Louis-Philippe Fontaine

OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Feeling your heartbeat ,
That's what I want ,


Say Hello to
Louis-Philippe Henri Fontaine!

That's what I need ,
Feeling again that you're breathing with me ,

Louis-Philippe Henri Fontaine

Louis-Philippe - In French the meaning of the name Louis is: Famous warrior, from the Old German 'Chlodovech', and The name Philippe is a Greek baby name. In Greek the meaning of the name Philippe is: Lover of horses
Henri - The name Henri is a French baby name. In French the meaning of the name Henri is: Henry 'Rules his household.
Fontaine - Derived from old French fontane "well". It was probably a nickname for a person living by a well, but I'm not sure that's what it actually means for my family. In any case, it's the name that we've had for a good number of generations.

Much like the names of his siblings Louis-Philippe was named after someone he was named after Louis Philippe I King of France between 1830 to 1848. Louis has always loved his name, it's a long name and very unique and that's why he's always loved it, and not just because he loves the fact he was named after a king the only one of his siblings to be named like that. His middle name Henri was also from a much earlier king of France, because both of his names are that of Kings he's always wanted to achieve highly and always loved his name. The surname Fontaine is one passed through his family, Louis has always enjoyed being a Fontaine, while not a particularly common name he really loves it. He likes the way it sounds and his professors at his school before usually addressed him by saying Fontaine and he's always enjoyed that aspect of it. He really enjoys having it as a surname.

Because of the fact he has such a long first name a nickname for Louis-Philippe has always just meant shortening the name to just Louis, or Philippe or even occasionally Henri, he has never much minded this practice, he doesn't mind which name people use for him, as long as they don't call him something bad, but is relatively lax about how he feels towards nicknames, knowing he won't stop anyone from being able to call him what they want.

Louis is currently 15 years old and since he celebrates his birthday at school he doesn't really do much with it, and doesn't mind that, he is kept busy with his education and focuses on his work.

Louis was born in the early hours of the afternoon in Charleroi Belgium on the 14th January 2026, it was a natural birth and the last of those that his mother had. Louis was born on the exact day that the doctors said he would be, and he was born at a good weight and with a small head of blonde hair which fell out after a few days.

Since he is currently still in school, Louis does not have a real job yet, although he does some part time volunteer work in the local shop near his school and is a prefect which in his school means that he had quite a lot to do in making sure the younger students are happy and he thinks of this as an important task.

Patrice Fontaine, he was an EU politician who worked for the most part in Brussels. He left that job after failing to be reelected, and got a job teaching economics at the University of Melbourne. He was born in Charleroi, Belgium. But was raised for the most part in Brussels. His father was a large business owner, who had a small but substantial empire in the North part of Flanders in Belguim. Patrice is a muggle and for a very long time after receiving the letter about Hogwarts was distrustful of these magical school, and that Victoire could actually be a witch. Although he would concede that he doesn't spend enough time at home, or with Victoire to actually know. He's an incredibly smart man, who attended university in London, Studying at the London School of Economics where he received a master in Political Science and Economics and a doctorate in Economics. He married at the young age of 24 to Freija Leclercq, who was a lobbyist working Brussels for a Nordic oil company. After their marriage she worked under Patrice's father in the Fontaine company. Patrice is openly happier with his two sons than he is with Victoire. Patrice's mother was born in Belgrade, Serbia, but moved to Belgium to get married to his father. They had gone to University together. Patrice is the eldest son of his family, and has four younger brothers, all of whom hold positions in their father's company. Patrice is very close to all his brothers.

Freija Leclercq, a strong and driven business woman, who splits her time between the northern cities in Flanders and the headquarters in Charleroi. She has taken a temporary leave from her job to help settle the family into their new home in Melbourne. But is looking to expand the company out to Australia, and head the division there. Leaving the company in the capable hands of her husband's younger brother, second eldest of the brothers. She was brought up by her grandmother because her own parents died when she was five. They sent her and her siblings to private school outside of Ghent. Where Freija went on to study Law, with Business at university in Brussels. Continuing to work in Brussels until she got married to Patrice Fontaine. It wasn't a by chance encounter. Freija had seen him from afar on several occasions and had developed a small crush on him, and decided to ask him out. They got married when she was 24, and she took a job in her father-in-laws firm. Since it had excellent opportunities for her, and because she got along really well with him. Freija is a harsh and demanding woman who is very busy. She likes keeping busy and working. She's not as close to her two older sisters as she'd like to be. But she tries.

