Lizzy Chang

Elizabeth Chang

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Oak 14 3/4 Essence of Raven Feather

Full Name:
Elizabeth Darla Chang - goes by Lizzy
Her Korean name is Sooyoung

Date of Birth:
August 9, 2014

Current Age:
12, will be 13 soon!

Basic Appearance:
Lizzy is obviously of Asian descent, but she often feels like she doesn't look Asian enough, at least not in comparison to her sisters. She feels she has a slight Mexican look to her, yet others say she looks a bit Japanese as well. Lizzy's face is round with big cheeks that she hates but others love and she has a big smile to share. Her skin is more tan than her sister's and she feels somewhat self-conscious about it (Asians used to associate darker skinned=farmers working out on the fields under the sun while the wealthy were pale because they got to be indoors). Something Lizzy does like about her self is her height which is considered above average (for an Asian anyway).

Lizzy comes off extremely shy and quiet at first, however that is not the case with her; it just takes a little prodding to get her out of her shell. Part of the reason people mistake her for being shy is that she loves reading and learning new things like different languages and spells, potions, etc. However her thirst for knowledge is NOT all there is to her. She is actually a fun person with a bit of a sarcastic streak; and not in that "I'm-smarter-than-you" know-it-all kinda way, just a funny sarcastic way. A lot of the times she is unaware that what she says is funny which makes her reactions all the more funnier.

Lizzy is somewhat of a tomboy in that when she's not reading she likes to be playing sports and keeping active. Her favorite way of keeping active is dancing but she loves all sports really. She's not afraid to get dirty or venture into "scary" places even if it requires a scraped knee or two.

Though she can also be a bit of a worrier at times, but that is natural since she is the oldest of her sisters and feels like she has to set a good example and sometimes feels pressured by that but tries not to let it get to her.

Father: David (Kyuhyun) Chang

47, CEO of a moving company, Korean - born in Seoul, Korea, moved to L.A. in his mid-twenties to study and work on his English, met his wife there

Mother: Lily (Yuri) Kang

37, manager of a cosmetics and spa store, Korean-American - born in Los Angeles, California, moved to Seoul with her husband at 26

2 younger sisters

Amber Leigh Chang - goes by Amberly (her first and middle name combined), Korean name: Miyoung, 11, super bubbly and happy but lacks a bit of focus
Sarah Nicole Chang, Korean name: Kyuyoung, 9, has so much annoying aegyo (cuteness) but her looks are deceiving because she uses her aegyo to get away with things or get out of situations

No pets because their parents won't allow them

Area of Residence:
Seoul, Korea
Once Lizzy found out she was a witch and had to go to a magic school, her parents decided to let her go to Salem Institute in America to improve her English

Blood Status:


Special Abilities:
None magical

Interests or Hobbies:
reading, learning new languages and spells, etc., sports like soccer, volleyball, especially swimming (because her Korean name Sooyoung means swimming), traveling, cooking (she's the only one of her siblings who has the patience for it), currently she is trying to invent a potion that would make nail polish completely chip resistant

Additional Skills:
she can read really fast? :lol: , good at sports?

Lizzy knows when it is time to play and when it is time to play; she can joke around all she wants but when it comes to her studies she knows how to make herself focus.
Her ability to stay calm and have an easy going appearance (despite actually being a worrier) is what makes her a role model to her older sisters.

She worries too much about things that normal 13 year olds shouldn't like their parents' financial status (even when they're not even in bad condition :lol: ), her younger sisters (seriously what kind of a 13 year old worries for their younger siblings?!).
Her worrisome attitude is also another reason people seem hesitant to approach her at first because she's too scared to approach someone first. In her head she'll be worrying about all the things that could go wrong in an encounter with the stranger and would therefore never get the guts to go up to someone or the other person would think her weird for being too quiet - this is just a first meeting though and anyone who gave her a second chance after that would see how much more relaxing she gets after the first meeting.

Despite being easy going and fun, Lizzy struggles with self-image/confidence issues because she thinks she's the least attractive of her siblings and also the least interesting. She tries to convince herself she doesn't care about image but deep down she does and at the end of the day it gets her down sometimes. She secretly wishes that she could get plastic surgery to fix what she doesn't like and plans to bring this up to her mother soon.

