Logan Daniel Stone

Logan Stone

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Laura :D
Myrtle Wand 15 1/2" Tail of Charmed Newt

Logan Daniel Stone

full name logan daniel stone
personally i really like my name. Its unusual which makes me different from everyone else which is what i like. i like having a name that not many people have heard of before so would not know many people with my name, it gives me character and not to mention i think its a pretty cool name.

nick nameslow, log, stone
i don't really have many nick names, my name isn't really one which is easy to shorten to anything. not to mention my friends don't exactly spend their time thinking of them so im usually just called by my normal name, which is more than fine by me.

birthday 15th December 2014
I was born at :cry:47 in the morning on 15th December 2014. It was safe to say that my mum was not happy with such an early birth but luckily labour only last for 45 minutes so i got off the hook.

star sign sagittarius
i have always been curious about star signs, how some people match their and how some dont. i think i match mine in some aspects and not in others. for example my life pursuit is apparently to live a good life which in all honesty is true but then again i think that most people want to live a good life. my element is fire but i would think it should should be water more than anything, i dont know why but thats just what i think. its said that sagittarians are fun loving, generous and extremely friendly, and i like to think i am all of those things. personally i reckon i am one of those people who on the whole are just like their horoscope.

sexuality strait
i have never been one to be interested in relationships but im only interested in girls. although at times it seems all girls are interested in me all the time. not that i should be complaining.

born swanage, england
my mum and step dad moved to england just before i was born. i lived in a little town for the first years of my life and it wasn't until i was 11 that i moved to new zealand so it was easier for me because of the school which i go too. it was a nice place where i lived but there was not much to do except shop or go on a play round which look a little worse for wears. so i took up studying in my spare time and that is a habit i have yet to break. i did have a few friends there and when i moved it was really sad to leave but there is always that excitement to find out what will happen next.

current living place whangarei, new zealand
since my big brother, mark, adopted me i have been living with him and my cousin in whangarei. originally they lived in wellington but riley wanted to live somewhere more peaceful and child friendly so he moved. its a nice place with so many nice views. there is even a water fall in a forest by the house. and the sea is only a half hour drive away and seeing as its a muggle area we are all trying to fit in. i much prefer this house to the one i had been living in with my other family.

previous living places swanage, england
i was born in the town of swanage in england and it was where i lived for twelve years of my life. i liked it there very much and enjoyed the company it provided. it had a nice little stream which ran down behind my old house and i used to go there in the summer with my friends. it was really a nice place to be and i must ad mit that when i left to go live with mark and riley in new zealand i was sad to leave there.

socioeconomic status upper class
i have always had a very well up bringing in life when it comes to money. my parents had a lot of money and with my cousins multiple well paying job i have moved in to yet another cosy financial life. i do not care much for money however and i dont like to boast about it either. i would never think that i was better than anyone else just because of this as they are the sort of people who i hate who think they are better than everyone else just because of what they have. although i have my own bank account which my cousin and parents are putting money in to for me to use when ever it is mostly untouched by me and im saving it for when i need it most.

blood status mixed blood
blood status is one of the things i care very little about. i don't discriminate those whole are muggle born to those who are pure blood. it is of very little interest to me because i like to make my friends based on what they are like personally and not on their status's. i do not like people who bully those who are lower blood than they are as i think it is very shallow and would not do it myself.

blood type a-
i have never really understood blood types, it never really interested me much. i just know that it is the same as my mums and brothers and my mum said that it had caused complications in pregnancy. luckily i don't have to worry about that myself

wand Myrtle Wand 15 1/2" Tail of Charmed Newt
my wand is one of my most prized possessions. magic is my passion and im constantly practising previously learnt spells just to make sure that im up to scratch. in my eyes it is a sign of a true wizard and how one uses their wand and the magic they perform out of it is what separates a good wizard from a great wizard.

education hogwarts new zealand
i may only be in my fourth year but it only took me one semester in my first year to decide that this was the best school i could have come too. I used to attend a muggle primary school and constantly felt out of step, but since attending hogwarts i have had the best times of my life and met the most amazing people ever. I feel like i finally belong somewhere and im going to do my best to show that to everyone.

favourite professor professor riley smith
yeah i know it may seem a bit biased but i really do like him as a professor and not because he is my cousin. i don't know what it is about him but he really suits his role andis good at teaching. i find that he makes the lesson fun and at the same time he makes sure the students know where the line is. in my books a professor who can make a serious lesson fun and get the most out of his students is a good professor

least favourite professor(s) professor ava sparkles/professor kalif styx
i don't really know which professor i dislike most, i think both but for a few different reasons. professor sparkles may only have taught me for one lesson before she had my dislike but she did kind of cause it on herself, making the entire class stand up one by one and give an introduction on themselves. i would not call myself a very confident or loquacious person and to be made to stand up in front of an entire class was not on. i also don't really like her teaching style, her personality clashes with it big time and it just digs at me every lesson.
professor styx on the other hand is the opposite really, he doesn't make us stand up in front of the class or anything and does not have that annoying personality but that is not to sat his personality is not the reason why i do not like him much. i think im more nervous of him than anything, he is a scary looking guy who always looks like he is plotting something dark, i don't know he just has a constant frown or a scary smirk on his face. also he is very stern and strict in his lessons, well he comes off like that and to be honest i don't want to find out what happens when you misbehave in his lesson.