Louis has one older sister, one younger brother and one young sister.
Victoire Fontaine, who was born in 2024, she is a witch who currently attended Hogwarts New Zealand, she is a Gryffindor.
Tholomyès Fontaine, Also attends Hogwarts, Ravenclaw
A younger sister who was adopted into the family when he was about 5/6. Venus Renea Fontaine is very close to Theo, she too attends Hogwarts, Gryffindor

Louis used to be quite close to all his siblings, but they all grew apart and worsened when Louis turned out to be the only one of the family with no magical blood which he is very bitter about and to an extent resents his siblings who are magical.

Because of the fact that both her parents has a number of siblings, Louis-Philippe has a lot of extended family.
On the her father's side, he has four uncles, three married in aunts, and one married in uncle. The eldest of the children was Patrice, after that was Antoine, 39, was is married to Belgium woman from Chatelet. They have 2 girls, Clarisse and Sofia, 12 and 10 respectively. After that, is Vincent, 36, who is married to a German man who was born in Munich, they live in the German speaking area of Belgium with one adopted boy, who is named after Vincent husband, Klaus, who is 6 years old. After that are the non-identical twins Maarten and Stijn, 34. Maarten is the only one of the family not married, he is widowed, his wife not long after their son was born, lives in Chaleroi, the son was named Mathieu, and is 15, Stijn recently got engaged and will marry in 2035, to the mother of his three children, they currently live in Brussels. Lola, Hugo and Gabrielle, 6, 4 and 2 respectively.
Patrice's parents, Tholomyès's grandparents on this side are also currently still alive.

On his mothers side, she has three aunts, and three uncles married in. Her eldest sister, Olivia, 47, is in a civil partnership with her male partner, they live in Lille in France and have five children, Sofia, Jean, Jerome, Amadine and Flora, 19, 17, 15, 12, and 10 respectively. After Olivia is Roxanne, 45, who is married with three boys, currently living in Amsterdam, in The Netherlands, Anton, Michael and Petra, aged 12, 14, and 16 respectfully. The second youngest is Alyss, 43, who was unable to have her own children, but adopted three, one who was aged 15 when adopted and the other two when they were young children around 2 and 3, respectively. The eldest is called Anna, who is now 23. The other two, Charles who is now 6 and Axelle who is now 7.
Freija's parents died when she was five years old. They were mostly raised by their grandparents, Tholomyès's Great grandparents, of which both are dead.

Louis doesn't have any pets, he's not able to keep pets at school. He doesn't much care for pets and hasn't really ever desired one when he's at school, so he's happy without.

Louis is a muggle, he had no magical blood within him at all.

At first, when it was just Victoire who was magical, Louis-Philippe didn't mind, she was the odd one out, but then his younger brother was magic and it became clear that Venus was too and suddenly it was Louis who was the odd one out and he didn't much enjoy that at all. He doesn't like being the only one without magic, he hears his sister talk about what she can do, what his brother can do, specifically with sports and he gets so jealous, because of this, Louis-Philippe has largely distanced himself from his family, he feels like he needs to work twice as hard to be able to impress his parents and be respected within the family.

Most of his early life Louis-Philippe grew up in the French-belgian town of Charleroi, he very much enjoyed living in this down and was looking forward to being able to move back there when he gets the first occasion to, although Louis realises this will likely be in far later life.

Louis-Philippe lives at school, he goes to boarding school in England but lives with his family in Australia when the semester ends, although he doesn't go all that often, opting more to stay with extended family that live in Belgium especially given the exceedingly long journey he would've had to make otherwise.

Louis-Philippe spent the summer when he was fifteen in Paris and he loves living in Paris, and would definitely chose to live in the French city, he very much loves the country and loves the vibrancy of the city and would definitely if made to pick would always choose Paris.

FIRST HOME: A large, three floored house in the nice, rich area of Chaleroi. It was an old house built in the late 1800s, and renovated after being partially destroy during both wars. It has an old feel to it, but the interior is largely modern. His bedroom was on the third floor, where his siblings' bedrooms also were, they share one bathroom, and have a study area as well. Her parents mostly occupy the second floor, which is mostly open plan, and has a study for both of them, a large bedroom and bathroom. As well as room for exercise equipment. The bottom floor is the least used area of the house. It has a large kitchen and dining area, and a living area, all of which are rarely used. It has a small garden outside, due to the fact the house is fairly centre to the city. Despite the family's move to Australia, they kept the house in Belgium but it was mostly left empty apart from when they visit.

