Lisa Kite

Lisa Kite

(lisa is based on me and my life)
(p.s my dad dosn't hit me any more)

Full Name: Lisa Kite
- Birth Date: 9 August

- Current Age: 13

- Basic Appearance: Lisa is a short skinny pale girl. Her cheek’s are almost always flushed. She has shoulder length wavy bouncy chestnut brown hair with ringlet’s at the bottom. With ocean blue eye’s sometime’s greenish, sometime’s grayish and sometime’s dark
Friend’s: Every one

Favorite color: Blue because it seem’s a peaceful yet exciting color

- Parents: Antony Kite- Antony is short and kind with short black hair and clean shaven face. He is strict say’s yes to anything Lisa want’s unless her step mom say’s other wise and is very proud of his daughter.
Madrigal Kite- Is the evil step mum who is according to some of Lisa’s friend’s jealous that Lisa is better then her own daughter Emma.
Mary-Lee Cloud- real mother also nice and can’t be stuffed arguing so yes to every thing that doesn’t get Lisa’s step dad angry.
Joseph Cloud- Lisa’s step dad always grumpy or hitting people epically Lisa for any little reason even just because he want’s to.

- Siblings, if any: 1 real sister named Natasha half sister named Emma two half brother’s named Van and Max and two step brother’s named Cory and Luke

- Pets, if any: at home has 5 cat’s , a rabbit and a dog.

- Area of Residence: Tauranga and Hamilton New Zealand.

- Blood status: Half blood

Personality: happy, bouncy, kind, crazy. But can suddenly find her self in a rage or weeping all of a sudden and not know why.

House: Hufflepuff

Interest’s: dancing, singing, playing musical instrument’s, writing, reading, making friend’s and videoing stuff or being silly on camera.

1. You're half-blood. Which of your parents is magical? Did that have something to do with your parents' break-up? Are any of your siblings or half siblings magical?
2. What is the one thing you want more than anything else in the whole world?
3. What would your patronus be?
4. Describe the perfect enemy for you.
5. If you had to choose between going blind and deaf, which would you choose, and how would you react to it happening?
6. If someone dared you to eat a live insect, would you do it? Why or why not?
7. What do you want to be when you grow up?
8. Are you interested in becoming an animagus and what would your animagus form be?
9. If you had to choose between your father and your mother, what would your decision be?
10. What's the hardest thing you've ever had to do in your life?

12. How do you feel about being sorted into Hufflepuff?

Good luck with your character. I hope the questions help and I look forward to reading your responses.


New question: What's your (in character) reason for being older than the other first years? How will it affect you?

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