favourite lesson transfiguration
ever since my first year i have loved this subject. i never seem to get bored of the lessons and am always wanting to learn more about it. the prospect of turning one thing in to another amazes me to no end and i think out of all the lesson's i am taking transfiguration is the one which i get the most and the one i would want to do extra lessons in. i am intereted in training to be an animagus to show to myself my own skills in this lesson and because it is my favourite i know it will be fun.

least favourite lesson atronomy
i wouldn't say that i don't like this lesson because i do but out of all my lessons this would be the one i would drop if i had to. i like all my lessons but some more than other. stars and such is something that does not interest me great deals and i could easily carry on with out a big knowledge of this lesson. another why it is my least favourite lesson is because it does not really serve an interest in any of the things i want to be when i leave school so this is why i have little interest in the subject but hey ho it looks better for me if i pass it, whether i like it or not.

pets two dogs, one cat, one owl
because of my constant good grades, and the fact the he wanted a dog, riley took me dog shopping. i had wanted to get a dog for sometime and i was so happy that i was finally going to get one. however when i got too the pet store i instantly fell in love with this rhodesian ridgeback, when i asked about it i was told that it had a partner who it wouldn't be sold with out. to my luck riley had wanted the breed of dog so agreed to take the extra opne which was a mongrel. I got to name and keep both of them. i call the ridgeback sam and the mongrel white fang. photo
i bought my cat, tonks, and my owl, malteaser, just before i started hogwarts. i wanted a cat to keep me company as they didn't need too much attention and they were easy to look after and i wanted my own owl to be able to send letters home. i have always loved animal's and when i was younger i used to take injured animals to my parents for them to heal them better. i dont know where i got my love of animals from though because both my parents hate them usually. i guess it's because an animal will always have time for their owner and can't lie

relationship partner Georgiana Night
Georgie is the most amazing girl i have had the honour of meeting. she is so perfect its almost like when im with her im in a dream. we like the same things and have the same interests in life. the thing i like most about our relationship is that fact that she likes me for me and not just because i am part veela which i think is a hard thing to find in a relationship. we met when she was a first year in the abandoned classroom and it was not until the near end of her first year when we met again and become better friends. it did not take me long before i knew i wanted to be with her and after meeting her in the rose bush i knew i would ask her out the next time i saw her. and i did just that, we met by chance in Brightstone when we were in the school holidays. she was in the three broomsticks and i wanted to get a drink, i walked in and saw her so went over to sit with her. it was not until after we got talking when i asked her out and she said yes. since then things could not have been better, she has made me so happy and i hope we last forever.

relationship with family
mother olivia blackwood
although my mum raised me for the first twelve years of my life we were never really that close to one another. she was always more too busy with her career than she was with me so i was often left alone in my own company to deal with my own problems. don't get me wrong though i am grateful to her for what she has done, she was there for me when i needed her most and did raise me for so long so i do owe her a lot.

biological father david stone
because i have never really met my real dad i can not really say if i like him or not although my brother knows him and has told me about him and he does not sound like the sort of guy which i would like very much

step dad william blackwood
my relationship with my step dad is basically the same as it is with my mum. he too was always more interested in his job than he was with me. because of this we were never close, this also mad it easier for me when i was adopted because of how unclose i was to both parents

brother justin stone
again justin if one of my family member who i have not met but have heard about. all i know about him is that mark only met him recently and never got the chance to really get to know him because he left shortly after to do his own thing

brother mark stone
i first met mark when i had just started my second year in hogwarts. we instantly got along and it was not long before he was not just just my brother but my best friend. it was not until the end of my third year when he adopted and i moved in with my cousin.

uncle ashton smith
my uncle was killed before i got the chance to actually meet him . he was killed one of my cousin's ex girlfriends because he had killed her child, i think that i can safely say that he is not a man which i would have liked to be around seeing as i do not make a habit of socialising with killers

cousin theo smith
again another member of my extended family who i have not yet met and do not wish to. he sounds like the sort of person i would normally avoid or get away from. there seem to be many people in my family who i have not met and dont want to meet.

cousin riley smith
riley has to be one of the most coolest people i have ever met. he took me into his home and welcomed me in to his family. he is always there for me when i need him and is always good with giving advice. i think that i see him as more of a father figure than a cousin, he had to work three job to provide for his family and not to mention juggling his condition on top of all of that. i have a lot respect for him and look up to him so much.