Since he was about thirteen years old, Louis realised that unlike a lot of his counterparts that he was bisexual, enjoying and being attracted to both males and females.


Louis had a crush when he was in his 3rd year of school on a boy a little older than him, and it never became anything but he thinks of the man as the first person he's ever truly had a crush on, and all the liking since hasn't really been crushes, since when he likes someone, he'll just ask them out.

In the summer of 2040 with a girl from a party one of his cousins dragged him to in the Belgian town of Ghent.

His first french kiss happened with a boy at a different party later in that summer. He remembers the boy very well, but hasn't spoke to him since.

Due to his young age, Louis hasn't really been in any relationships as such.


Too young for that

To come
I'm getting wild when I'm alone ,
But I never asked you to belong ,

Much like his younger brother Tholomyes, Louis-Philippe has dark brown hair, it is only Victoire in his family that takes after their mother in having blonde hair. Louis' hair is quite short, he keeps it at a short and manageable length and doesn't like when it's either too long or too short and he's happy with his hair, it's never bothered him his hair colour though it is common and he knows that he'd look as good with blonde hair.

Louis has always thought about dying his hair but he's never actually wanted to, he's never reached that point where he thinks that he would, he's never found a colour or the confidence to be able to do that, he very much enjoys just having his hair as it is, and knows that professionally speaking it's better to have his hair look normal rather than too out there.

Much like his siblings, and his family, Louis has light blue eyes, because he is quite pale, his eyes stand out easily against his face, and he really loves his eyes, it's always been one of his favourite traits, and he definitely enjoys that all of his siblings, even his adopted sister has blue eyes, because really he just wants to be included in the family and having the same eyes is part of that for him.

Louis has a series of birth marks at the bottom of his left leg, nothing too major, but noticeable if one was looking for them, he also has a few freckles on his arms, but he doesn't have very many in any other places and his face remains largely untouched by any marks. He has a scar on his stomach near his belly button which was caused by an accident at school when he first got to England. It was his own fault and he likes to create different stories about it.

Louis has a body shape which could be said to be a combination of his siblings, he is relatively tall and well built, and he definitely has a more athletic build than his siblings, he had far straighter hair than them and has a very pale skin, despite the amount of time he can spend in the sun, tanning for Louis-Philippe is very hard for him to do. He doesn't mind his body type, he'll probably be the tallest of his siblings.

AB (-ve)
Much like his siblings, Louis has the same blood type as his siblings, he hasn't needed to know it, but he knows that it's a good thing to know. Especially since he doesn't spend most of his time with his parents. He has always enjoyed biology as a subject so he finds the blood idea interesting.

Right handed
He has always written with his right hand, he was very eager as a child to get learning, and the moment that his parent put a pencil in his hand he was attempting to write and so he did. He's always had exceedingly neat hand writing and worked hard at it when he was growing up, although given the way technology in the muggle world is, he doesn't actually spend much time writing anything by hand.

To come

Much like his younger brother, Louis-Philippe has a very formal and upper class accent in what ever language he speaks, he always picks the best and most polite words and tries to ensure he sounds as formal as he can. He can sound quite pompous especially when he speaks english, thats one of the few times when he sounds like that.

Given how he was raised, Louis-Philippe learned both French and Flemish at the same time, and he can speak both of those exceedingly fluently with not one falter on any of his words, he can also speak English very well, having first learned it at his primary school and then needed to use it while at school in England, his english is likely the most accented of any of his languages but his english is very good and he has little issues with it.

Louis-Philippe is only allergic to pollen and it's a rather mild allergy and he uses muggle medication to keep it easily under control, it's always been a pretty mild allergy but he doesn't really enjoy it, he's just glad that the career path he has in mind doesn't include his dealing plants and the outdoors, at least not very often.

Louis-Philippe's style can largely be described as whatever he finds, because he spends a lot of his time in uniform because of the school that he attends and the rest of the time he wears a style akin to smart casual, he always tries his best to look quite smart unless he's doing sports then he'll dress far more casually and just in sports gear.

