Long way to the top

Sandalio Moreno

Active Member
OOC First Name
Twisted Cut Mahogany of 15 1/2 inches and Essence of Thestral Tail Hair
Sandalio's first impression about the school were mostly positive. He was unfamiliar with almost everything there but at the same time he was feeling like home. The people he had met already, among them some of his professors, were really welcoming and eager to give him directions or to help him with anything he needed. What he really had to get used to was the different locations around the castle that were separated by long corridors, crowded floor and secret passageways. It was a maze for him but the fact that most other students looked comfortable enough to find their way around, reassured him that in a couple of weeks he will be knowing this place like the back of his hand.

The first day of classes was over with potions being the last one. While he had no other class for the day and he was already at the lowest parts of the castle, he decided to visit the ground after hearing about them from his classmates. Sandalio liked the outdoors and the countryside so the chilly weather didn't discourage him the slightest. He passed through the courtyard to enjoy a walk around the gardens, the edge of the forest that people called it forbidden for some reason to reach finally the lake which surface was covered by a thin crust of ice. Looking at the frozen layer, Sandalio got the desire to throw a rock at it and break the thin ice but as he turned to search for one, his brown eyes rested on the towers of the castle, rising in the distance. He noticed the taller one among them. The view from there should be spectacular he thought.

Not having anything else to do to kill some time, he decided to climb his way to that tower. It was going to be his first adventure in Hogwarts. Who knows what he could find on his way up there.
He got lost twice as he was climbing the grand staircase with the stairs moving unpredictably, guiding him to different locations. In the end, he found a ghost of the school who told him how to reach the tallest tower, the North Tower as it named it. The ghost's directions proved to be correct and after climbing another spiral staircase that seemed endless, he made his way on the parapet on the top of the tower. Like he had imagined, the view was the best he had ever seen. He approached the edge of the parapet to lean his elbow on it and support his cheeks on his fists as he was wondering how far the boundaries of the school's grounds were stretching.

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