lost in life

Rhiannon Archer

Healer McGowan, new mum
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Married (Tybalt)
Sexual Orientation
Curly 11 1/2 Inch Sturdy Poplar Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
40 (4/2022)
Rhiannon was feeling a little lost. It had been years since she had lived in the wizarding world and whilst she still used magic at home, and occasionally at uni, she felt like she was only living half a life. Since she had graduated Hogwarts she had done what she had aimed to do. she had finished her muggle high school and graduated with nearly perfect marks. She had then gotten into medicine and assuming she passed her last set of exams was about to become a doctor. but somehow that thought didn't fill her with the excitement that it would have done a few years ago. she loved it. but she felt like she was only really half there. only using half her skills. like she had been training these amazing powers that could heal people quicker than it would take to do your average diagnostic test but wasn't allowed to use them. and it was frustrating.
she had a couple of weeks break before her internship started. she had got one with one of her parent's friends in Launceston working in a small psychiatric facility. and whilst she was looking forward to it she knew it was not where she actually wanted to be even if she did enjoy the challenge that came with psych.
Today she had apparated to new Zealand feeling the thrill of using magic again and wandered along obsidian harbour absentmindedly eating a chocolate and banana flavoured ice cream. She wandered until she found a bench to sit on and ate as she looked out, not over the harbour like most people did, but out across to st mungos.
It was a pleasant day to be out during the day like that. The sky was clear and it seemed so perfect to have maybe a picnic gathering at the small area of the park with the girls. Too bad the shop had received a last minute request to change the top decoration of the birthday cake for the Minister of Defence’s daughter and Heidi was certain that the girls were super busy at this hour getting it all done in time before someone came and picked it up.

Luckily, it happened during her off day. However, the feeling of guilt did creep in whenever Heidi thought about it, but she knows for sure that they could make it work. And by right, too, there’s no need for her to help them, she ought to relax during her two weeks leave. Right? Heidi’s mind wandered restlessly. She shook her head, trying to brush the thought off for thinking once again about work. It wouldn't do her any good, really. She might as well think of what meal she could give to her 2-year-old toddler, Penny later that evening.

Being a single parent who works long hours, Heidi wasn’t able at providing a healthy meal for her child like a good mother supposed to be. Not when Heidi was busy. It’s either cereal or a quick peanut and jelly sandwiches. It was good that her parents live close by. So every time Heidi goes to work, they were the one who would look after Penny and not worry so much about her diet because she could count on her parents to do that for her.

Also, Heidi was blessed to know magic. In the world they lived in, they can simply apparate and disapparate whenever they want to at the place they want to be and the place she wanted to have a short walk was the harbour which was located a few streets away from her house. She usually likes to sit on one bench near the dock enjoying the view of the ocean alone when she has a free time but she guessed not that day. A pretty lady had already taken her seat on the bench while eating her light snack. Heidi gave the lady a friendly smile before settling down at the other end of the bench.
Rhiannon was deeply absorbed in her thoughts and icecream, seriously chocolate and banana were a fantastic combination. it wasn't until the other lady was practically sitting on the other side of the bench. she saw that the lady was looking at her. She returned the smile along with a nod and a Hello before turning her attention back to the ice cream and daydreaming about the hospital and what it would be like to work there.
as she sat she wondered if maybe she should apply for an internship here. would st mungos take interns? would that count towards her ahpra registration. that thought made her smile. practising in a hospital in New Zealand probably wouldn't count towards her Australian registration. even if it did she doubted practising in a magic hospital that would not have been heard of in the muggle world would certainly not count. or maybe st mungos was classed as a specialist psychiatric hospital that took on muggles who had had magic-induced accidents and may be claiming that they saw some monster or some other weird things that was normal in the wizarding world but may be explained as a psychotic episode in the muggle one.
by this time Rhiannon had just about finished her ice cream and was dabbing around her mouth with a serviette. once she was done she put her hands on the bench behind her and looked up to the sky letting the sunshine warm her face. "it is a beautiful day to be outside isn't it" she said. she wasn't sure if the lady was busy or wanted to talk but it was a conversation opener that could be replied to with a simple yes/no or make the start of a proper conversation.

OOCOut of Character:
ahpra registration is the national registry for all health professionals in Australia. as Rhiannon is just graduating uni she has to do a selection of supervised internships before she can register as a doctor.

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