Closed Lost in Thought

Zerrin Fergusson

Soft- Quiet- Dorm Mom
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Straight 10 1/2 Inch Whippy Oak Wand with Demiguise Hair Core
15 (2/24/2046)
Zerrin was thinking over everything- life in general, his friends, his family. He felt like he had both so much and yet so little, and hoenstly he was feeling a little left out and lonely. He was used to that feeling, it was one he'd had often growing up. He loved his mother, dearly, more than anything, but until they'd met Graeme, well, life hadn't exactly been easy. He was down at the lake, walking along and gathering a few smooth pebbles so he could go skipping. That was sure to help- he found that watching the water ripple helped to soothe him when he was feeling out of sorts. He really loved the water. He'd acquired a good pile by now, so he looked around to see if there was an especially good spot to get started.

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