
Lovisa Segerstedt

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Holly Wand 11" Essence of Phoenix Feather
Lovisa felt rather happy today, partially due to the excitement of living in a real castle and partially due to the fact that her nasty twin had failed to bother her as yet. Wandering around and around the castle most randomly, she entered the Owlery as she explored the castle. There she suddenly came to the idea that she could use a letter home. If she didn't then her parents would be worried. Now that was unacceptable for her.
Smiling brightly, she withdrew from her bag her writing equipment and hurriedly composed a letter, telling the folks at home that she was ok and that Lena had stolen her lunch on the train, but that she didn't care. Smiling, she folded the letter into an envelope and gave it to an owl she thought as cute and watched it fly away.
Mylie didn't know what an Owlery was. But the name sort of gave her an idea that Owls lived there or something. Was that where her newly bought owl stayed whenever it wasn't delivering mail? Mylie figured it wouldn't hurt to give the place a visit. Mylie liked owls and liked going out whenever she was allowed. So she would take advantage of this time instead of keeping herself cooped up inside the cozy Hufflepuff Common Room. The dark haired girl found her way up to the Owlery and cautiously stepped inside, it smelled like bird inside here. Mylie figured that it was sort of obvious about the smell. There were so many owls inside. Mylie wasn't really sure how anyone could tell their owls apart when some looked very similar to one another. Did owls recognize the humans that owned them too? In the corner Mylie could spot her little owl that she had brought with her. It was cute but she had yet to really give it a name. She was never good at naming anything, not even her dolls that she used to play with. Mylie saw another girl in the Owlery and decided to be friendly to her. Mylie wasn't a shy person but when she first came to Hogwarts she was a little unsure about how much people would like her. But that feeling was gone now. Mylie just wanted friends and lots of them. Mylie wanted to blend in so badly with the other kids. "Hi there!" Mylie stood behind the girl and spoke to her. Mylie noticed that the girl had just written a letter to someone. Maybe she should write her mother sometime too?
Lovisa was smiling serenely at the landscape, leaning on the windowsill and resting her head in her hands, quietly daydreaming as well. She had nothing at all to do right now, so why not pass the time with a daydream or two? She did so, despite her father's dislike of it.
Aroused abruptely few minutes later by someone coming in and then saying hello, she turned around to face whoever it was, hoping quietly it wasn't her twin. It wasn't, evidently by the persons black hair and pose. Sighing in relief, she said: "Hello, how are you? Nice view up here isn't it?"
Mylie's eyes went from brown to a vibrant unknown color for more than a moment as she became surprised. They returned to normal and Mylie smiled at how friendly the girl was. Mylie did make the first move but she was happy that the girl responded and was so friendly to her in the first place. Mylie was still not able to control her emotions all the time so her shock was shown in her eyes when the girl greeted her back. She thought her weird ability was kind of cool. It could help her blend it when she needed it. "I'm very good and it is nice up here. My name is Mylie Thoreau! I'm a first year Hufflepuff so it's nice to meet you!" Mylie giggled softly at the end. Mylie was a very sweet person and this girl seemed to be happy too. It was nice up here and Mylie was happy to have some company so she was going to enjoy speaking to another. Mylie just hoped that the girl wasn't in the green house. The people from that house usually turned up to be mean. Mylie just wanted a friend and a friendly conversation from someone.

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