cousin (by marriage) adele smith
adele is really something, she is both mature and immature. i think that she has settled well in to her parenting role a lot better than most people thought she would and im glad because she is like a parent to me after all the help she has given me and all the times she has listen to me. i can not thank her enough for it

life isn't about what you have
its about what you make of it

play by jared tristan padalecki
perfect play by for logan in many ways

height and weight 5'3" & 130 lbs
i have always been a little tall for my age, even when i was in primary school i was often the tallest in my class. as for my weight though im not very muscular and i dont eat lots so im just about the average weight that i should be. I hope to gain some muscle at some point but i have more important things to be focussing on, such as studying.

physique lean, athletic, slightly muscular
because i am often sat reading i not not exactly work out much to have much muscle on me. im rather weak although for some reason im really quick at sprinting. i have a fast motabilism which is why im thin and never gain weight no matter how much i eat. once i finish school i want to start exercising and building my muscles up but it is not at the top of my list just yet. i do eat healthily so i am healthy and fit enough. although i may not do much in term of exercise i do play quidditch which helps me keep in shape for now so im in the clear until i stop playing

style 1 2 & 3
i dont exactly have a fashion sense as such, i just wear what i pull out of my draws first. most of my clothes are pretty decent to be out in as they are either smart or casual. i like to be able to like what i look like before i go outside for the day so at least i think i look presentable to others.

hair Medium length hair
i can be quite fussy with my hair at times, sometimes i can just get out of bed and be fine with it and other times i like to make sure its perfect, it really depends on how im feeling at the time. if im styling it then it has to be like, well as some girls have called it, puppy dog hair which is loosely shaped around my head and flicks out slightly at the bottom. other times its just a plain old bed head.

has hair ever been died never
i have never died my hair or even thought about doing it. i like my hair how it is and i don't understand the purpose of dying ones hair. it only fades out and makes it look worse besides i like the color of my hair naturally anyway

eyes chocolate brown
it may seem weird but i really like my eyes, not in a strange way but because my parents both had blue eyes and it made me different to them when i was growing up. it also makes me feel more apart of my family now because they all have the same eye color as me. maybe its a family trait or something, i dont know but im glad i fit in some way.

distinguishing features part veela
im not sure if that is a specific feature or not but it effect's the rest of my features. it means im really attractive to girls, and even guys. the trait sort of runs in my family and i was lucky enough to inherit it as well, luckily it was on my dads side and not my mums. where i live there is only one person in the house who isn't part veela. i think thats the only distinguishing thing about my features

birthmarks none
as far as i know i do not have any birthmarks to speak of. i do have a small scar on the side of my left leg from where i fell off a bike when i was younger but nothing which i was born with.

which hand right
as most people when they begin to write i had a dominant hand which was my right hand. its i just the hand which is easiest for me to write with. although i use my left for everything else like catching or batting. i have tried using my left hand at writing so i could be one of those people who can write with both hand but it never turned out well so im just sticking with my right hand.

languages spoken english
although i like learning new things i have never had an opportunity to learn a new language because of how long it takes to learn one. I would like to learn a different language and i will try to soon but i think i will have to wait until i have more free time before i start properly. maybe just start with learning a few words and progress on from there. i only speak english right now and seeing as everyone says french is easy to learn i will start from there.

good habit's caring for people always wanting to impress, studying when free.
so i have a few good habits which all seem to either be based around education or people close to me. i always want to make sure the people i love are ok and help them in any way i can no matter what. i always start studying if i have nothing to do. i don't know why i do them but like any habit they are just an action which i have done so much over a period of time and i have just begun to do them involuntarily now.

bad habit's loosing track of time, being unsociable at times, shy
yeah sure i have my bad habits but then again who doesn't. sure i loose track of time if im studying which has led to me missing appointments with people in the past and has led to me being dumped but then again it has also made my grades good. i can't help having bad habits, i am only human after all and i just have to accept them and move on with life

hobbies studying, quidditch, surfing
i do not have many hobbies really. im not the person who does many different things all the time to pass the day away. i like studying, i always have and i find it passes the time quickly anyway and helps bunk my grades up. quidditch was something i got in to in my third year when i decided to do something different and i was surprised that i actually liked it as much as i do, so that is my other hobby. as for surfing i got in to the on a holiday when i was in my fourth year. riley took us to the coast of new zealand and there was this surfing lesson going on which i thought looked fun so i joined and because i liked it so much i kept going throughout the whole holiday and now when school is out i got the the coast by our house and surf.

future ambitions not so sure yet
as of right now i have not yet really decided on what i want to do once i graduate. i do know i want to be successful and have a well paid job which i enjoy but that could involve many carer paths so right now im just concentrating on getting the best grades i can so that when i do graduate i have a better chance of getting the job i want to do then.

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