Looking for the one

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Daisie Riverwood

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
15" Almond wood with a stardust core
After having her heart destroyed by James Lock, Daisie wasn't sure if she was ever going to want to settle down but with the birth of her son Daisie realized that she wants someone in her life. So I would like for her to find someone that she could date and than marry. They would have to be okay with her having a son. So if your interested reply or pm me. Thanks.
heyy eden
i have wolfie who is the kind of guy who will do any thing forthe girl he loves. in his past he has been heartbroken. but most imporntly hes also looking to settle down.
Wolfie sounds like an amazing guy for Daisie. How does he feel about kids? Would you wanna start an rp to see how they get along?
wolfie loves kids and would accept any as his own. ive started one here
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