Closed Long needed

Chrysander Kaster

freedom is finite; MM assistant
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 12 Inch Sturdy Oak Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
There was no real reason why Chrys had chosen the trophy room to meet with Luna, except that he really did not want to be interrupted and people seemed to keep finding him everywhere else he was. This seemed like the only option to him and so he'd made it clear to Luna that he wanted to talk to her. She'd played well against Gryffindor today, not that he needed to tell her that, since she always did, but it was nice to actually see her in the air. He never really frequented games, though he now wished he had done so previously as it really was quite exciting. He played Quidditch at home, but he wasn't as good at it as the team were and he certainly had no intentions of playing professionally, but, he didn't really know what he actually wanted to do with his life, so, really, who knew. He looked over to the list of Quidditch Cup winners, and Slytherin appeared there a few times. He grinned when he saw Luna's name on the plaque from last year. She'd been on the team for a while too, bit like their seeker, though there was a considerable gap. He hoped she stayed on, she was good as a chaser, besides, one of them had to have a healthy hobby.​
Her best friend being in a different house meant that when they needed one another for something it often led to some interesting meeting locations, but Chrys had topped them all by suggesting they meet in the trophy room. Luna had never been in the trophy room before despite her name being on a couple of the Quidditch trophies. Luna considered the unusual location and could only conclude that Chrys really didn't want to be interrupted while he told her whatever it was he seemed to want to get off his chest. "You sure know how to pick a good spot," Luna laughed as she entered the trophy room to find her best friend.
As Luna walked in the door, Chrys launched himself at her, wrapping around her like a vine. He was taller than she was, by some margin, so it was quite a feat to achieve, but the veela certainly gave it a go. Honestly he'd needed some good human contact since his split with Onyx and he was so frustrated and annoyed about the whole situation he'd been ignoring himself completely. Now that Luna was here though, she'd give him the affection he deserved. She didn't care what he did with other people, she was his best friend and he loved her. Just not in the way he was supposed to love Onyx, apparently. "I don't want bloody Onyx walking in on me again," he told her through tight lips. She probably didn't quite know the whole story yet, but this was what she was here for, so he could vent and she could tell him how much Onyx sucked. "He dumped me, can you believe that?!" He asked, letting go of her finally and dropping to the floor with an angry huff. He assumed she'd follow his lead. Luna knew a little bit about the people he'd been with, mostly because he liked to make a game of it, see if she could guess, she was good to talk to about things because she was a Slytherin and her Slytherin insights were invaluable to him. "Just because he caught me with Elio Zephyr," he pouted.​
It appeared Luna was behind on the gossip if Chrys was actively avoiding Onyx. She has always got the impression their relationship was more physical than anything else, but that was something he didn't often actively avoid. The reason soon became clear when he explained Onyx had dumped him, though the reason surprised her. "But..." She stammered as she tried to piece it all together and not dwell so much on the mental images. "I thought you two were about that sort of thing,"
Chrys pursed his lips and pouted. “Well, I mean I didn’t exactly like... discuss it with him,” Chrys said rolling his tongue over his teeth in thought. “But like, it was fine,” he rushed to tell her. He didnt want her to think him completely jerkish. “Once I found him after Elio, we talked and he was fine, it was fine,” he said, shaking his head. “But then he like changed his mind or whatever and decided we should break up, because he wanted it to be casual or something but that’s not a boyfriend right and he asked me if I loved him and I said I didn’t know,” he frowned, “because I dont know and he didn’t like that very much either.” Chrys told Luna, expecting she would probably have questions since most of what he’d just said had come out in some sort of quick rush. “And now he’s moping about and I saw him with some Hufflepuff I don’t even know and he was just watching me as I was cheering you on right and like an I supposed to be sad? Because I’m not I’m angry and like it’s his fault?” Chrys added, pouting again. “I want a hug...”
"Chrys," Luna sighed as she attempted to take in all the information her best friend had laid out to her. There had always been something about the relationship that Luna couldn't quite put her finger on but it had seemed off, like Chrys could have taken or left it and apparently that was the case as he'd very quickly moved on. "Well there's a difference between putting on a brave face and you know, genuinely not feeling anything after breaking up, I take it you're the later?" Luna wondered if now Chrys was free of Onyx whether he would pursue something with Elio. "What was wrong with casual? Seems like that would have suited you, and why is everyone so obsessed with being in love? We're fifteen," Luna signed, everyone seemed to put so much pressure on their relationships to be everything they think it should be, it was too much. "Come here you big baby," Luna opened her arms for Chrys to hug her and she patted him on the back. She had to admit, he gave nice hugs and it was nice to be in someones embrace, even if it was just Chrys. "Honestly it sounds like too much drama, just stay single, its easier,"
This was why Chrys loved Luna honestly, she knew him so well and she could read him like a book, much better than Onyx ever could. This was the whole point really. "I mean... I'm not, you know, heartless or anything, but... I mean, yeah, I cared about him but I just can't commit to saying that I loved him and I guess he just wasn't down with that. I'm not gonna let that kinda cr@p get me down, you know? Like it's not my fault that he's taking this badly." Chrys said, frowning. He knew Luna wouldn't judge him, after all, she'd never quite gotten his relationship with Onyx and she'd been pretty vocal about it. He couldn't remember the last time he'd seen her in a relationship, so maybe she had something of the right idea. Practised what she was preaching and all. "It's not that I wouldn't have been casual with him, but you know how clingy he is, there's no way he would have let that go on, you know? Like he'd have pouted all the time I just know casual isn't something he could do, not after how we started and all." He said, shaking his head. He'd been happy to keep Onyx as his main and still muck around with other people, but he knew Onyx would have gotten clingy and jealous, that was his thing. He agreed with her sentiment about being fifteen and everyone talking about being in love and honestly it was a stupid joke. How did people know what love was at their age anyway? And monogamy was dumb. He gladly wrapped his arms around her and settled into the hug. Honestly hugging girls was much nicer than hugging guys, it was almost like girls were just designed to be huggable. She wasn't bone like Elio or Onyx. Maybe he just needed to stay away from muscles and sticks. "Honestly I bloody should, hey," he said, shaking his head, but resting calmly in Luna's hug. "Damn sight easier than worrying about people getting pissed off at me because they don't know how to be poly, hardly my fault."

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