Open Looking Forward to the Weekend

Friday Weeks

sweet(ish) | naive | two-faced
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Knotted 10 1/2" Flexible Hazel Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
02/48 (15)
Friday was getting used to her family being magical, it had been a bit of a surprise, but she was happy about it. She couldn't wait till she had her own wand, it would be just another year to go. She had just turned ten and had finally managed to get away with any family engagement. It helped that half the family was at school, and it was just her, Saturday and Sunday. Friday had followed the path to the magical world and found herself in it. It was wonderful. This place was so cool, she didn't know anything about it, but she was so ready to get her wand, even if it was another year away. She could just wander around her or well, skip about the place.
Jupiter was starting to get a little nervous about the upcoming school year. He was finally going to Hogwarts, after all. Not to mention he would have to leave his brother behind. Then again, he could see the benefits of not having to deal with Mercury stealing his stuff for a couple of years. His mother was on some business in Obsidian Harbour, and Jupiter had decided to come along with her. He didn't get to come here by himself very often, so it was nice to just walk around. Maybe he could find some inspiration for his new comic book. But as he was walking, he saw a girl skipping and did have to frown at her, "Why are you skipping?" Was there some kind of skipping race he didn't know about? Probably not, there wasn't anyone else skipping.
Friday was mid skip as she heard someone speak. She stopped herself and glanced at the boy. He seemed about her age and was frowning. "Why not?" she replied as if it were plainly obvious to skip, to do something like that. It brought her joy and was a quickly way of moving. "Do you not skip if you're happy?" she asked with a confused tone, maybe other people didn't skip like she did. People didn't need to, but perhaps he wasn't happy or perhaps he did something else to show his happiness.
Rather suddenly Jupiter felt as though he was being put on the spot, shifting his footing almost uncomfortably as he adjusted his glasses with one hand. "I um... don't know?" He didn't think he was much of a skipper. He certainly couldn't recall skipping anytime recently. And he certainly didn't recall seeing many other skipping around the place even if they were happy about things. Though he decided it was better to omit that point. "What are you happy about?"
Friday thought it rather silly for this boy to not skip when happy, how was he supposed to show the world how happy he was. "I recently turned 10 so I'm one year closer to Hogwarts," she told him excitedly, twirling as she said the last word. Hogwarts was going to be so cool and she was so looking forward to it. "And it's almost the weekend! Are you happy about anything?" Friday asked him. She was sure there had to be something he was happy about.
It turned out that this girl was younger than he was, though Jupiter supposed it didn't really matter. "I guess that's a reason to be happy," he conceded after a moment with a small nod. And then she went and asked if he was happy about anything and Jupiter actually had to stop and think about it, scrunching his nose slightly in thought. "Um," he hesitated, pushing his glasses back up his nose with a finger, "I guess... I'm going to Hogwarts myself in September. And I've almost finished the next chapter of my comic."
Friday nodded in agreement, turning 10 was definitely something to be excited about. She felt a little jealous of him already going off to school. He was so lucky, she couldn't wait to go, she was going to have an amazing time at the school for sure. ”Well, those are two good things to be happy about. What comic are you reading?” Friday didn't know much about comics, but she could certainly pretend to be interested in it for someone else. And perhaps she would at least know it. ”Are you excited for Hogwarts? My siblings say it's amazing!”

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