Tom is from Ireland.Everyone in his family is Irish.His mother is a witch and works as a healer in Saint Mungo's.His Dad is a squib and boxer trainer.He was been training Tom since he was five.Tom loves boxing and often spends hours in the boxing ring at home.Tom also loves to read and write fantasy stories.He has been doing both since around the age of seven.He was a vivid imagination that can get the better of him at times.He had a sister,her name was Alice.She had always been the life of the party.She had been a Ravenclaw in Hogwarts,she finished two years ago and decided to become a teacher.She got work experience in Tom's school and was asked to accompany the class to Oakwood.On the way over the engines failed die to a malfunction.The plane crashed into the Irish,killing ninety of the passengers including Alice.Tom was one of the twenty to survive,a lot of his classmates were killed and Tom reacted badly.He has been having recurring nightmares and also flashbacks during the day.He also feels guilty that he survived and Alice didn't.She was always the life and soul of the party and filed the house with laughter.Tom misses his sister dearly as she was very motherly to him and was what he would say the best older sister ever.He is very protective of his friends especially since Alice has died,he doesn't want to feel the loose of someone close ever again.He was once hyper ,excited and friendly but since last year he has become withdrawn and quiet.he is shy and not himself at all.He has always been witty and sarcastic though that side of him hasn't been seen in a long time.
Just want to say I'm new to this but I know I'll improve! I'm looking for friends who have patience because Tom doesn't open up or talk to anyone easily.I doubt he'd have any enemies and maybe a love interest but not for a while because he isn't ready and the girl would have to be good friends with him first.
So that's it,hope ye find something that suits