Justs Sirmais
You're my desire and my pain,
But all the battles are in vain ,

Louis-Philippe likes politics and reading about international relationships, he really likes spy films and really enjoys going to the cinema with his friends, he likes being able to watch films that interest him, that are interesting but that aren't too smart and most of the time he prefers film with little substance to the plot, but is not adverse to other arts type films. He likes reading a lot and he likes always challenging himself to do new things that he might not otherwise do, he likes learning and doing what might be classed as dangerous things.

Because of the way things have turned out, Louis does not like magic, but that's because he can't do it, and that's why he resents it to an extent. He doesn't like when he's excluded from things and always tries to make sure he's included in things and fighting for control. He doesn't like when he's not at the top of the class and he likes to be the best in the everything that he does. Louis doesn't like being late for things and he doesn't like having nothing to do. He doesn't like holidays in cities and much prefers just sleeping on the beach. He doesn't like english weather and doesn't much like the food.

Aside from achieving as high as he can while at school, Louis wants to go to Oxford university to do an undergraduate degree so that he can eventually progress towards working for the secret service of Belgium or France, whichever one he decides in the end. He would also very much like a family of his own, and definitely wants to one day marry someone and start his own little family.

Louis-Philippe's biggest fear is failure so he would see failure being reflected in his boggart, whether it be school or his family, he fears just not being the best and having to always be second to his magical siblings.

While he can not have a patronus given the fact that he's non-magical, it is likely that his would be a bee.

Easily for Louis it was when he first had Tholomyes join him at school, there isn't much of an age gap between them and he thoroughly enjoyed being able to show the other boy around the school and help him out in getting settled when he actually joined the boarding part of the school. For him, this closeness that he once had Theo but has since lost in recent years is something that would enable him to feel such joy at the old relationship and miss it to the point where he would able to create a patronus.

Likely the day that he found out that his brother was magical, Tholomyes and Louis had always been very close and the thought Louis had suspected it for a while, it didn't make him feel any better when the letter arrived and officially his brother was to attend magical school, he felt so left out of his family and couldn't believe that they weren't going to be together in the following years.

Probably that he wishes that he was an only child, he loves his siblings very dearly, but currently his resentment of magic leads him to want him to be the only real child of his parents and for his magical siblings should be adopted. He just doesn't want to be the only biological child who didn't manage to have magic within him.

In the mirror he would see himself as magic, he would be at the magical school with his siblings and just so happy to be there, excelling in whatever he was supposed to do at magical school, he'd want to be with his brother in his house and just wanted to be a part of that world.

Louis would smell a recently put out candle, mint and the smell of old books in a library, he would likely smell his old house in belgium and the way the garden used to smell just after it rained. He would smell the way the chocolate used to smell when he was in Bruges.

Easily, he looks up to the fictional character of James Bond, even though Louis knows the man is a terrible example in the way that the man treats woman, but just in that life style being a spy, being the best in that, and easily that for to him it's the best thing, it's all he's wanted to do since he was the only one of his family to not be magical.

Atheist. Much like his siblings he was raised in a sort of protestant home but he never followed the belief, and he doesn't believe in it at all, and doesn't think any of it is true, although he takes religious lessons, he just doesn't believe in anything but he likes to know about it, likes to be knowledgable about it.


The sign of the high roller, Capricorns are regarded as the zodiac’s top, but also quiet, life and business achievers. But, there are two very different types of Capricorns. The first is represented by the mountain goat, always climbing higher and higher; never content until reaching the top. The second is the garden goat, with little adventurous spirit or ambition-happy to remain within a small domain, refusing to budge unless it is pushed. Either type of Capricorn, however, is patient and persevering. They reach their goals because they know the longest journey commences with a single step and that the first step is always the most difficult. The one thing a Capricorn must always try to do is balance work with play; otherwise they can become too one-sided and work can replace true personal emotional fulfilment. Continually climbing the eternal mountain of success, Capricornians rise to the occasion when faced with a new task or deadline. Even if something comes to a grinding halt, their ambition to reach the ultimate keeps them moving forever onwards and upwards (prompted by the strict influence of ruling planet Saturn). Although conservative and cautious, Goats are willing to try unusual approaches on their road to success in business or in love. Romantically, they desire a permanent relationship with someone who'll give them the affection they crave (and often neglect to give themselves!). The rulership of Saturn - the planet representing responsibility, structure and hard work - ensures that Capricorns in their truest of expression, are ambitious, practical and superb organizers. Although many Capricorns are borderline workaholics, this doesn't necessarily make them dull or gloomy! They have an offbeat sense of humour, which seems to erupt at the most unexpected moments. Their motivating force in life is success, money, status, authority and - although many might not admit it - love. By nature Capricorns are cautious when entering a new love relationship, but once they feel 'safe' with their partner, the cool exterior melts away to reveal a sensitive and loyal heart beneath. As a friend, Capricorns can be relied upon to provide the strongest and most sympathetic pair of shoulders in the zodiac.

