Looking through the window.

Sydney Caine

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Bois d'Arc Wand 15 1/4" Essence of Crystallized Dragon Fire
Sydney sat on the bench across from the pet store. In the window were the most adorable persian cats, the most elegant of the feline world in her opinion. While Sydney perceived all animals filthy, if she could, she would get a persian cat. They looked great, they would fit in her hand bag and, if she got a black one, there would be no obvious cat hairs everywhere.

She just sat there looking at one cat in particular. The kitten was apart from the rest of them. It was washing it's paws and, whenever another kitten would come over to play, it had a little snobby look on it's face as if to say: Don't touch me, I'm your superior, the perfect one for the brunette on the bench.

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