Describe your character in three words:
doesn't know herself

Favourite place to be:
In a book

Lizzy is really close to her younger sister Amberly despite being opposites; but she's had childhood best friends who were a large part in taking her out of her shell and turning her into the sarcastic person she can be

Hogwarts House:

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
Well right now her short term goal is to learn enough Potions to figure out how to make a chip-proof nail polish
Long term she hopes to read as many books from the library as she can

Best school subjects:
Potions and transfiguration

Worst school subjects:
It wouldn't be her "worst" but her least favorite would have to be Astronomy just because it falls last in her favorites, doesn't mean she doesn't like it

Extracurricular Activities:
Sports like soccer, volleyball, swimming, only flew on a broomstick a few times but liked it


Current Job:

Plans for your future:
As superficial as it sounds, she would like to take over her mother's store (technically her mother just works in there, she doesn't own it) of cosmetics because now that she is learning she realizes how much magic can help in the advancement of their products

Your Patronus:
A giraffe

Your Patronus memory:
When she finally had a full conversation in English in America without feeling anxious that she was saying something wrong. Since she had no one around (family wise) to help her with her English she felt super accomplished that she hadn't doubted herself in that conversation.

Your Boggart:
Her skin peeling off :o

Your Animagus:
A doe

Mirror of Erised:
For her to accept the way she looks and see that she is pretty

A page from your diary:

Tomorrow morning I depart from Seoul and head to America with just a large suitcase full of clothes. I don't have any other belongings with me other than clothes. Am I supposed to bring furniture or other supplies? Umma keeps assuring me I'll be okay in a dorm there and if I do need something her and appa would just ship it to me, but I'm still worried like if they won't let me in.

Amberly keeps crying that she'll miss me but I know she's just dying to get into my room so she won't have to share her's with Sarah. Fat chance that's gonna happen! I made umma promise me that my room would remain mine even while I was gone. I mean hellooo, I am going to return for Christmas and summer break, I don't think I'll be able to come for Chuseok though and I don't think it's known in America either, I was trying to read up on American and Korean culture similarities and I don't remember Chuseok being listed.

Well it's light's out for me, I've got a too-early plane for me to catch. Next time I write in this I'll be on the other side of the planet!

-Chang Sooyoung
Hi Elizabeth :r Sooyoung. A few questions if you don't mind!

1. How does she feel about being a witch?
2. Are her sisters witches too? Or is just her?
3. If she the only witch, does it make her less confidence or not?
4. She seems to live in her younger sisters shadow, why's that?
5. In the diary entries she seem to have a bit of another side to her :p, do you believe she do?
6. If she didn't worry so much, what do you think she would be like in another way?
7. How does she like Salem?
8. Do she have any friends (if already attending)?

I think that's about it :3
Ooooh I should probably add she doesn't like being called Sooyoung :r She only signs her diary "Sooyoung" just in case any of her friends stumble upon it, they won't know it's hers cuz she goes by Lizzy. ;) :lol:

1. How does she feel about being a witch? Lizzy was initially surprised to find out about it but thrilled because it offered her a whole new world to discover and learn about.

2. Are her sisters witches too? Or is just her? Yes her youngest sister Amberly just got her Hogwarts letter and since New Zealand is closer to South Korea, they decided to transfer Lizzy there with Amberly so they'll have each other.

3. If she the only witch, does it make her less confidence or not? I think if she was the only witch it would worry her a little bit because it would just be another thing that she's different from her sisters. It would also cause jealousy between her and her sisters and she would hate that so she's glad she's not the only witch.

4. She seems to live in her younger sisters shadow, why's that? She doesn't necessarily live in their shadow because they do look up to her, she is just a lot less attention-seeking than the two of them and that's okay with her.

5. In the diary entries she seem to have a bit of another side to her :p, do you believe she do? What do you mean she has another side to her? I tried to portray her being worried about moving to America lol but it was like 6 AM and I hadn't slept yet so I was probably getting sloppy by then. :p

6. If she didn't worry so much, what do you think she would be like in another way? If she didn't worry so much I think she would be a lot more louder and outgoing. She already is pretty easy going and fun to be around but her constant worrying about things does quiet her a bit.

7. How does she like Salem? She liked it a lot actually, it was a huge change from Korea so it was hard for her to adjust at first, especially knowing she couldn't just call her mom at any time she wanted because she had to calculate the time difference, but after she got used to living there, she embraced it and loved the freedom it had. She's really sad to leave Salem but is just as excited to go to New Zealand as she was to go to Salem the first time. She does like that New Zealand is a lot closer to Korea than America was.

8. Do she have any friends (if already attending)? No since she is (hopefully) a transfer student she has no friends other than her younger sister Amberly.

Thanks for your questions! If you think of more I'd appreciate it. ^_^

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