To Come

I know you told so many times ,
So many words in different rhymes ,

Charleroi Academie for Boys

From the age of three till the age of eleven he attended this school. At the ages of three and four, he only attended during the day, returning home at the end of each day, but by the time he was five, Louis was boarding at the school full time, only returning home during certain weekends and the holidays. He's never known any other school, and while the school had a senior section it was unlikely that he continue there, since he applied and got into one of the top schools in England.

There were houses within his school, there were three houses within his school, mostly as they were not a very large school for more than three houses, they were named after three cities of Belgium, Liège (colours red and yellow), Anderlecht (colours blue and yellow) and Verviers (colours green and white). Louis was a member of Liège house and his brother was in Verviers. Most of the time siblings were split up just to allow them to become into their own people rather than following in their footsteps, or being judged against them.

Since he was very young when he first attended the school, and so his opinion of the school was that it was huge, it was a large school to him. The school to him was great, and he loved attending the classes and sharing a dorm with other boys like him, and he loved everything about it, so he was very happy about it, he doesn't remember much about his first day. The entire day to him was the most amazing and he loved every moment of it,but aside from the broad overview of the day Louis doesn't remember much.

By the time that he had graduated from the school, Louis had the best grades in all the subjects of anyone in his class, because he didn't do a lot of arts and those sort of classes he was much much a kin to being able to achieve highly in all sections and he did. He had the top grades of his class in every single year until he left.

Maths was always Louis' favourite class specifically when it was puzzles and things like that that he was doing, it was the challenging nature of it, and the figuring out the answer part always interested in, doing all of his working out on the page, and he thoroughly enjoys it. To him maths is so simple and it's so much fun that he doesn't understand why anyone wouldn't want to do it.

Likely music, while he's always been good at different subjects and he did this the entire way through school, he always struggled the most with music and that made the class generally very frustrating for him, and he was trying his best, practicing close to every day on the piano but he wasn't ever as good as he wanted to be. He managed to do well when it came to theory but aside from that he wasn't very good in the practical elements.

During his time at this school, Louis never once skipped class. He was never inclined to do such a thing and so never did.

Because he was a high achiever, Louis was part of many clubs, he was part of the book club, the junior debating team, the school's football and field hockey team, athletics, he was part of the languages club and the politics club. He had almost every single hour of his days at the school filled.

Louis achieved the highest position he could for someone of his age in becoming a junior prefect, he prided himself on such a position.
But I don't feel the same ,
I wasn't innocent I know ,

<SIZE size="50">SCHOOL:
Eton College

Louis as an international student to the school, was very much scared of all that it was, he had managed to get explemary results in his entrance exams and was in love with the school the moment he arrived, he just loved being a part of it and everything about it screamed brains and privilege. He knew this was his answer to his sister being at a magical school which he hadn't gotten into. He loved it, and he very much settled in with ease to his school life there. To him everything about it was perfect.

There are many houses at his school, and he was placed into Godolphin House

5th year

So far, Louis has achieved a few positions, he's the head of the junior debate team and captain of the junior rugby team, both of which he loves.

Much like in his last school Louis loves maths, it had always been his best class and this hasn't stopped at his new school, which he is very excited to be attending, however, this best class is closely followed by the politics and history classes that he does, much like in his last school he is very determined to do as well as he possibly can in everything and thus is reflected in almost all his classes being his best.

Currently his worst is physics though he loves it, he finds it tricky and since he knows about the magical world there are certain aspects of it that he finds trickier to follow that others. The boy does work very hard at it but it's just one of the things he isn't getting, but he is doing everything he can to improve.
You're the one I need ,
You're the air that I breathe ,

Coding Done by me, Emzies, if you want to use it just ask
Lyrics: Heartbeats - Justs

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