Looking around

Jacob Whitlow

Jake hadn't even begun shopping yet. But he couldn't care less. After all, he hadn't even been sorted yet, so he didn't have his school list or anything. And his father wasn't free today, but he had promised his son to help him shop after he'd been sorted. Which was slightly annoying in Jake's opinion. He worshipped his father, of course - it was his mother he was ashamed of - but he wasn't a child any more (well, he was 11, but in his opinion that wasn't childish), and he felt he should be entitled to shop alone. So he thought his father was being slightly unreasonable, promising to accompany him. But oh well. He was here, wasn't he? Looking around, enjoying the shops and the hub-bub of the busy street. Perhaps he could even sneak off for a look down bleakstreet. His father would never know, after all. Unless some stupid old witch recognised him. Which he was sure wouldn't happen. Just as this thought was occuring to Jake, he heard a noise and spun around. There was a girl, about his age, standing right behind him. She cleared her throat again. Jake frowned. What was she doing? And why was she there? He sneered at her, making it quite clear that he wanted to be left alone. But she just stood there, looking at him. After a solid 5 minutes of her just staring and him trying to ignore her, he spoke.
"What?" he sneered, menacingly.
Jake looked positively incredulous.
"You're offering me help?" he asked, as though no-one had ever done that before. "How dare you! How dare you say that, as though suggesting that I have not been here before? You know nothing. I suppose you're in first year too?" he sighed, and glared at her. "Great. I;m gonna have to put up with you for 7 years. As if I haven't got enough on my plate. Now go away and leave me alone. FYI, I'm fine!" and with that, he gave her one last long look of deepest loathing and turned away.
Kate was SHOCKED! No one had spoken to her ever like this before she was quite taken aback. She pulled herself together and managed to feel sorry for this boy. She quietly said before walking away "Nice to meet you too, but if you want any help at all you will be able to find me somewhere in here. Its ok i would be rude to people too if i didn't know that i could trust them however you can trust me and if you need and assistance just call on me any time. Well then Goodbye!" And with that she started to walk away.
Hollie was just walking by, having just finally purchased her #2 Cauldron, when she saw who she recognised to be Kate walking sadly away from a sneering boy.
"Kate?" she called, picking up speed as she hurried towards her friend. "Kate, is that you? What are you doing? Are you alright?" she paused for a breath as she reached Kate. Her friend looked quietly sad. "What's wrong?" Hollie cried, searching Kate's face for some kind of sign. "Kate? Talk to me hun. What's wrong? I'm Hollie remember? The girl you spoke to in Madam Puddifoots?" she stopped, and looked over at the smirking boy. "and who might you be?" she asked, coldy. He continued to smirk, and Hollie felt a flicker of fury. She repeated what she had just said. "I asked you who you were. What have you done to my friend?"
Kate smiled "This boy was looking a bit confused so I offered to help him or buy him a drink so he could think what he needed to do. He said no in not the best ways but still he doesn't understand that Hogwarts encourages us to help all the difficult or the easy." Kate smiled at her friend and then asked "Would YOU like a drink in the Three Broomsticks? I have quite a lot of money as i got some stuff from the Second hand shop."
Jake's smirk vanished in a second and was instantly replaced by a look of fury. he stomped over to where the two girls stood, grabbed the one who had just spoke and began to shake her.
"how dare you!" he yelled, spit flying from his mouth. "how dare you! How dare you make me sound like an ignorant toddler! You put me down! How dare you!" He paused, his breath heaving. He released the girl and looked over at her friend, who looked alarmed at his behaviour.
"What?" he snapped, aggresively. "What are you staring at? What's your problem?" He surveyed the two girls with disgust. "I bet you're muggleborns," he said viciously. "Little slimy mudbloods. Well, I'll teach you. When I get my wand I'm gonna learn how to curse properly, and you'll be the guinea pigs I try it out on." He paused, thinking. Then he carried on. "So why don't you," he said, glaring at the second girl, "agree to go with her" (and he nodded at the girl he'd just shaken) "to the three broomsticks for a nice little drink and then you can be happy together and leave me alone? I suppose I'll see you both at school." He glared at them one last time and disappeared round the corner and out of sight.
As the boy released her Kate colapsed on the floor panting for breath shocked at that boy. Hollie made an attempt to go after him but Kate pulled her back saying that it wasn't worth it. But she couldn't help herself shout after him "I am actually a halfblood like yourself. I only know that because its in your eyes." She turned back to Hollie and said "Lets go to the Three Broomsticks. Both Drinks on me." They linked arms and walked off together.

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