Lisa E.James

Lisa James

Lignum Vitae Wand 16 Essence of Dragons Whisker
The Basics
Character's Name: Elizabeth Emily James
Nick Name: Lisa
Character's Birth date: November 12th, 2021
Home-town: Russia
Blood Status: Mixed blood
Educated At: Durmstrang
Occupation: Student

Hair: Long and slightly curly with waves, golden blonde. Soft, silky.
Eyes: Light brown flicked with green at times. Big, darkly lashed.
Height: 5'4
Build: Lisa has an athletic build, taking part in tournaments and practising for the Tri-Wizard Tournament.
Style: Casual, Jeans and shirts and skirts, but well presented and expensive, being from a wealthy family. Even though she is athletic she dresses normally other than the times at she is practising, but when a special event is coming up she rolls out the red carpet and dress well up.
Other Distinguishing Features: Her light blonde hair and dazzling eyes.

A Little Deeper
Personality: Lisa is nice and charming, like her brother, but sometimes can be quick tempered and think that she is better than most others, having had that drilled into her all her life. She can be quite strong and forceful about things that she strongly believes in, and can also be quite concerning of her brother and others. She is determined and strong willed and very courageous, independent and loyal, as her Patronus is a symbol of, and will not stand for being walked over. She enjoys being in the spotlight at times, but, mostly it doesn't concern her, having been mostly in her brother's shadow. She feels the great need to help people, and if it came to it, she would risk her life to save people, especially her family.
Biggest Fear: Losing a loved one, especially her twin.
Bogget: Death.
Greatest Desire: To make her father proud.
Patronus: Wolf. The Wolf is one of history's more revered (and feared) characters. Lisa can summon her Patronus easily, letting her urge to defend herself and other outweigh everything in her mind, including her fears.
History: Lisa and her twin, Zack, grew up in a well known and wealthy family. They are Mixed bloods, but have mostly wizards and witches in the family, and stand only the finest. Lisa started school at Durmstrang when she was 11 with her brother, and soon took a great liking to Defence Against the Dark Arts and Quidditch, and has ever since been practicing for the Tri-Wizard Tournament. Lisa has lived mostly in her bother's shadow, but strives to prove that she is equal. She loves her brother, and feels no neglect or jealousy towards him, but does get annoyed when he treats her like a child, even though they are mere minutes apart, or worst, like a delicate girl.

Name: Caden Ryan James.
Age: 46
Blood Status: Pure blood
Occupation: Ministry of Magic
Hair: Black short hair, some grey hairs, only little though.
Eyes: Blue flecked with green, like Lisa.
Height: 6'1

Name: Enevera Kelcy James
Age: 44
Blood Status: Mixed blood
Occupation: Healer
Hair: Light blonde, long and wavy, like Lisa. Her colour is where Lisa and Zack get their colour from.
Eyes: Blue
Height: 5'5

Twin Brother
Name: Zachary Charles James.
Birth Date: 12th of November, 2019
Blood Status: Mixed blood
Occupation: Durmstrang Student
Hair: Short golden blonde like his sister's.
Eyes: Greenish blue, a mix of his parents eyes.
Height: 5'6

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