- Messages
- 89
- Sexual Orientation
- tbc
- Wand
- Knotted 11 Inch Swishy Cherry Wand with Essence of Belladonna Core
- Age
- 4/2030

I lost my heart inside a dream
Of diamond rings and finer things
Full Name: Lisa Peigi McCellan
Pronunciation: Leh Sah; Page ee
Nicknames: Lollipop
Name Origins: English and Hebrew Origin; Gaelic Origin; Scottish Origin
Date of Birth: April 9th, 2030
Current Age: Currently eleven</FONT>
Basic Appearance: Lisa has fair, freckled skin that looks much like her fathers. She assumes she gets her brown eyes from her mother, as her father has green eyes, to go with his reddish-brown hair. She doesn't take after her father in much other than skin and hair as the remained of her features make her more like her mother than she knows. She is slightly shorter than average for her age and so she is slightly underweight for her age as well, though she is more than healthy enough for her weight and height group.
Personality: Lisa enjoys learning new things, but she only enjoys it when it is something that initially interests her. She doesn't like going out of her way to learn something that she doesn't think is going to be useful to her in the future or that she thinks might not be interesting to her down the track. She is very forward thinking and likes to have a plan in place and is not comfortable with surprises or with not knowing ahead of time that something is happening. She prefers a much more structured environment with points of contact than to be haphazard. Lisa does, however, have a great appreciation for art and beauty and she will often dwell on the facts of a painting or the way that a beam of light reflects on a piece of glass. She doesn't mean to, but she sometimes gets lost in the buzzing of working bees and suddenly hours have passed her by. It annoys her that she can be so flighty and often goes out of her way to avoid it. Honesty is something that is very important for Lisa as well, she prefers people to be genuine to themselves than to pretend to be something they are not and finds it very hard to forgive people when they do not present themselves in their natural way, she likes people to take responsibility for their own feelings and actions.
Family: Father: James Ian McCellan
Mother: -- -- Anders
Sister: Megan -- Anders</SIZE></SIZE>
Pets: --
School: Hogwarts New Zealand; Ravenclaw
Blood Status: Halfblood
Heritage: Scottish/English
Interests or Hobbies: --
Strengths: --
Weaknesses: --</SIZE></SIZE>
Describe your character in five words: --
Best school subjects: --
Worst school subjects: --
Current Job: --
Plans for the future: --
Patronus: --
Patronus memory: --
Boggart: --
Animagus: --<i></i>
Pronunciation: Leh Sah; Page ee
Nicknames: Lollipop
Name Origins: English and Hebrew Origin; Gaelic Origin; Scottish Origin
Date of Birth: April 9th, 2030
Current Age: Currently eleven</FONT>
We never die, forever young
Fell for you once, I'll dive again
Fell for you once, I'll dive again
Basic Appearance: Lisa has fair, freckled skin that looks much like her fathers. She assumes she gets her brown eyes from her mother, as her father has green eyes, to go with his reddish-brown hair. She doesn't take after her father in much other than skin and hair as the remained of her features make her more like her mother than she knows. She is slightly shorter than average for her age and so she is slightly underweight for her age as well, though she is more than healthy enough for her weight and height group.
Personality: Lisa enjoys learning new things, but she only enjoys it when it is something that initially interests her. She doesn't like going out of her way to learn something that she doesn't think is going to be useful to her in the future or that she thinks might not be interesting to her down the track. She is very forward thinking and likes to have a plan in place and is not comfortable with surprises or with not knowing ahead of time that something is happening. She prefers a much more structured environment with points of contact than to be haphazard. Lisa does, however, have a great appreciation for art and beauty and she will often dwell on the facts of a painting or the way that a beam of light reflects on a piece of glass. She doesn't mean to, but she sometimes gets lost in the buzzing of working bees and suddenly hours have passed her by. It annoys her that she can be so flighty and often goes out of her way to avoid it. Honesty is something that is very important for Lisa as well, she prefers people to be genuine to themselves than to pretend to be something they are not and finds it very hard to forgive people when they do not present themselves in their natural way, she likes people to take responsibility for their own feelings and actions.
Family: Father: James Ian McCellan
Mother: -- -- Anders
Sister: Megan -- Anders</SIZE></SIZE>
Through heaven, hell, against the wind
We love like simple people do
We love like simple people do
Pets: --
School: Hogwarts New Zealand; Ravenclaw
Blood Status: Halfblood
Heritage: Scottish/English
Interests or Hobbies: --
Strengths: --
Weaknesses: --</SIZE></SIZE>
Oh every night I close my eyes
</COLOR><i></i><i></i> I see the sun and you're my paradise
</COLOR><i></i><i></i> I see the sun and you're my paradise
Describe your character in five words: --
Best school subjects: --
Worst school subjects: --
Current Job: --
Plans for the future: --
Patronus: --
Patronus memory: --
Boggart: --
Animagus: --<i></i>
<COLOR color="#000"> And when you lost and go too far <i></i><i></i>
I'll be the light you run to in the dark
<SIZE size="50"><SIZE size="50"><SIZE size="50"> I'll be the light you run to in the dark
<SIZE size="50"><SIZE size="50"><FONT font="verdana"><SIZE size="50">Now hear this kiddies. This template is created by me with thanks to Tenilee. No touchy or I break you... Kay Oh , oh and song lyrics are "Run To Me" by Clarence Coffee Jr.