despite it being against the rules, she would take to Beuxbatons with her. Louisa's allergic to cats, and doesn't see what a rat could possibly offer as a pet, so she doesn't see why she shouldn't be allowed to take her dog to school with her. It's a matter of opinion, she would say, everyone's entitled to their own, and if she doesn't want any other pet she'll sure as hell take her dog to school with her, there should be no boundary's on opinion and what a person wants and prefers as an individual.
Area of Residence:
- Point Reyes Station, California.
Point Reyes is a small town in western California, population 818. Louisa's lived there since birth and its were her mother was originally from, her father was from Scotland, but when they began their live as a family, they decided to move to Anne's hometown, as her parent's lived there and Phinelius lost both his parents at a young age, and as far as he knows he has no other family.
Blood Status:
- Half-blood.
Interests or Hobbies:
- Louisa loves Quidditch and flying recreationally. She gets really into the game and can get quite agressive.
Flying calms her down and when shes wanting to think or clear her head, she'll go out on her nimbus 2001. It was once her mum's broom, and although its getting old she wouldn't use anything else. She also enjoys swimming and spends summers diving off the pier at her towns beach. She loves the rush she gets when moving through the water and it could take her out of any mood whatsoever.
- Louisa can easily block out and ignore anything she doesn't want to hear, or anything she doesn't want to go through. She's good at totally ignoring things she doesn't want to deal with, although this usually tends to end up a bad thing.
She's strong minded and will always think positively. For every bad thing that happens, she believes there's something good about that bad thing, some advantage. There's always a silver lining and Louisa never ceases to find it.
- Her temper. She can't control it and when she's angered she'll get annoyed and frustrated and at the slightest thing she'll loose it and go off on a rage. In the end, she always ends up hurting herself.
Describe your character in three words:
- Kind, Friendly, Temperamental.
Favourite place to be:
- In the air!
- --
Hogwarts House:
- --
Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
- Louisa's hoping to get the knowledge and grades she needs in order to succeed in becoming a Defence Against the Dark Art's Professor, and as any other pupil, wants to have a memorable time at Hogwarts as she does so.
Best school subjects:
- DADA, Charms and Care of Magical Creatures.
Worst school subjects:
- Potions, Astronomy and History of Magic.
Extracurricular Activities:
- --
Plans for your future:
- Louisa would love to become a professional Quidditch player, but she thinks that will never happen and that she's living in a dream world even thinking about it, so she's got her sights set on teaching DADA, her best and favourite subject.
A page from your diary:
- 01.01.2025.
New year, New start. Hopefully!
Dad thinks it would be a good idea for me to keep a diary. He says by writing down all my thoughts and feelings, it will be like sharing them, and that way they wont get all bottled up inside me, which in turn will mean I wont get so irritated and annoyed, which in the end will stop me from getting all angry and aggressive. Or so he thinks, we shall see, I guess

So, yeaaaaaahhh, I'm not really into all this dear diary caper. And I feel like a right dingbat, I'm pretty much talking away to myself here, but hey! I'm loving being home for the holidays. Beuxbatons is really, reeeaaaalllllyyyyy getting to me! I feel like I'm never out of trouble. Nothings ever running smoothly, even with friends. I barely even have any proper ones anymore. They say I've changed. I've not, I've just stopped putting up with all their pathetic crap. Ah well. Jonah's going on a trip to New Zealand in Febuary, looking for work, and he said if I can get Dad to agree to it, he'll take me with him to see if I can get a transfer to Hogwarts New Zealand. He said he thinks I'd enjoy it alot more, it would be a lot more bearable than Beuxbatons and that I'd probably actually enjoy it. I hate having to speak french 24/7. I'm not bloody french!!!!!!!! The only reason I'm at that stupid school is because Dad teaches there. Even he's fed up with it now, he's been thinking a lot about quitting and following his dreams of becoming an author lately. Me and Jonah have told him to go for it. I've no idea what he'll think about me wanting to transfer. I mean, it's not like I'm asking to quit school all together. He knows the deal with Beuxbatons! And It's not like I'm hoping to miss the whole semester between Christmas and Summer, I'll happily go back to Beauxbatons. If he gives me a chance, and I get accepted at HNZ.
I guess well just have to wait and see! Keep your not quite there fingers crossed diary
