Lost in Thoughts

Meyke Liechandra

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Elise (main)
Oak 14 3 / 4 Essence of Raven Feather
Meyke looked around she sighed and stepped out of the corridor and on to the lawn. She smiled as the bright green grass stuck up between her toes. She looked up at the moon light, it shone brightly in the dark night. A midnight stroll around the lake won't hurt anyone, she thought as she walked over to the dark lake. She sat down and slid her toes into the cool water. She dropped her slippers beside her and rapped her dressing gown around her. She sighed and saw a four-leaf clover. I suppose this means good luck to me hey? she laughed to herself. "I don't know how mother, and father can think this is for the best of me," She thought out loud. "I suck at magic and I'm a 'muggle'," She sniffed and wiped her watery eyes on her pajama shirt's sleeve. A twig snapped and Meyke jumped.
"Oh, I'm sorry," said Claude as he tried not to step on any more branches. "The lake is so pretty at this late of an hour." Claude looked into the water and saw the reflection of the gorgeous moon. He sat next to Meyke on the grass and said, "Hi I'm Claude Harris, Ravencalw first year." He reached out his hand for a hand shake in hopes Meyke would accept.
Meyke saw the newcomer in surprise. She never thought someone would find her at that place. She looked at the student, a man from Ravenclaw. Meyke saw the student was sitting beside her and introduced himself. Then, he held out his hand to Meyke. Meyke smiled and tried to be friendly. She shook hands with the student. "Hey, I did not know you will visit this place at this hour. I'm Meyke Liechandra from Slytherin," She said sweetly.
Claude happily resonded, "The lake is so pretty at this time of night, so it's always worth coming out to it! My four sisters all ways told me about this awesome view, but I never believed them! It really IS magical!"
Meyke smiled and then realized that Claude has just praised the lake. Meyke agreed with him. "I'm agree with you," Meyke said. Furthermore, Meyke realized that Claude had a sisterat Hogwarts. "You come from a family witch, don't you ?" Meyke asked. She tried to get honest answers may be because she was a Muggle - born.

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